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Apollonia Ilyria 1 Manastiri i Shen- Merise Museu Monastry Sint Mary - Museum 2 Porta lindore Port east 3 Qendra

a monumentale Monumental center 4 Kodra 204 Hill 204 5 Portiku me 17 nike Portico with 17 niches 6 Germime Franko - Shqiptare 1994 - 2006 French-Albanian excavations 1994 - 2006 7 Agoraja Agora 8 Porta veri lindore Port north east 9 Qyteti i siperm Upper town 10 Akropoli Acropolis 11 Fontana monumentale Monumental fountain

12 Bastion, Bastion 13 Porta perendimore Port west 14 Shtepia e Athinase (sektori D) House of Athena (sector D) 15 Rruga H Street H 16 Teatri Theatre 17 Kompleksi termal Thermal complex 18 Shtepite (germime L.Rey) Houses (excavation L. Rey) 19 Shtepite sektori F Houses sector F 20 Shtepite sektori G Houses sector G 21 Kompleks (germime P. Sestieri) Complex (excavation P. Sestieri) 22 Muri i brendshem Interior wall 23 Porta jugore Port south

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