ANP 204 Flyer

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ANP 204

Introduction to

Summer session II - ONLINE

Have you ever wondered?

Are erectile dysfunction or restless leg syndrome real medical conditions? Are there such things as race-specific diseases and treatments? Why do so many people rely on pills to solve (non)medical problems? Why dont women all over the world experience PMS? Do you have to believe in a medical treatment for it to work? Is it unethical to sell your own organs? How will studying anthropology make me a better health professional?

This online course introduces students to the field of Medical Anthropology which explores issues of health, illness and medicine from multiple perspectives. Through video lectures, readings, and films, you will find out how medical anthropologists engage with tough questions regarding the wellbeing of others. You will also learn introductory anthropological methods such as media analysis and how to conduct interviews through weekly blogging exercises and individual projects. There is no final exam and students are not required to be on campus for any portion of this course. If you have ever been interested in anthropology or the healthcare field, take this course!
Instructor: Taz Karim Email: Website:

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