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Scanning Techniques in Shiatsu Energy-work

A live Webinar with Clifford Andrews and Dinah John 3rd April 2012

Clifford Andrews and Dinah John


Prepare for the Webinar.....

Please have ready a notebook and

Some pens or pencils Later on we will be doing some


In this Webinar
What is Scanning and Why Scan? How do we Scan? Types of Scanning OWBS, Meridian,
Levels, Temporal and Relationship

How does it work? Overview of the online course

What is Scanning?
Scanning is detecting Ki at a distance Ourselves or others Different types of Scan

Accidental discovery...

Why do we Scan?
Diagnosis Phase - Observe Ki Patterns Treatment - Assess changes

How do we Scan?
Align Quieten our Field Tune into client Reect Record - draw or write

Types of Scan
Open - OWBS Meridian Vibrational Levels Temporal Relationship

Diagnosis: OWBS
Open Whole Body

Overview of Ki Treatment Planning

Meridian Scan
The Meridian Wider than channel Resonant Patterns Treatment plan

Vibrational Levels:
Physical, Emotional
Mental and Spiritual

Focus Treatment Understanding of Ki

Temporal Scan
Back in time Trauma Resonant patterns

Relationship Scans
Relationship to OWBS Introduce the
person, work, illness



relationship into Field

Relationship pattern


A Self Scan on Four Levels

Paper (divided into 4

Listen Draw

Large Piece of paper - divide into 4

draw in each box - the feeling of each level .... Physical Emotional



How did you do?

Polls on how you did.... Did you get four different images? Was one level stronger than the others?

Scan while treating

Listening hand Scan beyond 2 hands Monitor Tsubos Depth Tempo the CPD Residential

How does it work?

5 Week Online Course


Any time you like Network Practical

A typical week
Overview Audio, Video, Notes Practical exercises Discussion Forum


What and Why? How? OWBS, Meridian, Levels, Temporal and

How does it work? The online course

Clifford Andrews and Dinah John

Thank you - Goodbye

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