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To whom it may concern,

This year Lisa Hrit focused on the following areas:

Community fund raiser for Blessing in a Backpack Lisa chaired a major fundraiser for our Blessing in aBackpack program. This is a huge task and has its own unique set of challenges that go along with it. Although LIsa had the desire and vision, the fund raiser did not occur. Some obstacles out of her control were the economy and district staff. I am condent that in a more favorable economic situation in Redford, that's things would have been a HUGE success. South Redford Education Foundation Lisa is our building representative on this team. She attends meeting on a regular basis and is an active contributor. Sharing more information with the staff would have proven helpful.

CRISIS TEAM Lisa a member of our building level Crisis Team. We've had one meeting to go over the new crisis manual. It is anticipated that she will continue to be an active member of the team and contribute positive leadership.

Daily 5 Book Study

Lisa is an avid learner and in the book club setting she shines. She is thoughtful, resourceful and a good facilitator. Her contributions to the group have been very helpful to the teams learning.

Family Learning Nights

Our building is new to Title 1 and our increased Family Learning Nights were well received by our community. Lisa took an active role in the planning teams as well as facilitating some of the activities. That teamwork made a positive impact on our students and their learning.

Lisa did a wonderful job with our building website. She has a knack and comfort level with technology which is good for our school. The website is now cared for with pride that shines through. Lisa has taken on a number of " leadership" roles on the district and building level and done well. She indeed has done this, as well as working with a blended classroom for the rst time. Lisa has the potential to be a strong leader, I'd love for her to not take on so many things. Many times less is more,especially so new in her career. As she grows as a leader, it's important for Lisa to embrace her beliefs and values. It is a pleasure to watch Lisa blossom in her leadership voice. 90/100

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