Assignment of Statistics

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Assignment of statistics (regression analysis model) Submitted to: sir zahid sheikh Submitted by: salma kanwal BBA-2


VARIABLES: X is the no: of training hours attended by employees. Y is the no: of sick leave days of employees. Co-efficient of co-relation: The co-efficient of correlation between the employees hours and sick leave days is inversely co-related with degree of -3.07 which indicates that if employees attend more training hours it results decrease in their sick leaves days. Regression equation: Y=mx+b Slope: The slope of regression model of employees data is -0.03. Which indicates that increase in on training hour will result 0.03points or 3% decrease in sick leave days. Y-intercept: The Y-intercept of regression model of employees data is 3.62. Which indicate that if employees attend no training hour then their sick leaves days will be 3.67. Regression model: Y= -0.03x+3.67 Standard error: Standard error value is 3.55. This means that in this regression model value may be deviate by 3.55 from predicted value. Co-efficient of determination Value of co-efficient of determination is 0.15. Which indicates that the sick leaves of employees depend on training hours by 15%, 75% are the other factors the sick leave days.

Testing of the slope: t_calculated value of employees data is -1.5. t_tabulated value of employees data is -2.101 to +2.101. Action: t-cal: value is lying in between t-tab: values so null hypothesis is accepted and alternative hypothesis is rejected. And this slope is not valid for population. Conclusion: this data indicates that training hours increase more awareness about job in employees so they will decrease their sick leave days. These analyses are not valid for population. Through these analyses I conclude that if any organization trained their employees properly then they will work properly in job. Other thing is that behind employees sick leaves there are not only training hours there may be other factors which affect it.

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