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ees PEVECECEEERECCNY Peo STL “— The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook by Bobby Owsinski Edited by Malcolm O’Brien MIX 236 Georgia Street, Suite 100 ‘Vallejo, CA 94590 artistpro., (©1999, LLC All Rights Reserved, No portion of the book may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or stored in any mechanical or electronic form without the written permission of the publish. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99462534 Cover Design: Linda Gough Book Design and Layout: Linda Gough Cover Photo: Susana Millman, Coverage Photography; San Francisco, CA Back Cover Photo: Courtesy Marty Porter Production Staff Mike Lawson, publisher; Malcolm O'Brien, editor; Sally Engelftied, editorial assistance Mx 286 Georgia Street, Suite 100, Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 554-1935 Also from MixBooks: ‘The AudioPro Home Recording Course, Volumes I, If, and 111 I Hate the Man Who Runs This Bar! How 0 Make Money Scoring Soundtracks and Jingles The Art of Mixing: A Visual Guide to Recording, Engineering, and Production Music Publishing: The Real Road lo Music Business Success, Rev. and Exp. 5th Ei. How to Run a Recording Sesion Gritical Listening and Auditory Perception Modular Digital Multtracks: The Power User's Guide, Rev. and Exp. 2nd Rd The Dictionary of Music Business Terms Professional Microphone Techniques Sound for Picture, nd Ea. ‘Music Producers, 2nd Ei. Live Sound Reinforcement Also from EMBooks: The Independent Working Musician ‘Making the Uiimate Demo, 2nd Ea. Making Music with Your Computer 2nd Ed ‘The EM Guide to the Roland VS-880 MixBooks isa property of Intertec Publishing Corporation Printed in Auburn Hills, ME ISBN 0.87288-7235

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