Import Products Fileds

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(1)Product Id – The product id which will be unique for each product (Required)

(2)Product Name- Name of product (Required)

(3)Product Description-Description of the product (Required)
(4)Quantity- Product Quantity (Required)
(5)Product Default Image-This will be image of product (Required)
(6)Product Image1-If you have more images for a product
(7)Product Image2-If you have more images for a product
(8)Product Image3-If you have more images for a product
(9)Product Price-Price of the product (Required)
(10)Product Date-Current date of product (Required)
(11)Product Date Available-On that day product will be available (Required)
(12)Color Id-This is the id of the color (Required)
(13)Size Id- This is the id of the size(multiple (Required)
size should be seprated by semi-colon)
(14)Color Id1-This is the id of the color1
(15)Size Id1- This is the id of the size1
(16)Color Id2-This is the id of the color2
(17)Size Id2- This is the id of the size2
(18)Color Id3-This is the id of the color3
(19)Size Id3- This is the id of the size3
(20)Color Id4-This is the id of the color4
(21)Size Id4- This is the id of the size4
(22)Color Id5-This is the id of the color5
(23)Size Id5- This is the id of the size5
(24)Color Id6-This is the id of the color6
(25)Size Id6- This is the id of the size6
(26)Color Id7-This is the id of the color7
(27)Size Id7- This is the id of the size7
(28)Color Id8-This is the id of the color8
(29)Size Id8- This is the id of the size8
(30)Color Id9-This is the id of the color9
(31)Size Id9- This is the id of the size9
(32)Color Id10-This is the id of the color10
(33)Size Id10- This is the id of the size10
(34)Product Weight-Weight of the product (Required)
(35)Tax class id-This is the id of the tax class(if u want product with tax)
(36)Product Status-Status of the product (Required)
which will be in 0 or 1(1-active,0-deactive)
(37)Brand id- which will be the id of the brand (Required)
(38)Category Id- Category id i.e product category (Required)
(39)Product Url- Url of the product
(40) EOR-which will indicate the end of record

Note:Each field name or id should be separated by a comma. Fields which are optional
there should be a comma for each field.Sequence of fields should be as it is above.

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