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Temporary Address: 117 DArcy Street Toronto, O M5T 1K2

Catherine Kocia (647) 618-7800

Permanent Address: 13 Starwood Road Ottawa, O K2G 1Y7


(2007 Present) Bachelor of Applied Science and Engineering (4th Year), Major in Computer and Electrical Engineering University of Toronto, Division of Engineering Science

Technical Skills: Application Software:

Agilents Advanced Design System (ADS), EagleCad (schematic and layout), Matlab, PSpice, Visio, AutoCAD, Google SketchUp, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Oracle, Agile, Alteras SOPC Builder, Monitor Program and Quartus II software, Sentinelle Aegis Software Programming languages: C, and C++, JAVA, Nios II Assembly Language and Verilog, HTML and WebPage Design, RasMol Molecular Graphics Visualization

Relevant Academic Courses: Thesis Increasing the Gain of an Antenna Array, University of Toronto 2011 present Deliverables: Antenna modelling and design; ear-Field Scanner operation; Matlab computations. - Analysing field patterns of a reconfigurable transmitarray using antenna array theory and Matlab to investigate phase variation, gain, array factor, and directivity. - Collecting data using an NSI Near Field Scanner and software to examine far-field images and hologram images to predict and back project electric fields onto different surfaces. - Designing a reflector to increase the gain of the antenna array using the Field Equivalence Principle, the aperture distribution method, and optics and image theory in order to maximize gain while maintaining phase agility. Member Microwave Circuits Course, University of Toronto 2011 Deliverables: Design and simulation of microstrip circuits, Agilents Advanced Design System (ADS) software and modelling; design of matching circuits. - Constructed and characterized a two stub microstrip bandstop filter using ADS, simulated the frequency response and examined the effects of substrate and conductor losses. - Developed a 3dB Wilkinson power divider in microstrip using ADS and Linecalc to synthesize the correct impedances and electrical lengths. Characterized the S-parameters of the power divider using a Vector Network Analyzer. - Designed, built and tested a 1GHz Microstrip Solid-State Amplifier, including the design of the input and output double stub matching circuits using ADS and a Smith Chart. Member Analog and Digital Communications Course, University of Toronto 2011 Deliverables: Matlab and Simulink computations; Debugging using oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers; Modelling signal transmission. - Designed, simulated and built an AM modulator, FM modulator, Phased-Lock Loop demodulator and a Pulse Code modulator on a DSP platform; Explored modulation, sampling and quantization in the laboratory using signal generators, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, Matlab and Simulink. - Investigated principles of digital data transmission including line coding, pulse shaping, signalling and digital carrier modulation and demodulation. Member Electromagnetic Fields Course, University of Toronto 2010 Deliverables: Debugging using network analyzer and Smith Chart; Design of transmission lines; Circuit behaviour at high frequencies. - Investigated the main principles of electromagnetic theory including Maxwells equations, transmission lines, plane waves and waveguides for lossy and lossless media and introduced to antennas and antenna arrays. - Examined reflection and transmission coefficients on transmission lines and designed single and double stub matching networks using Smith Chart and Network Analyzer.

Catherine Kocia (647) 618-7800

Member - Electronics Course, University of Toronto 2009 Deliverables: Circuit design (protoboards); PSpice circuit simulations; Transistor biasing; Amplifier design. - Performed circuit analysis of operational amplifiers, diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and fieldeffect transistors; small-signal and frequency response analysis - Performed DC, AC and transient analysis of circuits using Spice simulation software to analyze the behaviour of the circuit - Assembled electronic circuits using proto-boards, power supplies and functional generators, experimented and debugged using oscilloscopes, logic probes and digital multimeters. Project Member Engineering Design Course (AER201), University of Toronto 2009 Deliverables: Machining (drill press, band saw, sanding, etc.); Design of actuators (motors and solenoids). - Built an automated machine; tested and implemented a functional prototype that reliably performed battery vending and disposal for different battery sizes - Conceptualized the design using AHP Analysis, managed task assignments using Gantt charts and PERT Analysis, thereby satisfying all required specifications - Designed using engineering drawings and fabricated the frame, structure, dispensing and stocking mechanisms incorporating all actuators into a well-integrated system. - Wrote and presented the proposal in a public display marketing the prototype to colleagues and industry leaders Relevant Employment Experience: Professional Experience Year (PEY) Sentinelle Medical Inc. / Hologic Inc. 2010 - 2011 Deliverables: MRI magnet operation; PCB layout (EagleCAD); RF circuit design; Soldering; Mechanical enclosure design (SolidWorks); MRI image analysis. - Developed printed circuit boards (PCBs) for MRI breast imaging coil products using EagleCAD schematic and layout software, ensuring proper functionality at Radio Frequencies (RF). - Designed prototype MRI coils to image various organs; Assembled RF circuits, designed and tuned matching circuits, constructed mechanical enclosures, verified and tested the designs using network analyzers, current probes, flux probes and improved the designs. - Tested new products under various pulse sequences at MRI magnets, taking SNR measurements, viewing images on Aegis platform, performing image analysis and debugging problems in order to release product to production. - Implemented Engineering Change Orders using Oracle and Agile, addressing issues in production, performing risk assessment, design reviews, drawing and process changes all while following Quality and Regulatory requirements. Summer Employment National Research Council Canada 2009 Deliverables: Soldering; Circuit layout design (AutoCAD and Visio); Component selection using spec sheets. - Used design tools such as AutoCAD and Visio to develop and design structures for signal collection units and layout of wiring to meet functional requirements. - Assembled and connected RH&T sensors and signal collection units using solder and crimp connectors, ensuring proper electrical practices were followed; gauge and colour of wire, power consumption and proper shielding of cable to ensure no signal loss. Tested and debugged systems to ensure signal continuity. - Conducted assessments of schematics, spec sheets and consulted with engineers to validate the design proposals, justifying their adherence to proper electrical and mechanical requirements.

Catherine Kocia (647) 618-7800

Affiliations: Engineering Science Executive Council Dinner Dance Coordinator ew College House Council Representative Social Convenor Member Engineers Without Borders Extra-Curricular Activities: Trainee Gymnastics, Acrobatics and Silks Team Member University of Toronto Co-ed Intramural Volleyball Member The Lady Godiva Memorial Band Member University of Toronto Juggling Club Volunteer/Community Service: Gymnastics coach at Nepean Corona Gymnastics Assistant in patient care at Starwood Extendicare nursing centre

2010 2008 - 2009 2007 - Present

2010 - Present 2007 - 2010 2007 - Present 2007 - 2008

2006 2005

Interests: Electronics, science and research, volleyball, gymnastics; reading and listening to music. References: Available upon request.

I DIVIDUAL CREDE TIALS A D VISIO CATHERI E KOCIA 1.0 SUMMARY OF SKILLS My main interests and experiences are in MRI medical imaging, electromagnetics and antenna research. In my last two years of undergrad I have completed courses in Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuits, Analog and Digital communications and Electronics. These courses have given me a fundamental understanding of circuit behaviour at high frequencies, circuit protoboard design, amplifier design, and the design and simulation of microstrip circuits. I also have electromechanical experience from AER201 in actuator operation (solenoids and motors) and machining that should be very useful for prototype design. Last year for PEY, I worked at Sentinelle Medical Inc.; a company that specializes in the development of MRI imaging coils. I learned to design RF circuit layouts, PCBs and matching circuits, as well as valuable skills such as component selection, soldering (surface mount and through components), and how to tune circuits at RF frequencies. I also gained experience in the schematic and layout software EagleCAD, as well as working experience with network analyzers, smith charts, and functional generators. Working in various hospitals, I gained experience operating MRI magnets as well as analyzing MRI images and calculating Signal to Noise ratios. It was during this time that I became very interested in the electromagnetic and antenna behaviour of the MRI coils. This encouraged me to pursue antenna theory for my undergraduate thesis. Over the last few months, I have worked on the design of a compound aperture using antenna arrays to increase the gain of a transmitarray. I have gained experience analyzing and collecting data using Matlab and a Near-Field Scanner. I am very interested in how different antenna structures produce different antenna patterns that can be used to our advantage. Though I have a substantial amount of theoretical background in electromagnetics I have not had to opportunity to physical design and build any antennas. I have many ideas on how antennas can be used in small entrepreneurial endeavours and I hope to have the opportunity to fill-in this gap in the Capstone design course. 2.0 E GI EER G DESIG PROCESS As an engineering designer, I would classify myself in between the Multiplicity and Relativism category of the Perry Model of Intellectual and Ethical Developmenti. I do not think in black/white or right/wrong but instead I have many notions and ideas that I am willing to discuss and change if necessary. I am, however, quite systematic in how I approach design problems. One effective engineering design model is outlined by the Massachusetts Department of Educationii. It defines eight steps in the engineering design process: STEP 1 Identify the eed or Problem: When beginning any design process I always read over all constraints and criteria and outline the key requirements and deliverables. In this design course the given design challenge is to practice innovative, entrepreneurial engineering design. Therefore, in this step it is important to identify key problems or needs in order to design something innovative and new. For example, there would be no entrepreneurial value in re-inventing the wheel, unless you are improving it. STEP 2 Research the eed or Problem: This is the beginning of the research phase. Once various problems have been identified it is important to research the current state of the problem to become familiar with the current solutions and where there is still room for improvement. STEP 3 Develop Possible Solutions: In this stage, I usually first complete some research on my own, such as researching class texts, and reading online and library resources. Second, I always collaborate with my peers. I often find discussing my research with people gives me a deeper understanding of the problem and usually leads to more effective and creative solutions. It is this collaborative approach that I am currently using for my undergraduate thesis. I have regular meetings with my research group and my supervisor to discuss my progress, thoughts and ideas. By sharing with others, I often become aware of flaws or problems with my solutions that I did not discover on my own. It is in this brainstorming phase that I really excel and do best at. I usually have many ideas and I can get my group thinking creatively quickly.

STEP 4 Select the Best Possible Solution: In this step the group must decide on a solution and start making a plan. The solution that will be chosen must depend on the ideas, background and perspectives of all group members. When working in a group, I do not strive to take the correct or easy way, but instead I try to take a path that will lead to a solution that my group has agreed upon. It is in this step that I sometimes struggle to focus the scope of the solution. I also often have a difficult time deciding on one solution and I hope to work with my group to improve upon this in this course. However, once my group has decided on a solution path, I become very driven and motivated. I usually will not allow a meeting to end without planning what each member will have completed before the next meeting. We will have the opportunity pitch our best solution to Orbis and receive feedback before proceeding to the next step. STEP 5 Construct a Prototype: This is the implementation phase. A solution has now been chosen and the team must work together to develop it. I find that it is often helpful to create small prototypes to test individual components rather than create one large prototype. This is the approach that I took as the electromechanical member of my AER201 group. I designed our machine to be modular so that each compartment could be easily removed and modified. I found this method very helpful because if something malfunctioned only a small part of the machine needed to be disassembled. This minimized debugging time. STEP 6 Test and Evaluate the Solution: Many times as the group is developing a solution, problems are found and modifications need to be made. It is important to re-evaluate your solution throughout the process to make sure the approach you are taking is still valid and appropriate. This is also a good opportunity to make sure your solution still fulfills all the design requirements. When working at Sentinelle Medical, I was responsible for designing a MRI coil prototype. At first the mechanical enclosure we used was quite uncomfortable for the patient. However, we had regular design meetings and this problem was caught and addressed. I would like to continue to develop this approach in this course as sometimes taking a step back to evaluate your solution can save time in the long run. STEP 7 Communicate the Solution: Throughout the process we will be presenting our designs to the teaching team and Orbis representatives. These design critiques will be just as important as the groups internal design reviews as we will be able to get outside feedback from a more entrepreneurial perspective which may help reveal possible flaws in our design that we did not consider. STEP 8 Redesign: If any problems or areas of improvement are found during the design reviews, we will have to change the solution as well as the schedule accordingly. I believe that this step can also occur after STEP 5 and STEP 6. 3.0 THREE AREAS OF I OVATIO The three entrepreneurial innovations that I propose are as follows: (3.1) A user-friendly antenna to receive free HD TV signalsiii. (3.2) RFID tags that can be easily printed and provide efficient checkout at grocery storesiv, and (3.3) the design of a basic antenna to increase Wi-Fi range in laptops and phones (also known as the cantenna) v. 3.1 - With the cost of cable and satellite TV constantly increasing, the old antennas that people used to set up on top of their houses are making a come-back! Most TV stations have updated their old analog TV transmissions to digital transmissions. These HD digital TV channels are transmitted over-the-air (OTA) and they are free and legal. The current problem in picking up these channels is that there are high set-up costs (Can cost many hundreds of dollars depending on how many channels you want to pick up) and that set-up can be quite difficult. Also, it can be quite cumbersome to have to adjust the antenna especially during days with bad weather. I proposed to create a more user-friendly antenna that can be set-up easily by the customer and be relatively inexpensive. 3.2 - RFID tags are fairly simple technologies that emit a radio signal that can be used for identification. Some common uses of RFIDs are for pet identification and monitoring cars in toll lanes. There is a growing interest in using RFID tags instead of barcodes in retail and grocery stores. This would greatly increase efficiency and decrease line-up times as entire shopping carts could be passed through detectors and each item would not need to be scanned individually. The design of an inexpensive RFID chip for retail purposes would be an interesting Capstone project. 3.3 - Many times Wi-Fi networks can be quite weak or just out of range. There are many simple antenna designs that can improve Wi-Fi range and connectivity. One popular antenna that can be built at-home is a cantenna which is literally an antenna made out of a tin can. However, this antenna can be quite bulky. I propose to create a small antenna that can be plugged into an iphone or laptop that will increase Wi-Fi capabilities at a low cost.


Pennsylvania State University. So your students arent reading!? Internet:, 2009 [Jan 13, 2012]. The Official Website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework. Internet:, May 1, 2001 [Jan 14, 2012].
iii ii

Million Dollar Journey. How To Get Free HDTV (in Canada). Internet:, Sept 6, 2011 [Jan 13, 2012].

RFIDTags. Walmart Tracks Clothes with RFID Tags. Internet:, March 16, 2011 [Jan 13, 2012].

Gregory Rehm. How to Build a Tin Can Waveguid WiFi Antenna. Internet:, 2007 [Jan 13, 2012].

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