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As students walk into the class, they will come up and grab a worksheet from the teachers desk.

5 Jigsaw groups. Students will get into groups of 4 (have them count off). Once they are in their jigsaw groups, each person in the group will be assigned a specific type of mood episode: major depressive episode, manic episode, hypomanic episode, and mixed episode. Students will then get into their expert groups according to which type of mood episode they were assigned. In their expert groups, students will use their books to fill in their worksheets. Students will specifically research the symptoms of each episode, how long the symptoms last, and how many symptoms each episode needs. Give the students about ten minutes to complete this task. Students will return to their jigsaw groups and give an overview of what they researched in their expert group. Students will record the new information onto their worksheets. Students will get their worksheets checked for completion by the teacher. Let students know that for the following day, they will stay in their jigsaw groups in order to use their information on mood episodes to research the types of mood disorders.



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