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Lesson Title: Instructor Megan Monaghan Georgia GPSs:

S4E4. Students will analyze weather charts/maps and collect weather data to predict weather events and infer patterns and seasonal changes. a. Identify weather instruments and explain how each is used in gathering weather data and making forecasts (thermometer, rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, anemometer). b. Using a weather map, identify the fronts, temperature, and precipitation and use the information to interpret the weather conditions. c. Use observations and records of weather conditions to predict weather patterns throughout the year. d. Differentiate between weather and climate

EQ: What is the water cycle and how does it affect precipitation? (AKS SC11 a-e)

Desired Learning Objectives:

Learners will be able to identify vocabulary associated with weather and weather measurement humidity, temperature, barometer, hygrometer; to create graphs in the computer program Microsoft Excel, to identify the correct way to show data through graphs
To review the water cycle and determine student ability with a new computer program

Purpose of Lesson: Equipment Needed: Materials Needed:

Teacher laptop, projector, lap top cart Paper Pencil/pen

Data sets for natural disasters

Time Required:

1 class segment, approximately one hour

Synopsis of Lesson: Number of students 26 4th graders

5 10 Minutes Review water cycle and its stages. Draw them on the white board, and explain that today we will be talking about types of precipitation. Have the students write the water cycle in their journals and the types of precipitation. 5 - 10 minutes review the types of graphs bar, line, and pictographs what are each used for? Bar graphs show are great for comparisons for two or more sets of data, line graphs are to show change over time (not to be confused with a line plot graph) and pictographs can be used when handling large amounts of data because of the data icon key. 10 15 minutes Choose 1 type of precipitation (only one) and come up with a scenario for each type of graph (for example rain: line graph would be the rainfall of a given area over the month of July, bar graph would be comparing the rainfall of two areas from 1927, 1955, 1977, and 2011, and a pictograph could be the average cumulative rainfall for each month over the year). This will be tricky because of the nuances for each graph. The students will work as partners and try to come up with all three. If they complete one type, they can try another set. 25 45 minutes (depending on how well they know excel) Show the students how to generate different types of graphs in excel. The students will be given data sets regarding natural disasters. They will input the data into the spreadsheets and generate the graphs they believe are appropriate to illustrate each set of data 10 minutes Journal about the different types of precipitation we learned about today and the different types of graphs.

Assessment of Learners and Instruction:

The students will share completed graphs from excel by saving them to the shared drive. Participation in the class discussion of appropriate graphs for sets of data and participation in the discussion of whether or not peers used the correct graphs in excel. The student will complete the journal work.

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