2do Medio Agri

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Reading Comprehension



I. Read and answer

Agriculture's Contribution to Global Climate Change
Agriculture is one of the most weather-dependent of all human activities. It is ironic, then, that
a significant percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture. Fossil fuelintensive agriculture is contributing to the creation of the unpredictable weather conditions
that all farmers will need to battle in the not-too-distant future.
The Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s allowed us to increase yields by "borrowing"
solar energy from the past in the form of fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides. When one
adds in the oil used for processing and packaging foods and for refrigerating and shipping them
long distances, it's easy to see how the food industry consumes about 20% of all the oil used in
the US.
About 1% of the world's annual energy usage goes into the production of fertilizers. This might
not seem like much, but it ties the price of food to that of natural gas, and will make food
prices shoot up once energy supplies start to dwindle.

1. What is the text about?

This text is

2. Where does the most significant percentage of greenhouse gas emissions come from?

3. What is the contribution of the fossil fuel in the contamination?

4. When was the Green Revolution?

5. How much oil does the food industry consumes?

6. How much energy goes to the production of fertilizers?

7. What does that percentage mean?

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