One Question by Isaac Selin

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One Question By Isaac Selin


FADE IN: INT. FAMILY ROOM - DAY Isaac lays on the couch reading. His roomy walks in the front door and over to him while taking off his jacket. Isaac glances up at his roomy then looks back to his book. ROOMY Hey man, can I ask you something? Isaac Rolls his eyes. ISAAC Yes, but Im only answering one question tonight because you usually end up asking about 15. ROOMY Ok. So you know that guy that I was telling you about? ISAAC Yeah. Isaac looks back at his book. ROOMY The one that Sharon hung out with last weekend? Isaac still looks at his book. ROOMY Dont you remember? He has that massive underbite. Isaac still looks at his book reading. ROOMY Isaac! Yoo hoo! You still have to answer My question. Isaac looks up from his book. ISAAC I told you only one question. You asked... So you know that guy that I was telling you about? I said Yeah. End of discussion.




ROOMY Come on man, that wasnt my real question. ISAAC Ok, Ill give you one more chance to ask me your question. ROOMY First I have to know if you know that guy! ISAAC I already told you yes. Now, your question ROOMY Ok, so I see that guy at school, he sits down right next to me in my biology class, and you know what he says to me when he sits down? ISAAC No. Isaac Starts walking to his room. ROOMY He says. Man I went to her place last night and, hey, where are you going? ISAAC Im not going to answer that. ROOMY Youre a jerk, you know that? ISAAC Im not going to answer that either. But even if I am a jerk, at least It wasnt my toothbrush that I accidentally knocked into the toilet this morning. Isaac Shuts the door. ROOMY Wait, You knocked my toothbrush in the toilet this morning?




ISAAC (O.S.) Not going to answer that either! ROOMY I hate you!

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