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0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

KPs eagle software solutions


Software Requirements Specification

Version 2.0

Team Guide: K.V.D KIRAN, Asst. professor KLU Members: Lokala Kathick P.D.K Pavan Kumar R.V.Prasanth Kumar


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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

VERSION 15-11-2010 1.0


Mostly focused on identifying the system scope and use case designs and identified system feasibility. Identified the key software for the project and provided the architectural design and ER Design refinement.

AUTHOR Lokala Karthick P.D.K pavan kumar


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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

Table of Contents
Description 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Technologies to be used 1.6 Overview Page No. 5 5 6 7 7 7

2.0 Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Software Interface 2.3 Hardware Interface 2.4 Product Function 2.5 User Characteristics 2.6 Constraints 2.7 Architecture Design 2.8 Use Case Model Description 7 10 11 11 12 12 13 14

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.9 Class Diagram Sequence Diagram 2.10 Database Design 2.11.1 ER Diagram 2.11.2 Schema 2.12 Assumptions and Dependencies 3.0 Specific Requirements 3.1 Use Case Reports 3.2 Supplementary Requirements

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

Software Requirements Specification

1.0 Introduction: Today most of the educational institutions in India are understaffed and does not have a basic interaction with industry. Our countrys education system policy in technical education is to impart the right technical skills to the young minds by coupling them with the latest state of art technologies used in industries. But it now exists in such a way that Industries are not a part of our technical education system. Even though if there exist such an interaction it is restricted to a few metropolitan cities or highly funded colleges such as IITs and NITs. Providing an environment for students/faculty/researcher/industry experts will drive us to make up an online knowledge centre for education and research.

1.1 Purpose: The basic idea of KBCSS is to provide an environment for the students and faculty of a university to enhance their technical skills and to share their knowledge with their fellow students or faculty/researchers/industrial experts. It also aims to provide a platform for mutual cooperation between different kinds of users, learning by mining (i.e., previous discussions are a source which is studied). We strongly want to replace the existing e-learning systems of many universities and colleges which are unidirectional i.e., from faculty to students to a bidirectional way i.e., also from student to faculty.

1.2 Scope: The Scope of the KBCSS includes: To define the scope of the Knowledge Based Community sharing system let us look back at the motivation behind the idea of using the community sharing system in the present market. The community sharing system exists for the internet community to develop productive software. Linux kernel project is developed on a web platform where developers can share their experiences, interests and their observations on the code they develop. Well it succeeded in bringing the most popular kernels of the present world. So the concept of community forums helped to create the best successful software products with less cost and bringing up talented professionals throughout the world. Now the other motive of KBCSS being the knowledge sharing concept. A concept learned by a no voice student may not be known to his faculty or friend. Thus making knowledge sharable is also our aim. Knowledge can be accumulated with discussions. The real fact can be thoroughly summarized when a discussion is carried out. The world behind is filled up with most of the unknown facts. To gain this knowledge to some extent knowledge sharing is a route.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions By the above facts in the real sense KBCSS idea is the implementation of those mentioned above concepts to e-learning model for our educational institutions in India and other developing countries. Now we can assume the scope of the project from the above mentioned facts for the usage to every student, faculty and industry. Most often every technocrat of these days are students throughout the career. A student can be researcher also. He needs vital information on the present industry status for the sake of his research experiments. This can be done by organizing a group of industrial experts into the e-learning facility. We provide a scope for greater industry-educational institutions cooperation and thereby providing highly qualified professionals.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages. JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content. J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications. WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application server that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications.

WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer ): It is a designer toolkit which is designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web service. DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol between a web browser and a web server.

XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to transport and store data. Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create dynamic web pages. Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

1.4 References: Software engineering- A practitioners approach by pressman Software engineering by Rajib mall PHI publishers

1.5 Technologies to be used: J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture. JAVA: Application architecture. WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server DB2: IBM Database. Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML. XML: Extension Markup Language. Web 2.0: RSS Feed 2.0. RAD 7.0: Development tool. Localization: 3 Languages - Hindi, Telugu, and English 1.6 Overview: The SRS will include two sections, namely: -I- Overall Description: This section will describe major components of the system, interconnections, and external interfaces.
-I- Specific Requirements: This section will describe the functions of actors, their

roles in the system and the constraints faced by the system.

2.0 Overall Description:

2.1 Product Perspective:
There is no existing system as of our knowledge that uses the knowledge sharing concept for the e-learning. We now look at into the traditional e-learning system. Most of the e-learning site today are unidirectional i.e., information can be supplied by an administrator
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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

or sometimes a faculty in-charge which is shared between a group of users., mostly students. The model shown below is the traditional e-learning site which has unidirectional access and system is administered by a set of super users.

Fig: data flow of a traditional e-learning system

The KBCSS system follows a data centric model of architecture. The concept of knowledge sharing is implemented by designing a knowledge system. Usually it acts as a source for all our sessions with the other users. The knowledge system provides advanced capabilities such as i) Every session that was going to be performed by a user is recorded in the database with his/her own identity. Provides an easy to access retrievals of past sessions by providing references to sessions based on several criteria such as date, topic etc.


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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions


Makes some critical decisions while enforcing security in accessing the system by unauthorized users. Analyzes the data patterns and stores data in a cluster based on a specific pattern.., say open source is a pattern and all open source related information are stored in a cluster defined by key open source. This improves access rate of the system.


Fig: Components of KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING SYSTEM(KBCSS) The knowledge system is not just a database itself. It is the collection of web interface for administrator, database, special files for implementing data mining algorithms (future scope) and the help system. But the major component is the database itself and has the above diagram representing knowledge system as a database. The two other major components of the KBCSS system is the user group and the expert group itself. The user group consists of student & faculty who has their own way of usage of the system. But for the overall they have their usual interaction style followed in the normal e-learning system such as posting materials, notices and events.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

They are combined into a group and interact with the expert group. The interaction is nothing but simple discussion forums to share their experiences.
2.2 Software Interface:
-I- Front End Client:

The software interface for the Client/User is going to be user friendly. The user can use the web browser as his interface to access the KBCSS.

-I- Web Server:

The websphere software is going to be used as the web server. The KBCSS is deployed on the web server. The web server is going to do its routine server services such as decoding the jsp files and servelets -I- Data Base Server: The db2 is used data base server which contains all the user information required for the KBCSS.






4- Back End:

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

The db 2 database is used in the background.

2.3 Hardware Interface: 4- Client Side: The hardware interface of the Client is as follows: A computer (all features) or a mobile phone (only some features basing on the platform of the mobile) having web browser. A web browser supporting java (plug-in). A connection to the server using LAN or GPRS connectivity. A mobile to receive the mobile updates.
4- Server Side:

The hardware interface of the server is as follows: A server having websphere as the application server. Db2 database acting as the data base to store/retrieve/manipulate the data. A java platform for java scripting. A secure connection to clients using LAN or GPRS connectivity. A modem, gateway to send the mobile updates.

2.4 Product Functions: The KBCSS provides the following functionalities to educational institutions and firms. Provides the capabilities of traditional e-learning site. The capabilities include posting materials, notices, staff information by the administrator/faculty. Discussion forums are maintained between students and staff, students/staff with experts from industries/institutions. Provides a convenient and effective maintenance of the e-learning system. Provide a most efficient search system for individual users session history or topic search. Student alert system is also included in the system which means a query when answered can be known to a user by sending a mobile sms. Learning by mining (previous discussions act as a source of knowledge) is the perfect function for knowledge function which KBCSS provides in an organized manner. A separate user friendly help system for different type of users is included in the system.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

Companies that are going to be involved in the KBCSS can rate the specific college based upon the collaboration that exists between them. So a rating method can also be included if necessary in the future.

2.5 User Characteristics:

The users of the scene are characterized based upon their identity. The user can be identified as student, faculty, research scholar, expert and site administrator. Each one have a different mode of usage that determine the characteristics. A student/researcher major characteristic is to start a discussion, checks for material posting and traverses his search towards a previous discussion. The faculties is mostly characterized by their basic duties of posting materials, replying to students discussions, act as an expert in some fields and interacts with industry experts. The expert is introduced into the system to provide reply to discussions and post limited size files.

2.6 Constraints: The following system constraints exist in developing the KBCSS software. They are The existing e-learning system is to be completely replaced with the new system we develop. The KBCSS systems need to implement a knowledge system which needs to build up a datawarehouse to implement datamining in the future. Administrator task of monitoring the system is increased as compared to present systems. Mobile sms alert system implementation needs softwares other than IBM products.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.7 Architecture Design:

Normal User (End-user) Expert/faculty/Researc hers (other users) User executive (Administrator)


Session controller

Mobile Updates

Mail Box

Discussion manager (D.M.)

Security Services

Send/receive messages

Post/receive a files and mails.

Session creation

Session completion

Create discussion room(on-line/off-line)

Post/reply of discussions(off-line)

Analyze discussions make reports. Read password and Username Validate password and Username. Authenticatio n controller

Display Status.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.8 Use Case Diagram :

receive mobile updates tracks a discussion creates a session admin download files reduces memory load of system

provides security services student posts discussion topic

searches for previous discussions



posts files

reply to discussion

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.9 Class Diagram:

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.10 Sequence Diagrams:


knowledge system starts a session Become a part of session

faculty/ industrial expert

this section includes discussions posts discussion informed about a new post

posts a reply/files

mobile alert system is invoked

receives a mobile alert

acesses the system to continue the discussion this section deals an e-learning model

posts materials and events

download the materials

view notices (marks,attendence,personal notice)

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.10.1 Database Design: 2.10.2 ER Diagram:



Contains Knowledge System


Industrial expert/Faculty


Authorized access




Creates Session

Discussion Topics, questions.

Reports, Materials, MailBox.


Materials, Discussions, Replys.


Open discussion Room.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies: The following are the assumptions of the KBCSS system: The administrator is the person who is also capable of managing the KBCSS system implementation thereby not restricting to software maintenance alone. The mobile alert facility is only used by the student. The expiration of session is given by default as 3 days and this allows reducing the load on the expert.

3.0 Specific Requirements 3.1 Use Case Reports

Has the feaures of expert and student faculty monitors role of monitors behaviour of


Has the features of posting files and answering to sessions expert student

Has the feature of creating a session, learning by mining,

Figure 3.1 Actors diagram

The actors in the above scene are administrator, faculty, expert and student. The faculty has the features of both expert and student and an administrator monitors the role of the faculty and student.

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

Use Case: change system settings:

Description Administrator may change predefined settings for the system. Actors 1. Administrator PreCondition Request to change system settings PostCondition System settings are changed. Non Functional Requirements

The new users are created on request of the individual users by administrator. The current user statistics can also be traced in case of changing the user settings.

Use Case: create session:Description A user create session to start a discussion Actors Student PreCondition Logged in as a student PostCondition Session is created Non Functional Requirements A user posts his query based on a specific technology A user group does

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KNOWLEDGE BASED COMMUNITY SHARING 2.0 SYSTEM (KBCSS) Software requirement specification 12-12-2010 KPs eagle software solutions

change setting

admin create users

monitor system

3.2 Supplementary Requirements The other additional requirements for the project are: A latest web browser enabled mobile phone to test the webpage from mobile platforms. The software development kit (sdk) of mobile phones to check compatability on cross domain platforms such as android, windows mobile and symbian if necessary (Supposing if mobile alert system is defined with an mobile app.). The cloud implementation of the software during deployment will provide this product to have a vast market. So there is also a need to have a cloud implementation strategy to be studied under supplementary requirements.

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