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'People before PLF (Plant Load Factor)' is the guiding philosophy behind the entire gamut of HR policies at NTPC.

We are strongly committed to the development and growth of all our employees as individuals and not just as employees. We currently employ approximately 26,000 people at NTPC. Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building are the four building blocks on which our HR systems are based.

Organisations Profile:
Organisations Profile Name: NTPC Ltd. (BTPS) Founded: 1975 Sector: Public Industry: Electricity generation

NTPC was set up in the year 1975, as a thermal power generating company, with a view to augmenting power generated by the State Electricity Boards (SEBs)10 in order to bridge the wide gap between the demand and supply of power in the country. At this time, the total ownership of NTPC rested with the Government of India (GoI). In the 1980s, the company established thermal power stations across the country. In 1987-88, NTPC was among the first public sector enterprises to start a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) system11 with the GoI. In the year 1991, the Indian economy witnessed two major trends, that of liberalization and privatization. The GoI encouraged the entry of private players as power utilities. In 1991, NTPC faced a crisis with the arrears of SEB dues increasing continuously and the World Bank12 refusing to lend further funds to the company. The company experienced a severe liquidity crisis and employee morale had hit rock bottom...

NTPC's core business is engineering, construction and operation of power generating plants and providing consultancy to power utilities in India and abroad.

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