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Prem Sadduls input

Per capita consumption 170 m2 per hear as compared to 140m2 in Singapore. We have to compare the per-capita consumption of water in several countries like for Comoros, Reunion, Madagascar, and Carribean Islands. Economic development and what happened to the demand for water (demand vs supply) Socio-Economic development (rural to urban areas,) social patterns have changed i.e. a tap in the yard (1960s), bathing every week.

240 lt per tourist per day 99.6% of the population has access to water, check UNs millennium goals. Climate change, deficiency in rainfall Mauritian habit of water consumption Mauritian conception of rain harvesting

Bhishek Narains input Climatic changes, no more rain in the central plateau, more in the south and east H2o is and emotional product People stealing water, Anti-Fraud Squad Jan to March 2011 out of 147 household checked, 52 had an illegal connection this amotuns to a financial loss of Rs 823 000. Affects pressure, causes fuites

Household consumtion 65% cleaning and 30% basic needs Cultural impact- use of recycled water Hotels investing in recycling of water Education of children Consumption in Africa higest, 100 lts in Eu

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