Metis Letter - FT McMurray Today - April 19, 2012

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Letter to the Editor

Fort McMurray Today April 19, 2012

Mtis Issues Not Being Addressed During Election

We are rapidly approaching what promises to be a transformative election with the potential to change the political landscape in Alberta -- possibly for generations. As the electorate and candidates of this area must be aware, many voters are First Nations and Mtis and are disappointed with the lack of attention that the political parties and local candidates have paid to the Aboriginal community. On behalf of the Mtis in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, I would like to ask the candidates in the ridings of Fort McMurray-Conklin and Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo to express their positions on the following issues of interest: 1. Mtis harvesting rights, 2. Mtis consultation policy and 3. Local Aboriginal economic development. In 2007 the Stelmach government cancelled the interim harvesting agreement that had been negotiated with the Mtis Nation of Alberta and which protected the rights of Mtis hunters, fishermen and trappers. We would like to know whether your Party if elected will be willing to reopen negotiations with the Mtis Nation of Alberta on this important issue. Furthermore, development in this region continues to proceed at a rapid pace and the Mtis peoples constitutional rights are not being meaningfully considered in regulatory processes. We ask the candidates to explain their Partys position on developing a Mtis Consultation Policy which will define for both industry and the Mtis how consultation should proceed. Finally, what policies will your Government implement to ensure Mtis businesses are able to benefit from new economic development opportunities in the region.

Before the election, we invite candidates to express their positions on these important issues to the Fort McMurray Today. Additionally we ask the candidates to forward their responses to so they may be posted on the Fort McKay Mtis Community website. We will post all responses prior to the Monday, April 23 vote. Sincerely, Ron Quintal President Fort McKay Mtis Community Jumbo Fraser President Mtis Local 125 Fort Chipewyan Shirley Tremblay President Mtis Local 193 Conklin

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