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EDTE 402-Sp12 Adam Penney Social Studies Subject Content: Cooking Grade Levels: 10th Grade

Curriculum Unit Plan


Title of Lesson: Evolution of the Oven Content Standards: The students will conceptualize the affect of cross cultural innovations on the world as a whole and how that affects globalization through the evolution of ovens WG-5.1, WG-1.2 Goal: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the influence of separate cultures on the evolution of the oven. Materials/Resources: Pictures from the internet Smart Board Dry Erase Board Bellringer Writing utensil Notebooks Powerpoint Procedures and Activities: --Students will take their seats upon entry and begin an introductory activity --We will begin a class discussion on the bell ringer --I will lead a power point discussion with pictures on the evolution of ovens --I will divide the students into 5 groups with each group having an assigned stove. --Each group will come up with a list of pros and cons for their particular style of oven. --As a class we will proceed to the kitchen to work with a modern oven. --Students will be formed into groups and given 15 minutes to make cupcakes with supplies given. --While cupcakes are cooking we will observe the process along with discuss how the oven cooks the cupcakes. --Students will have a few minutes to enjoy the cupcakes before we head back to class to pack up Evaluation: -- formative assessment during the baking demonstration. --A grade will be given for participating in the class discussion, group work and baking demonstration. Full cooperation is the only way to earn a full grade

EDTE 402-Sp12

Curriculum Unit Plan


Bell Ringer
1. Before the oven in your parents house was available it was still possible to bake meals. List two possible ways you could bake a pie without a traditional oven?


(T/F) The original oven was a fire heated brick structure.

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