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CASE ANALYSIS Submitted by Ramanathan MSS

RECOMMENDATIONS: Sarvodaya Samiti has to produce more honey to become a market leader and outperform its competitors. They can produce more by either having a modernized and increased marketing, better sales and distribution, better procurement and higher rate of modernization. Additional investment can be raised by collaborating with ORMAS, OMFED or both. Sarvodaya Samiti is known for its quality and there is more demand for it. But the supply is lesser than the demand. Sarvodaya has lots of brand loyal customers and can work more on that aspect to meet its customer needs by producing more honey instead of losing the brand loyal customer it has got now. It can concentrate on producing more instead of processing for someone else. KVICs network is needed for national distribution, strategic links and last mile deliveries. ORMAS will provide the much needed impetus in terms of financing for the expansion drive necessary to increase the production of the companys own honey. Samiti can tie up with ORMAS and process honey for ORMAS and at the same time concentrate on marketing its own brand procured through other sources. Sarvodaya Samiti can move out of ORMAS once they have become a market leader or once they have grown big. Use ORMAS to grow Samiti and then move out separately.

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