Gôæg-Ìœæ Ig Ü (Ç Ô Æ - Ç - (™èl &çüð) L - É - É-Ë$: Sakshi

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gG- iG {--{l&]l*---$

1. 2015Z {^l {MSMS-s MS s--]l$ -^l l>-$?

1) B[t--*, ]l*h---yl
2) CVSyl, B[t--*
3) l-S--{--M>, ]l*h-yl
4) ]l*-h-yl, ltCyl-
2. ]l$---l-VS "C-s-]l- "g--$ ]l-'-V> H ]l- {MS-s^-$?
1) {-#-{l
2) ]l$--]l-
3) VSV>
4) M-
3. 2010Z -H {$-l g-$ {l- ---$-V> G]l-- -$-$_?
1) {-g- ${> 2) g.G-l. S-l
3) -. g. -j
4) -]lMS- l$]l-l
4. C-s-]l- H s-l Al$--M> l>--MS ]l*MS-$- -$ ^l--]l?
1) {h-
2) Ajs
3) C-*--* 4) l-l-k
5. Al-S$-yl$ ]l--MSO $-VS$--r$ -^l--]l ?
1) A--
2) B
3) $-f--l
4) --]l*
6. -$ ---> ^l JMS ]lMS 80 r- ---Z 20 r- $ MS$-#--$. Al$-Z 1/4]l ]ll$
A$-]l l>-l, ]l$ A-$-]l -MS ]l$V> --$ MS$-#--yl$. l$-V> Z $
1) 2:3
2) 1:2
3) 1:3
4) 3:4
7. 10 {-Z JMS - VS-r$ ]l*$P-$ 60. A GMS$P-]l, A lMS$P-]l ]l*$P-$ $-M-MS--l
Al- VS-r$ ]l*$P 81. A G-MS$P-]l ]l*$P-$ 92 -I-l A lMS$P-]l -]l*-$P-$ G?
1) 55
2) 60
3) 62
4) ^l--
8. The sum of areas of two circles which touch each other externa-lly is 153. If the sum of
their radii is 15, find the ratio of the larger to the smaller radius?

1) 4:1


2) 2:1

3) 3:1

4) H- M>l$

2) 31

3) 5

4) H--M>-l$

561 is divisible by?

1) 13


If x = (163+173+183+193), then X divided by 70 leaves a remainder of?

1) 0
2) 1
3) 69
4) 35
11. A man has friends: 4 boys and 5 girls. In how many ways can he invite them, if there have
to be exactly 3 girls in the invites?
1) 320
2) 160
3) 80
4) 200
12. A box contains 6 red balls, 7 green balls and 5 blue balls. Each ball is of a different size.
The probability that the red ball selected is the smallest red ball is
1) 1/18
2) 1/3
3) 1/6
4) 2/3


13. A group of 630 children are arrange rows for a group photograph. Each row contains three
fewer children than the row in front of it. What number of rows is not possible?
1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
14. The sum of money invested at compound interest amounts in 3 years to Rs. 2,400 and 4
years to Rs. 2,520. The interest rate per annum is?
1) 6%
2) 5%
3) 10%
4) 12%
15. Rama travels a distance of 5 km from a place A towards north, turns left and walks 3 km,
again turns right and walks 2 km. Finally she turns right and walks 3 km to reach B. What
is the distance between A and B?
1)7 km
2)13 km
3)2 km
4)10 km
16. A and B play a game where each is asked to select a number from 1 to 5. If the two numbers
match, both of them win a prize. The probability they will not win a prize in single trial is?
1) 1/25
2) 24/25
3) 2/25
4) None of the above
17. KILM : MILK : : EAKM : _____
18. In a certain code EVEREST is coded as TSEREVE. Then REDFORT is coded as?
19. If X is the brother of Y, and Y is the sister of Z, then which of the following statements is
1) X is the sister of Z
2) Y is the brother of X
3) Z is definitely the brother of X
4) X is the brother of Z
20. Bride : Bridegroom : :______
1) Mare : Stallion
2) Calf : Herd
3) Swan:Cygnet
4) Lion : Cub
21. TIME : CLOCK : : ______
1) Sharp : Blunt
2) Date : Calendar 3) Nip : Crush
4) None of the above
22. PS : DG : : _______
1) EH : TW
2) CE : TR
3) KM : OQ
4) FH : JL
23. Tomorrow is Sunday. What was yesterday?
1) Wednesday
2) Thursday
3) Friday
4) Saturday
24. Which of the following is the smallest?
1) 15/16
2) 16/6
3) 7/8
4) 11/12
25. 4 : 5 : : 8 :
1) 8
2) 10
3) 12
4) 9
26. A sum of 300 is given on loan at 8% simple interest. What amount is due at the end of
two years and six months?
2) 500
3) 350
4) 360
1) 400
27. In one minute, 3/7 of a bucket is filled. The rest of the bucket is filled in?
1) 7/3 minutes
2) 21 minutes
3) 4/3 minutes
4) 2 minutes
28. Karan and Arjun ran a 100 m race, where Karan beats Arjun by 10m. To do a favour to
Arjun, Karan starts 10 m behind the starting time in a second 100 m race. They both ran at
their earlier speeds. Which of the following is true in connection with the second race?
1) Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line simultaneously
2) Arjun beats Karan by 4 m
3) Arjun beats Karan by 11m
4) Karan beats Arjun by 1 m


29. El- ]l$_ lS- ]l--MS$ -l-l-- yl-]l# G MSZ-$-r-$?

1) 2933
2) 5200
3) 4215
4) 3214
30. --* -$-MS$-yl$ ]l$-]l$- VSy- ^l-]l l-?
1) 20 AMt-- 2011
2) 21 AMt
- - 2011
3) 22 AMt
- - 2011
4) 23 AMt
- - 2011
31. -l >gVS- >- - >gVS ]l-- l*-$-^l- MS$-s-MS Al-S$-yl$?
1) y-MSt- .B-. A-lP-
2) . >f-V---^-
3) >-g{l-{--l
4) f]l---- l-{*
32. --l-l-Z Z-MS--, > >-]l----MS$ G-MS-$ f-VS {---MS?
2) Limited suffrage
1) Single transferable vote
4) Adult franchise

3) Proportional representation

33. ]l$-- ]l$- *f- MSl {V>$- --$ l-y--MS --$ GMSP-yl R l---?
1) {V>$- t B---
2) -f MS
3) {V>$---]l- MS
4) O s-Z HOl-
34. --l ]l--VS -]l ]l-l-?
1) 2005
2) 2006
3) 2007
4) 2008
35. O 2004Z - - P-----O l--MS ]l$-_-]l MS$-s-MS Al-S$-yl$?
1) { -- ^l{l
2) f]l-- $-{l VS
3) {--- $--
4) .-. Zs
36. O-l$-$ M> -O, -M-^la ]l]l--$ B-$ $l ]l$ l*-- ^l-$ $
*__. Gl B-$ -$- --s-l ]l$ l*-- B $ *__?
1) 15,000
2) 20,000
3) 25,000
4) 50,000
37. -l >gVS Bl*-_-]l k?
1) 26 f]l- l] - 1950
2) 26 f]l- l] - 1949
3) 26 ]l]l- 1949
4) 31 yl- - 1949
38. --l-l- 13]l B-MS --*--MS Al-S$-yl$?
1) y--MSt- . VS->--f-l
2) yMSt- f-$-MS-P-
3) y-MS -t O l .. ylz
4) yMS-t G. B^-
39. -l{l --l-l- MS{l ->-Q ]l${?
1) >g{l-{--l
2) A--]l$-l MS-$
3) ]l- A$- MS -B-g-l
4) Gl.. V>ylY-




The number of demands in the general budget for civil expenditures is?
1) 109
2) 106
3) 103
4) 102



1) 20
2) 15
3) 10
4) --$- l$
--l-l- VS-l{l >f (Republic) Gl$-MSs?
1) >---MS Ct E]l-l-]l--MS$ ]l${l$-$ l--Z M]l--VS$---$
2) ]l$-{l$-$ -l$s-MS l$-$
3) --l --$-$ -o-]l*--M>-$-$
4) l>--l-Ol-]l >-- G]l$-Ml A-l-l
'Planned Economy for India' (1943) ^l--l?
4) }]l$-->-$-
1) gl ]l$-$
2) G.G-l. >$ 3) G. ---$
---l-l-Z $--$-S -$-l-Ol$--. Gl$-MSs?
1) M>-->--MS ]lY ]l-l-Ol$
2) >-]l->-Q ]l-l-Ol$
3) >gVS ]l-l-Ol$
4) $-]l-$-$ - A]l#--$
-yl-l H ]l- Jyl$z-]l E?
1) ll$
2) Ol-
3) yl-l
4) y-]l*-


DWCRA {{V> MSl MS- Gl ]l$ $ MS- JMS {VS*-V> H-y-^l$a?


46. $ R l]l ]lQ --rt-- ]l->--l ]l$_ GMSP-yl-MS ]l*>a-yl$?

1) $--y-N-
2) ]l*-X-
3) M-
4) -z--l
47. -l-l-Z A-M>--MS >-]l---]l$ H ^lrt H>-r$ ^l?
1) 1793 ^lrt
2) 1813 ^lrt
3) 1853 ^lrt
4) 1833 ^lrt
48. f- V> -l-l- >-Z y l ->-?
1) El--{-l-
2) --a-]l$-V>- 3) -
4) ]l$->-
49. l-]l B-l--MS-l-]l$ V>-i H -Z >>-$?
2) ]l$->-w
3) CW-
4) VS$f->-
50. {-R-l I-.-G-l.-G. {s$--Z $- - G]l-$?
1) *--$ l>-$ 2) B- A
3) >g{l-{--l 4) . ->-f-V---^-
51. s- O-]l ]l$- {MS]l$Z >$yl?
I) Cripps Mission
III) Individual Satyagraha
1) IV, III, II, I
2) IV, III, I, II

II) Quit India Movement

IV) August Offer
3) III, IV, I, II
4) III, IV, II, I

52. 2011 f- --MSP-- {M>- -l-l- f-?

1) 120 Mr$
2) 121 Mr$
3) 122 Mr$

4) 123 Mr$


53. {^l D-tyl-*, {s- Dt Cyl-* MS-MS$ Cyl-*-Z -$-- f-$-VS$-l$-]l--yl$

{^l >k?
2) * XIV
3) * XV
- *- XIII
1) { IV
54. The Indus Valley Civilization type was found in?
1) Sumer
2) China
3) Egypt

4) All these

55. -MS$--l >f -MS$-yl$?

1) #-$-{l
2) E{VS--]l$-yl$
3) {MS-]l*--l 4) MSyl-O--&I
56. 2011 f- MSP- {M>- B{l {-l- AS->-- >l?
1) 67.66
2) 69.66
3) 70.66
4) 68.66

57. During the Sultanate period, the accession of a king was traditionally done by?
1) Succession
2) Nomination
3) Battle between probable candidates
4) None of these

58. VS$-$--]l-MS {]l-__?

1) ]l*]l-]l l--l
2) MS$P--]l$ ]l$- --V> ]l*a-yl
3) --MS l- ]l$l-V> ]l*--a-yl
4-) --MS$P- ]l$l IMS-l
59. $-l$-yl {]l-^l--$ {]l-QV> l-MS _-]l-?
1) -VS-]ll$-ylO ]l]l$-MS
2) {MS-l$-]l#-$ ^l$-yl
3) B-Z-^l-]l, {]l--]l-Z ^le-l
4) {VS-->-l-]l
60. ]l$--]l$-l *- >Og-]l ]l-l-?
1) 1204
2) 1178
3) 1203
4) 1170
61. B{l-{-l--Z -# -$ E]l h?
1) MS*-$
2) -g-]l*--l 3) -f-$-]l-VS- 4) _-l*-$
62. Which of the following is the only latitude that forms a great circle?
1) The Equator
3) The Antarctic Circle

2) The Arctic Circle

4) The Tropic of Cancer

63. ----MS ]l$--]l-{--MS B $ st?

1) Bartholomew Diaz 2) Magellan
64. {l$-- lVSY- k Al--MS -yl-]l#?
1) 12 VSr-$
2) 24 VSr-$
65. Precipitation * M>-?
2) Snowfall
1) Hail
66. All ZOl-]l -$?
2) Lake Baikal
1) Caspian Sea

3) Vasco da Gama 4) Columbus

3) 3 l-$

4) 6 l-$

3) Rainfall

4) Fog

3) Lake Superior

4) Lake Victoria



67. What type of soil is typical of tropical areas which receive heavy rainfall?
1) Black or Regur
2) Lateritic
3) Alluvial
4) None of these

68. $-]l# * MS---]l$ G-yl* l- -{-l?

1) }-]l-VS-
2) ^l-Ol
3) $-]l-]ll-#- 4) ]lO
69. G-MS$P-]l M>-$ N$ Eyl ^r$?
1) MS-
2) A-
3) El->-Qyl
4) -MSP
70. >-W&V>-&C]l$-]l&VS$Y--MS$ l ]l$- {M>-?
2) Kolar-Kudermukh-Khetri-Jharia
1) Khetri-Kolar-Kudremukh-Jharia
3) Kudremukh-Kolar-Khetri-Jharia

4) Kolar-Khetri-Jharia-Kudremukh

2) Earth

72. Trans-Himalaya ]l-?





4) Sun and Earth

3) --s-g
4) >
The first shore based integrated steel project in India GMSP-yl ]l$?
1) r*--s-M--l
2) G->-MS$-
3) ]l$VS-*-$
4) >-Q--r
-Ol->-Z, f--Z {^lZ A--l y Qyl?
1) B-*
2) B-{-M>
3) -E-l- Al$--M> 4) lS- Al$--M>
Ol->-Z -l-l-Z A _]l MS{l--l {l?
1) Ayl-]l*-l, M-- -$
2) #-l$-^la-
3) ^lyl-VSl
4) S--]l#-$
Al>j$ AS>l ]l?
1) t 8
2) t 9
3) t 10 4) f]l]l 8
Af VS$$ E]l >{t?
1) MS>~rMS
2) ]l$>{t
3) V
4) MS
GMS$P]l >{t l$$ E]l ll >{t?
1) El{l
2) ]l$>{t
3) ]l$l{l
4) B{l{l
l >gVS AM>MSV> VS$_]l Q?
1) 20
2) 21
3) 22
4) 23
{r Ctr*s B Cyl$ VSg E]l ^r$?
1) VS*$
2) Ol$*$
3) >y
4) VS$>Y


2) $-]l-

1) VSV>

3) Ionosphere

1) Sun

71. * -]l--- -l-yl--a MS- {- GMSP-yl ]l$_ ]l$?



81. llZ Postal Zones (Pin Code Zones) Q?

1) 7
2) 8
3) 9
82. l]l Ctr*s B * yl]l l$s E]l ^r$?
1) ]l*
2) Ol>
3) s
83. Indian Contribution to Parliamentary Procedure?
1) Zero hour

2) Cut motion

4) 10
4) ]l*l

3) Adjournment motion

4) Guillotine

1) A Sovereign, Democratic Republic

84. 1966Z g, >- >{t]l$ H_]l g #]l> ^lrt l $

BV> Hyl?
1) MS$
2) MS$ 3) ]l$f MS$ 4) MS$
85. 12]l ^l]l {MS { ]ll?
1) 2012
2) 2013
3) 2014
4) 2015
86. l >gVS {lMS ll> H]l$ {MSs_?
2) A Socialist, Democratic Republic

3) A Soveregin Socialist Secular Democratic Republic

4) None of these

87. As f]l B Cyl* lZ G-$ M]lVS$$?

1) il M>
2) 6 ]ll>$
3) >{tMS Ct E]ll ]lMS$
4) l$sMS$ ]l]l$MS E]ll ]lMS$
88. l {M> ]l?

1) Democratic Planning
3) Capitalist Planning

2) Totalitarian Planning
4) Socialist Planning

{S ZM Z MS Gl >l $ l V>, l]l$ $MS$yl$ {S

t $MS$ylV> VS$# l$?
1) 10
2) 12
3) 15
4) 20
90. llZ lMS Q]l$ ~^lyMS B?
1) B$ ]l*^
2) *VS ]l*^
3) l$# ]l*^
4) r$tyl ]l*^
91. $yl$ >Z yl?
1) Oxalic Acid
2) Glycerol
3) Urea
4) O]l
92. BY (Algae) HylyMS l ^l ]lMS >$?


1) Insecticides

2) Heavy Metals

3) Plant Nutrients 4) Sediments



93. MSZ MS VSylzMSrtMS$y ^l?

1) Hemoglobin

2) Heparin

3) Thyroxin

4) Pepsin

94. JMS ^lr$t _]l lVSY W?

1) lMSP Gl$MS $VS$l$
2) MSP M]l$$ $VS$
3) lMSP Gl$V> $VS$l$
4) l$ V> VS]l#
95. ]l*]l]l#yl ]l{l $#^la VS$Z EylyMS M>MS ]l~MS?
1) Cytochrome

2) Urochrome

3) Haemochrome

4) Phenolichrome

96. ]l*]l]l Z A _]l G]lMS?

2) Stapes
3) Malleus
4) Incus
1) Vomer
97. 'Blue Baby' {yl$ VSsZ C GMS$P]lV> Eylyl ]l MS$VS$l$?
1) s
2) s
3) M>ls
4) Ol{ss
98. ]l{lf l B?
1) {s
2) y
3) t
4) M>O{yls
99. r*tZ abrasiveV> ^l?
1) M>$ BOMSy
2) M>$ M>ls
3) M>$ Oy
4) M>$ MOy
100.lls {^l lZ $MS BlV> yl?
1) M> l*OMSy
2) O{yf $Oly
3) ]l$tz V>
4) r V>
101. B]l$ ]l (Acid Rain) GMS$P]l Z MSW Eyl?
1) BM>M *y
2) GsM *y
3) M Ay Ol{sM *y
4) M>>M *y
102. ls E*W_ AWY#$ ^l$?
1) M>, , >
2) s$ MOy, *sl Oy , VS*
3) y OylBMSy, M>, >
4) M> OylBOMSy, , >
103. sZ{VS (Photography)Z yl $]l l$]l?
1) {ZOl$y
2) s$ Ol{Oss
3) O{yf >OMSy
4) O{yf Oy
104. ]l*]l]l Z A lMS$P]lV> Eyl ]lMS?
1) BMSf
2) O{yf
3) I
4) M>


105. yl yl$ ^ll$V> EylsMS M> H GMS$P]lV> Eylyl ]l?

1) ta
2) B>YM *y 3) MSry
4) y
106. Soap is a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of?
1) Monocarboxylic acids
3) Tricarboxylic acids

2) Dicarboxylic acids
4) Glycerols

107. *$yl A ]lS{Z MSMS ]l?

1) Unknown
2) Fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nucleus
3) Fission of bigger nuclei into smaller ones

4) Stored energy in the atmosphere

108. B]l$]l> (Acid rains)MS$ M>?

1) GMS$P]l lylMSP]l ]l
2) {>$MS M>$
3) *$ ElZ >l ]l*$$ 4) O]l
109. ^l]l$r MSW Eyl?
1) $
2) E#
3) *
4) O]l
110. MylVS$yl$zZ ]l*MSl$$ AMSV> Es. CM> l H$ Es?
1) r$ G
2) r$
3) C]l$]l
4) O]l
111. Ozone layer protects life on Earth by?
1) Inhibiting the entry of germs

2) Cooling the atmosphere

3) Absorbing the high energy ultraviolet radiation of the Sun

4) All of the above

112.- ]l*]l]l Z BMSf { ls > f$VS$l$?

1) Blood

2) Lungs

3) Tissues

4) All of the above

113. sZ{VSZ 'Fixer'V> yl $]l?

1) Sodium Sulphate
3) Ammonium persulphate

114. A*yl

2) Sodium thiosulphate
4) Borax

MSW E]l ]l$?

2) Testosterone
3) Insulin
1) Thyroxine
115. l]l ]l*MS$ ^l$r*t G{M>t]l$ $VS$?
1) Cohesive force

4) Adrenaline

2) Adhesive force 3) Centripetal force

116. A l ]l*]l$ (glaciers)?

1) Mountain Glaciers
3) Continental Glaciers

2) Alpine Glaciers
4) Piedmont Glaciers

4) Centrifugal force


117. {^lZ

V>> AlMSV> El ^l l?
1) {h
2) MS]ly
3) lS B{M>
({$l O^l lls ]lZ E)
118. k yl]l# lsZ ~$?
1) Astronomical Units
3) Length of the hours

4) .G.G.

2) Solar terms
4) None of the above

119. ]l$l$, ylV$, r$t ]ll E]l $MS>V>>]l$ H>r$ ^l?

1) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

2) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd

4) Crude Distillation unit of Madras Refineries Ltd

A {`]l $ GMSPyl E?

1) Dharwar region, Karnataka

2) Aravalli range, Rajasthan

3) Vindhyan range, Madhya Pradesh

4) Siwalik range, Punjab

]l]l$ l BV> ^l?

1) C$$
3) g l$VSM 4) W*$ l$VSM
122. l]l $ $l ]l$ ]l{^l $?
1) MS$l$
2) C$$
4) W*$ l$VSM
123. Tarafdar G]l$?
1) l]l* AM>
2) OM MS]l*yl
3) >fZ $
4) BMS ]l${
124. llZ yl$ >{tMS$ ]l* ]lV> (42) ZM $ E A H?
1) a]l$ V>, ]l$>{t
2) , >f
3) >f, ]l$l{l
4) B{l{l, a]l$ V>
125. >fZ B{l{lMS E]l $?
1) 22
2) 16
3) 17
4) 18
126. MS El]l$ ^l]l ]l*hMS ]l?
1) l$]l#Z Ol W
2) MS$_l, ]lYO^ll *#]l*
3) El W
4) ]l$l ]l$, ]l V>
127. ]ly r$t l ]lQ l?
1) ]l ylyl
2) lSZ Ol A GlVSyl
3) V>Z {s$ $sl ylyMS A]lM>
4) Ol M>]l#


120. Cyl*Z

3) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.



128."I came alone and I am going alone" A]l lVS MS$yl$?

1) AMS
3) LVSg$
4) l* f
129."The Congress is in reality a civil war without arms" - A A]l?
1) G.G.h
2) z MSj
3) z yl
4) $ A]l$ R
130. ]l$]l$ MS _]l $?
1) BMS *$
2) >fMS$ *$
3) $ *$
4) >f]l
131."Keeping the Faith" #MS ^ll?
1) ]l$ ^lrj
2) ]l$ V 3) { ]lQj 4) A$ MSl$
132. {^lZ y Al BMS ]l]l E]l l?
1) O^l
2) .G.G.
3) {h
4) f
133. $$k l$O Gl$ G Ayl$-VS$-$?
1) 2700
2) 3000
3) 2900
4) 3700
134. 2011 {MSMSs {^l MS# sZ Man of the Series?
1) _ syl*P
2) G.G. 3) s.
4) ]l>g V
135.As per the Google web traffic data, 35% of Internet users are using which social network?
1) Orkut
2) Facebook
3) Netlog
4) Google

136. llZ Cs]l M>Z ^lVyll]l (Corruption)MS$ ]lMSV> >yl]l ]lMS?

1) MS yl
2) A g 3) >l 4) ]l$ V
137.Cs]l "" P'' A$z ]l ]lMS?
1) AMSPl VS>]l#
2) ]l$VSP
3) yl. >]l*yl$
4) O$ G]l* M>l$
(2010 " P' A$z {VSl MS.^ll)
138.{MSMSs {^l MS s AlMS $ _]l l?
1) Cyl*
2) B{t*
3) CVSy
4) }MS
139. 2011 B{t* K ]l$ W s sZ VS_]l {?
1) $l$
2) MSl$ MSft
3) ]l$-* --
4) ]l $l$
140. ll l*$ M {lZ E]l l M> MS{l?
1) M>yl
2) MSOM>
3) >Qr 4) M_a


141. NATOZ l> Q?

1) 18
2) 22
3) 28
4) 30
142. g MSP {M> lZ #$ Q?
1) lVS$Yl$
2) $VS$l$ 3) ]l*$ l$ 4) yllO
143. JMS ]llZ f$ M B Cyl* G $ $> ]l*l>$ $?
1) 4
2) 6
3) 8
4) 12
144. RTI VS$_ s-Z O?
G) Department of Personnel and Training RTI ^lstMS ]l$ ^l$
) l$s RTI ^lstMS ]l$ ^l$
) RTI ^lrt MSl >l$ ^l$ yMS ]l*rO $ E
1) G,
2) ,
145. llZ H > #]l- >---MS {^l M 200 $$ y $ C]lyMS
1) J
3) B{l{l
4) VS$f>
146."Stop War Star Tennis" _?
1) l$l]l l]l]l, Q$
2) Z]l, Q$
3) l$l, Q$
4) ]l$l Q$, Z]l
147. M ]lVS H ]l Jyl$z]l E?
1) V]l$
2) sg
3) VSV>
148."]ly' B$$ H >{tZ E$?
1) A
2) gUy
3) ]l$l{l
4) {#
149.>N A$MS MS{$ E]l >{t?
1) >f
2) ]l$>{t
3) MS
4) l$yl$
150. S.H.Kapadia is the?
1) Chief Justice of India

2) Chief Election Commissioner of India

3) Chief Conservator of Forests of India

4) Attornery General of India


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