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Delay and buffer analysis for VBR traffic

Input: VBR Output: CBR FIFO queue Traffic constraint: Let the traffic accumulation in the interval [t1, t2] of a video source be denoted as A(t1, t2). The traffic constraint is defined as
B (t ) = max { A( T , T + t ) } . t ,T 0

Delay and buffer: Let R be CBR network bandwidth. Maximum buffer requirement= max {B(t)-R*t} Maximum buffer delay= Maximum buffer requirement/R

Traffic accumulation

Traffic constraint

Max delay

Max buffer req Packet transmission (slope=R) Time

Example: Consider a 25 fps MPEG video stream with sizes shown in the following sequence. (a) Please compute B(40ms), B(80ms), B(1sec) and B(1.04s). (b) Suppose we want to use a network channel with a rate of 5 units per frame to transmit the stream. What are the buffer requirement and maximum buffer delay? I B B P 10 1 1 8 B 2 B 3 I 10 B 1 B 1 P 8 B 2 B 3 I 10 repeated repeated

Traffic modeling (Leaky token bucket model): How to make reservation? First model the traffic source using the leaky token bucket model and then perform calculation based on the model. Let b and rt be the bucket size and token generation rate. We try to find b and rt such that for all t L(t)=b+rt*t B(t)

Leaky bucket model

Traffic constraint

b Packet transmission

Maximum buffer requirement= b Maximum delay= b/R Example: Following up the above example, derive L(t).

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