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Important table names in Oracle projects PA_PROJECTS_ALL Information about projects PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL Customer contracts that serve as the

basis for work authorization PA_BILL_RATES_ALL Information about bill rates and markups of standard bill rate schedules PA_BILLING_ASSIGNMENTS_ALL Assignments of billing extensions to a project type, project, or task PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL Information about expenditure item cost distribution PA_CUST_REV_DIST_LINES_ALL Information about expenditure item revenue distribution PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_DETAILS_ALL Intercompany invoice details for cross charged transactions PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL Information about draft invoices generated for projects PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL Information about draft revenue generated for projects PA_EXPENDITURE_COST_RATES_ALL Cost rates for non-labor expenditure types PA_EXPENDITURE_GROUPS_ALL Groups of pre-approved expenditures PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL The smallest units of expenditure charged to projects and tasks PA_EXPENDITURES_ALL Groups of expenditure items incurred by employees or organizations for an expenditure period PA_PERIODS_ALL Implementation-defined periods against which project performance is measured PA_EXPENDITURE_TYPES Implementation-defined classifications of expenditures charged to projects and tasks PA_EXPENDITURE_CATEGORIES Implementation-defined groupings of expenditure types by type of cost PA_CLASS_CATEGORIES Implementation-defined categories for classifying projects PA_CLASS_CODES Implementation-defined values within class categories that can be used to classify projects PA_PROJECT_CLASSES Class codes of class categories that are used to classify projects PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS Versions of project budgets PA_BUDGET_LINES Detail lines of project and task budgets

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