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Roberts Road, Balby, Doncaster DN4 OJN Telephone: 01302 344678 Fax: 01302 341231 e-mail: admin@xavier.doncaster.sch.uk www.xavier.doncaster.sch.uk

April 20th 2012

Attendance award was won this week by: Top Dog Aidan 96.0% The Cup Columba 98.1% WELL DONE !! School Target is 95% School weekly total 91.5% School total 93.3%
Change of Training Day Children will now breakup for the Summer on Thursday 19th July due to the training day being changed to Friday 1st June. Money in envelopes

Money will not be accepted into school unless it is in an envelope clearly marked with the amount, your childs name and class. All residential money must be sent with the child direct to the class teacher. Thank you.
St Georges Day Celebration On Monday 23rd April, we will be celebrating our Saints Day by dressing in red clothes. As a special treat for the St Georges team, they will be making Victoria sponges. No charge will be made for saint day celebrations!
Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

Contact details Can all parents please ensure that all your childrens details are up to date, it is important that the office have your current phone number in case of any emergencies.

Helping out in School If you have a little time and are prepared to listen to children read and help change their books or help in any other way, please let Mrs Bowker in the office know. Thanks. Queens Jubilee Party On Thursday 31st May, all the children are invited to attend our @Royal Street Party.) Please wear your best Queen, King, Prince, Princess Clothes, to enjoy our royal celebrations.

Patrick All reception class for fantastic behaviour on their school trip. Madeline Hanman for brilliant number work and great sharing of numbers. Hilda Emma-Leigh Kivlin for working hard all the time. Aidan Ella McGonnell for trying so hard with maths strategies. Brigid Gerald Anigbo for a detailed and thoughtful recount of the Easter Story. Bede Owen Glass for his enthusiasm in lessons and perseverance when he finds learning difficult. Columba Mahala Hindley for excellent work in her literacy and contributions in class.

This weeks achievers are:

Natalia klimowicz, Demi Smith, Marta Karnevska, Tymoteusz Zywicki, Pola Tomasik, Mikolaj Leciejewski. Building Fund Draw Last weeks winners of the draw were :Tom kennovin Hollie Peacock and Craig Wells. Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

Always Club:

Well Done! Dont forget that we will be doing the draw each week. You can either send in a pound each week or pay 12 in advance. Next draw will be Friday 27th April. Good Luck!

Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

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