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Objective: To identify what behavioral model your organization prefers to operate in. Instructions: This questionnaire contains statements about the organization. Next to each question indicate how rarely or often your organization displays each behavior by using the following scoring system:
o o o o o

Almost never - 1 Seldom - 2 Occasionally - 3 Frequently - 4 Almost always 5

1. _____ Things get accomplished around here because employees fear for their jobs.

2. _____ Most employees do not leave this organization because it provides a lot of security.

3. _____ The managers display real leadership traits and are respected by the employees.

4. _____ You feel that you are part of the organization and have a real responsibility to make things work.

5. _____ There is enthusiasm among the employees to better job performance.

6. _____ You feel that you are recognized for the work done and are part of the decision making process.

7. _____ Things happen around here because of the selfdiscipline of every employee.

8. _____ There is a real feeling of teamwork.

9. _____ When things go wrong, the main concern is to fix it, not to lay blame.

10._____The employees feel their jobs hold high esteem and are of great value to the organization.

This questionnaire is to help us understnad what behavioral model your organization operates. It is based upon the theory that organizations generally operate out of one of four modes - Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, or Collegial.

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