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TIF PD Agenda Goal Focused Groups January 10 and 12, 2011

CES Benchmarks
Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership Student Achievement Classroom Practice Organizational Practice Community Connections Leadership

Items to be Discussed


Reflection: (Follow-up from Dec 1 or 6) ~Share one step you have taken towards reaching your goal ~Share your goal-specific questions Digging Deeper into Danielson Looking @ Your Specific Goal What are the components? What are the elements? What does distinguished look like? What steps can be taken to be distinguished? CES Connection List specific examples for each principle Align with CES Benchmarks Bring your CES/Danielson Alignment tool Addressing YOUR Needs
Resources (web based, Educational Impact, books, etc) What can YOU share? (area of expertise/passion) Reflect on original questions. What questions do YOU still have? Time to work/plan with your group.

Follow-up: Continue working on your goal/focus. Feb 21 and 23 will be Goal Focused PD~ bring an artifact (student work, short video, planning document, etc.) to share with your group

Looking Ahead:
Jan 24 and 26: Grouped by TIF Teams~ focused on UbD Stage 3- Learning Plan Jan 31, Feb 1, Feb 2: Rotating Sub (50 minute blocks) for Peer Observations Feb 7 and 9: Grouped by TIF Teams~ Peers have a post conference discussing evidence and rubrics Feb 21 and 23: Grouped by Goal Focused Groups~ follow-up

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