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Q1.Difference between job description and job specification? Ans. JOB DESCRIPTION *Job description is a brief description of the job. *the important function of job description is to communicate the essential nature of the job. *Job description should be short and is a record of existing and pertinent job facts such as:*Job identification *Job summary *Duties performed *Supervision given and received *Relation to other job *Working condition

*Job specification specifies the minimum requirement of the job. *Job specification is important because any judgmental mistake may defeat the purpose not only by selecting a wrong person , but also wrongly evaluating the job which is directly related to the job pricing. *Job specification list out attributes like:*Education al fitness *Age *Experience *Physical fitness

Q2. If you are made responsible for hiring someone for a job , what source of recruitment would you choose ? why? Which source you avoid ? why?

Ans. I would like to prefer external source of recruitment because recruitment from out side brings in people with new ideas, which is important for organizations that require innovation and creativity. There are a number of external sources available for recruitment like advertisement , newspaper etc. the message is widespread and invites a large pool of applicants. Internal sources would be avoided because scanning through the applications , shortlisting ,inviting and interview is a long process which demands both time and money.


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