OLD Tariff

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‘An appitoation in ihe format given in Annexure “A” must ‘be qlmited ‘oy we issuren/iAourer "aul, diy files 12 giving details 19 the ‘onocraad ‘ogionel Office of the TA. ‘The folowing quosionnuire, duly flee tm by te Tasured, gust be submitted glong with the epplcetion form A. General chosk-llst, Annexure 1 a Ccmscklst for each process tlotk/gotown, Annexure 1B y Annexure 1-C stall te atteched in case of gedowns. Annerure 1-D for Tank ¥arms/open. Storages. cal chest lst applies ip, the specie industries 3, Annexares 2 ‘Taritt Aévisory Committee ‘sheet Wo. & Bombay. 2-10-1998 PART ttt — TARPS ‘spOTION @ - SCHEME ¥OR SPECIAL RATING aurmomizy ‘Me autborliy for granting selal sates shall rect with the ‘obeoive Regional Giue of the avid’ “Adveors ‘communes ‘sume anon tact see che Arete as fae, Coat an cee at Oe eee SE Cae eS eee 1 Rat aren maa tion Ine ‘in ens ing. pu han foun years) preceding the expining Polley ported doa not oxseea 70%, Bum Taoured im one sompound/complex _Yolidty period Bs. 18 crotes and above bu: Jest than SPAlGy paras ‘el 28 crores roves and above but tose than 4 policy pesiods crores crores end above & policy periods NOTE: Following types of risks shall, howovsn, be reviewed one poliey period ahead, Le wnere opiginally the feview would have fied due “aner te ouly ‘perids, Ne lathe inay be rovleves ‘after four policy porieds aad 20 on Explosive Psstorieo, Hlour-Mills, Jute Presses, Match Fantories, OW Extraction Plants, OM Mills, Plywood Pootorles, Saw Mills ane ‘Tor ‘pentine/Tosin. Disullenies, ©) The cots) sum insured of the: risk (inemiding 36% of che our tosured on Deslaration Pollay) ig not less then R618 croros ‘hroughou! te poliey ented: ‘The risks may be ingpestod ty the engineers of the Tantff Advise: fy Committee once in two, tres, of four years as the ease may ba.

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