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National Thermal Power Corporation

A Presentation

Setting-up of

A World Class
Energy Technology & Research Institute By: Dr R.R.Sonde Ph.D, FNAE On 3/8/2004

Synopsis A. NTPC Profile B Technology Centre in Energy-- The Imperatives

C. The Roadmap for Technology Centre

D. Net working with institutes

Part-A NTPC Profile

Genesis & Vision of NTPC

NTPC was set up in 1975 in the central sector to

bridge the widening gap of demand and supply

of power in India.

NTPC Vision
To be one of the worlds largest and best

power utilities, powering Indias growth

NTPC-The Premier Power Company Present Generation Capacity is 22,249 MW


COAL GAS / LIQ. FUEL TOTAL 13 7 20 17,980 3,955 21,935

COAL GRAND TOTAL 3 23 314 22,249

In addition, NTPC also manages Badarpur Thermal Power Station (705 MW ) of GOI in Delhi.

NTPC Today- Lighting 1/4th of India

One of the largest thermal generator in the World- Data Monitor UK
The Business- BOO thermal plants
Projects: Full in-house implementation O&M: Purchase fuel to bulk power sale Consulting: full electricity value chain

NTPC- CAPACITY PROFILE (MW) Present Capacity Constrctn Active Fuel Mix Coal Gas 22,249 5,000 + 9,000 + 17,000 + 4000 + 80-150

Technology Conv- Sub 500/200

13 Coal Stations 7 Gas Stations


NTPC is surging ahead to add another 20,000 MW and become 40,000 MW company by 2012

Global Stature
Sixth Among the Top Ten Global Thermal Generators
TWH 2001
600 500 400 300


200 100 0





128 126




AE P So (U ut S) he rn Co (U S)




EL (I TA ) TE PC O (J AP ) TV A (U S) RW E (G ER )




(S KR )

(S AF )

US )


Source: A.T. Kearney

Financial Performance Rs. Crores


Rs. 25964.2

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

92 93 94 95 96


Rs. 5260.78
01 20 01 -0 2 20 02 -0 3 20 03 -0 4 97 98 99 98 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 00 00 -

91 -


NTPC - 2017
In summary, NTPC would be a leading power utility in the world by 2017, in line with its current vision

NTPC in 2017
Fortune 500 company An Indian MNC with presence in many countries Diversified utility with multiple businesses Amongst top five market capitalisation in the Indian market Group turnover1 of over Rs. 1,400 Bn with 30000+ employees Setting benchmarks in project construction and availability and efficiency Have a strong research and technology base Loyal customer base in both bulk and retail supply Preferred employer A leading corporate citizen with a keen focus on executing its social responsibility

Part-B A Technology Centre in NTPC The Imperatives

Technology and Indian Power Sector- an Overview


Technology Development Pursuit - an enabler to sectoral reforms

R&D Labs


The Origin & Growth of World Class Organizations

Exponential Growth
Organization Further R&D (MDR)
- Product improvement - Process Improvement - New Process Development - New Product Idea

Strong Operations, Finance, HR, Marketing Functions

Technology Build up

Prime Examples UOP


Product Idea/ Conception

- General Electric - DOW

Fundamental Research (DDR) In Labs, Academics

- DuPont, - Bayer

Hitherto NTPC Story

Exponential Growth

Further R&D
- Product improvement - Process Improvement - New Process Development - New Product Idea

Strong Engg, Projects, O&M, Finance, HR Functions

Technology Implantation Technology Build up

The need is :

Product Idea/ Conception

- Return to original Model - While maintaining strengths

Fundamental Research In Labs, Academics

This will require two pronged Approach

Electricity Sector, is today facing similar technology questions as it faced 50 years back

Total Capacity (MW)

90000 60000 30000 0 1940

Technology Status

Sellers Market

Paradigm Shift

Buyers Market

Full Plant Import


Indigenous Manufacture

Design Copy

User Driven Customizations

Design Replication




Industry Setup

Monolithic SEBs

Central Utilities

IPPs Regulators Distribution Focus


Jump Start Capacity Addition

Rapid Capacity Addition

PLF Maximize

Efficiency Focus Cost Focus Environment Focus Power Delivery

The technology approach adopted to jump start capacity appears inadequate in the changing business scenario

New Business Environment Drivers

Two Part Tariff Cost (+) Basis
Generous Normative Performance Levels

Regulatory Regime
Norms Tightened

Deregulation Price Cost > 0

No Norms Market Forces COG POG



Paradigm Shift

Buyers Market Power Has to be sold Survival of the Fittest Making Plenty of Money Through Power

Sellers Market
Power is Purchased Hand Holding By Govt. Making Power in Plenty & Also Make Money

Worldwide the Technology Development and Engineering are two separate activities...

Technology Development - USP of developed world

Plant EngineeringProfessional Engineers Cult

Technology Developer Manufacturer Industry License Tech Lab Development Academia Utility

Checks on Drawings and Documents System Plant Engineering Integration Manufacturer inspection shop, site tests

NTPC- Driven by Technology

Strong Engg, Projects, O&M,

Exponential Growth

Strong Finance, HR Functions

Cost Reduction
Intensified Products & Processes Integration of Technology Development of Required Knowledge & Technology Identification of Performance Gaps
Product improvement Process Improvement

Technological Growth Engines

Technology Build up

Product Idea/ Conception Fundamental Research In-house, Labs, Academics

New Process Development New Product Idea

Product improvement, Process Improvement New Process Development, New Product Idea

Emergence of Technology Implant Culture in India- so internalized that these are no longer viewed as problems... Equipment Supply Industry

Power Generation Utility

Design Copy


Central Groups

Equipment Manufacturer

Plant System Design Technology Customization Equipment Design Review






No new technology development Poor technology customization Weak technology improvement Hamstrung cost improvements

Inadequate system design improvements Inadequate equipment design intervention Inadequate use of Project Management techniques Engg Services dormant No cost rationalization instruments

Missing self improvement & correction instruments Bloated and outdated maintenance approach Heavy Inventories Sluggish Procurement methods Inoptimal workforce utilization Inadequate focus on fuel component O&M services market lying dormant

The weak links are a result of the technology import culture from the Colonial legacy- especially as Electricity was considered an input and not an end unlike Space and Nuclear sectors

The reason is late Indian entry to technology development arena. Affluent nations have had the advantage of SEQUENTIAL DEVELOPMENT facilitating knowledge systems development
UK Germany USA Russia Japan

Technology Multiplication

OEM Countries Scenario

Electricity Technology Development

Engineering Sciences Development






Indian Entry

Indian Industry Scenario

Missed Opportunity Few Technical Institutes established No involvement in Engg. Sciences Import escapism culture established No studies on domestic conditions Poor industry quality consciousness

Systemic Distortions Focus on Equipment Multiplication Electricity perceived as an input Availability of easy imports Low focus on T.D. development Imported designs were implanted

Technology implants in the Electricity sector have had serious fall out on development of knowledge systems which are required for Technology Development

The effect entered even organisations set ups which do not differentiate between knowledge work, service functions and skill work

Typical Indian Organization Mixed up knowledge and service functions No education differentiation at entry Absence of filters on Management Levels Undifferentiated manpower movement No separate specialist cadres

Presence of distinct knowledge groups in the company structure provides a robust framework which facilitates informed management decisions and provides internal resources for new programme conceptualisation, roll out and midcourse corrections.

The sequential development in original technology countries resulted in evolution of country wide systems with Knowledge and Technology focus...
The Originals
Equipment Manufacturer

UK Germany USA

Russia Japan

Power Knowledge Center

Power Technology Center

Power Plant School



The differentiator and key enabler in such systems is the collaboration of industry-labs- academia- The GOLDEN TRIANGLE

For the Indian Power Sector to grow on the competitive turf spread by the new Electricity Law it is necessary to establish the Golden Triangle...

Equipment Manufacturer


Design Copy

Power Knowledge Center

Power Technology Center

R&D Labs

Power Plant School


The Fundamental Pre-requisite

Universities Labs

Competition alone- which is one key objective of the new target framework without the systemic enablers will have limited improvement potential

Challenges For Enterprise Delivery

Price To Make NTPC Lowest Cost Power Generator

Critical Success Factors

Challenge Cost/ MW

NEW BUILDS: Arrest and Reverse Increasing Trend in Capital Cost Without Compromising Quality

Strategic intervention for selective technology Years induction required

Availability Maint. Cost Challenge

Dramatic Cost Reductions Required OPERATING STATIONS: -Destination No.1 Arrest and Reverse Increasing Trend of Maintenance
Cost Maximize Availability and Efficiency


The new environment is creating Paradigm Mismatches for the utilities Commercial - Making Power - Maximize Generation New Build High End (VX)!!! O&M Strategies Low End (LX)

- Making Money
- Maximize Profit

- Predominantly
Replacement Based - Proactive Condition Based - High Spare Inventory R&M Strategies Predominantly Replacement Based

Required Shift

- Risk Based Maintenance

- Spares: Just In Time Philosophy

Risk Based

Changing Times- the real challenge

Indian society today stands on a cusp beyond which progress will telescopically expand

Cost Reductions- a quickly reachable destination Systematic strategies are the only requirement Solvable in 5-10 years time Need to look at the bigger picture

The real challenge lies in the future - Dramatic changes are in the offing - Power sector has to shoulder these
The power sector has to reorient itself to the new challenges for positive deliverance

World Energy Systems- getting electrified and decarbonized

The world is predicted to become more and more dependent on electricity World Benchmarks- Global Energy System Population (billion) Primary Energy, Gtoe/yr Electricity Fraction of primary energy (%) Electricity Consumption (trillion kWh/yr) Electricity Generating Capacity (thousands of GW) Maximum Carbon Emissions (GT per year) 2000 6.2 10 0.38 13 3 7 2020 8 13 0.5 28 5 8 2050 10 17 0.7 60 10 10

Destination No. 2 - Resolve Energy/ Carbon Challenge

Global warming turnaround is not possible without developing countries participations

Indian Energy Systems- rapidly changing scenario

India is changing in all spheres- population quality, infrastructure, social fabric, govt. role

The huge capacity will Destination No.3 require a equally large, reliable and intelligent - Strengthen the power delivery system power delivery


The emerging Destination No. intelligent 4 society will give rise to Customer - Enable Managed customer Service managed Networks service

Utility Company



Destination No. 5

The question of sustainability of such mega development will naturally require a solution Power will have to metamorph into a new role in the future electricity dependent society

Power Distribution Technologies Customer level intelligent automation system to ensure harmonic detection, proper metering, identification & control on overloading feeders, CAD distribution transformers & data communication systems Custom power devices Distributed power generation software

Power Transmission

Voltage stability assessment & control

Power system controllers

Operational strategies for maximising regional

power transfer
Wide area measurement & protection

Destination Identification- infinity vision

Affordable Power Power to all 24x7 power Destination5 Green Power Digital Power Technological Growth Engines

Destination3 Destination1 Destination2 Strengthening the Power Delivery Infrastructure

Managing Global Sustainability

Enabling Digital Society

Sustainable Development
National Prosperity

Reduction in cost of power

Achieving the EnergyEnvironment Harmony



2020 2025 T I M E


An Infinity Vision for the future emerges ...

Certain broad interventions for reaching the identified Destinations emerge from the Technology Driver-Destinations Matrix have been identified
Knowledge and Technology Drivers Cost Reductions Managing Energy/Carbon Conflict StrengthenPower Delivery System Enabling Customer Managed Ser Networks Managing Sustainability Challenge

System Improvements Micro Technology Interventions Distributed Generation Advanced Coal Conversion

Hybrid Power Systems

Studies are underway to identify Technology drivers for destinations like enabling customer managed service networks.

Actualization of the technology initiatives calls both for Systemic Improvements as well as Technology Development

New Initiatives Revisit Procurement needs & specifications Technology Options Studies Village specific technology solutions Availability Studies Reliability Studies Heat Rate Initiatives Stations Modernization focus Fuel Options Studies Fuel Price Reduction Advocacy New Ash utilization Initiative New O&M Services Initiative Centralized Procurement Shared Maintenance Services Inventory Management Focus Productivity Enhancements

Knowledge Activity Consolidation Automate non-value added jobs Create Knowledge Platforms Create Power Plant Schools Create Technology Platforms Knowledge Groups in companies Knowledge Worker Sustenance Network with external agencies

Technology Initiatives IGCC development for Indian coal Hybrid power system development Distributed Generation Options Carbon Sequestration Technologies Fuel Cell technologies Low grade heat utilization SPM reduction technologies On-line Energy Intensification and Diagnostic Model (EIDM) Resource optimization & site integration technologies (water, ash, chemicals) Ageing Management TechnologiesCorrosion/Erosion/ Fatigue, creep/ Coatings Robotized Maintenance Systems

Immediate Actions
TM-1.1: Low Grade Heat Utilization : Phase - III - Condensate Heating Using Flue Gas - Air Conditioning & CW Cooling Through Extra IP Exhaust Steam

- Integration of Solar Power & Kalina Cycle

Part Condensate

ID - A

Solar Heating

ID - B

Solar Heating
Additional Steam Turbine Ammonia Turbine Saved IP Exhaust Steam Kalina Cycle Stirling Engine Control Room Cooling

Ammonia Absorption Chilling

CW Cooling

Completion Schedule : Dec06

ESP Technologies [RT-EP]

SPM Control Technologies: Flue Gas Conditioning Solutions
Flue Gas Conditioning System

Ammonia based FGC

SO3 based FGC

Dual FGC

Humidification System



Aqueous Ammonia FGC Anhydrous Ammonia FGC

Molten Sulfur FGC Granular Sulfur FGC Native SO2 Conversion System In-Line SO2 Conversion System

Water Fogging System Water Mist System Steam Injection System

Urea based Ammonia FGC

FGC Technology Ammonia based FGC External SO3 injection based FGC Internal SO2 conversion based FGC Dual FGC System Humidification FGC System Hybrid FGC System

Expected Date March2K5 Sept2K5 March2K6 Dec2K5 March2K5 Dec2K5

Target SPM 100 mg/Nm3 75 mg/Nm3 75 mg/Nm3 50 mg/Nm3 < 50 mg/Nm3

ESP Technologies [RT-EP]

SPM Control Technologies: Flue Gas Distribution System
Flue Gas Distribution

Uniform Gas flow Distribution

Skewed Gas flow Distribution

Anti Sneakage System

Flue Gas Distribution System CFD Modeling of Gas Distribution inside ESP Flow Model Test facilities of ESP Proto-Type Gas Distribution Solutions

Expected Date March2K5 Dec2K5 March2K6

Target Bypass FG % 0%

SPM Control Technologies: Energization & Back Corona Control Systems

Energization System

Back Corona Limiting System

Intermittent Energization System

Pulse Energization System

Minimum Voltage based System

Minimum Voltage based System

Efficiency Intensification & Diagnostic Model: EIDM [RT-EI]

Plant Process Parameters Phase-I, [Sept04] Real Time Heatrate Real Time Heatrate Deviation breakup due to a) Key Process Parameters, b) Key Equipment Real Time Plant Equipment Performance Real Time System Information Coal Properties & CV Condenser CW Flow Unburnt Carbon in Ash Gaseous Pollutant Flow LPT Exhaust Steam Quality Phase-II, [Nov04] Expert System, for Operator Guidance Interface with plant controls Artificial Intelligence Artificial Neural Network


Advanced Instruments LPT Exhaust Steam Dryness Fraction Meter On-Line LOI Measurement Real Time FG Flow meter Real Time Condenser CW Flow measurement On-Line FG Analyzer On-Line Moisture Meter

Phase-III, [Jan05]

Plant Simulation Tool What-If Analysis

Real Time Plant Diagnostics Tool CFD Modeling

Phase-IV, [Mar05]

The Near & Medium Term Technologies

New Energy Technologies


Power Hydrogen
Liquid fuels


Coal & Alter nate

Fuel Cell Power


Road Map on IGCC


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

Case 1: Base Cycle

Case 2: Base Cycle+Hot gas

Case 3: Case 2 +Class H Case 4: Case 3 +OTM

5: Case 4 +MCFC
Case 6: Case 5 +SOFC

Phase wise progression (2007-2015)

Near & Medium Term Technologies

TM- 2.1: IGCC Technologies IGCC Technologies

Fludised Bed Gasifier

Design & Development Gas Clean-up

IGCC System Integration

Advanced Gasifier Cycles

IG-FB: Design/ Scale-up/ Optimization of Gasifier IG-GC: Design & Development of Gas Clean up system IG-SI: System integration for a base cycle

IG-AC: Advanced cycle consisting of -O2 Transport membrane - CO2/ H2 Separation - Gasifier/ Combustor design

Cooperation with external agencies and collaborative development with be the focus of the new platform. Following areas for immediate cooperation have been identified
Hydrogen Energy Research: Hydrogen Generation Through IGCC Route, HTTR Hydrogen Storage: Metal & Chemical Hydrides Design & Development of IGCC Gasifier Design Hot Gas Clean up System- Ceramic Filters High Efficiency, Rugged, Matching Gas Turbine Fuel Cells Development of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System

Robotics CFD/ ANN

Material sciences including corrosion & erosion

Special Coatings

- Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration system - Ammonia Turbine Cycle are required

Distributed Generation Solar PV and Thermal Systems Ammonia Cycle Sterling Engines

Carbon Sequestration


1. 2. Nanotechnologies in the development of fuel cell catalysts, CO2 capture molecules etc Membrane science for air separation (oxyfuels), hydrogen purification

4. 5.

Materials science for high temperature and hydrogen environment 9Oxide dispersed alloys, dual ferritic etc)
Super conductors, cryogenics, optical fiber technologies for power grid control, transmission & distribution Biotechnological applications in the field of hydrogen generation, CO2 conversion etc

The Major Joint Collaborative Projects Short listed R & D areas for collaboration 1. Design and development of SO3 / NH3 reactor for FGC 2. ANN modelling of the major sub systems of the power station

3. CFD modelling of the boiler and surface condensers

4. Development of on-line sensors for unburnt carbon, coal properties, flue gas charcterisation 5. Development of on-line flow visualisation systems 6. FEM of the boiler and creep & fatigue analysis of critical systems

The Major Joint Collaborative Projects Short listed R & D areas for collaboration 6. Low grade heat utilisation projects

7. Water chemistry and water networking

8. Ash utilisation technologies

Joint collaborative efforts in new technologies

1. IGCC Gasifier design and development, gas clean up system, combined cycle development

2. Hydrogen energy research

3. Solar energy integration (low grade, stirling engines, PVs )

4. Carbon capture technologies (Membranes, PSA, nano materials etc)

5. Energy and bio technologies

The Organization Structure

Functional Groups
To carry out the technology development in a smooth, faster and most economical manner, the Energy Technology shall have: A no. of Centers of Excellence (App. 37)- concentrating on fundamental research App 25 Technology Missions A Strategic Planning Group for Networking etc. A Prototype Division

Other Essential Enabling Functions shall be:

Knowledge Centre IPR Division Human Resource Finance Contracts & Materials Information Technology Other Facilities

The Organization Structure

Apex Research Council

NTPC Management Eminent Scientist Eminent Academic


Retrofit Technologies

New Technologies

Fundamental Research Division

Strategic Business Division

Providing overall direction Supporting in selecting functional heads Projects approvals

Low Grade Heat Utilization

Contracts & Materials

ESP Performance Enhancement Energy Optimisation & Diagnostic Model EIDM Ash Utilization Ageing Management Advanced Controls/ ANN Alternate Fuels & Fuel Beneficiation


Knowledge Centre

Human Resource

Information Technology


Gasification & Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technologies Carbon Capture Technologies Solar Energy Technologies Bio Energy Technologies Power Delivery System Technologies

Vision Conference Proposals

Advanced Conventional Power System Technologies

Research & Technology Development Division

CoE-HT [Heat Transfer] CoE-PS [Process Synthesis] CoE-MS[Material Science] CoE-SE[Solar Energy] CoE-CFD[Comp. Fluid Dynamics] CoE-ANN[Art. Neural Networks] CoE-CE [Civil Design] CoE-CO[Corrosion Science] CoE-FM[Fracture Mechanics] CoE-FEM CoE-FS[Fluidization] CoE-SM[Simulation & modeling] CoE-RF[Refractory Design] CoE-ED[Equipment Design] CoE-CS[Catalyst] CoE-CE[Ceramics]

CoE-SD[Sensors / Detectors] CoE-RC[Catalyst / Reactors]

CoE-AC[Analytical Chemistry] CoE-MB [Membranes]

CoE-BT[Bio-Technology] CoE-AD[Adsorbents] CoE-PC[Process Control] CoE-IS[Instrumentation] CoE-SX[Solvent Extraction]

CoE-MH [High Temp Material] CoE-RX[Chemical Reaction Engg]

Structure of Research & Technology Development Division

Structure of Enabling Technologies Division

Enabling Technologies Division

CoE in Advanced Materials

CoE in Nano Technology

CoE in Bio Technology

SMART Technologies

Technology Advocacy Group Legend: Special Analysis, Computing and Simulation Centre CoE: Centre of Excellence CoC: Centre of Competence

Structure of Testing & Certification Division

Prototype Division

Centre for Performance Testing of Systems, Components and Equipments

Centre for Materials Testing








Business Process Division

Civil Networking

Business Development

When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires to help you to achieve your dreams

.. The Alchemist

by Paulo Coelho

Human Resource

Cost To The Company Of Executives

At Executive Trainee Level: ( Rs.12000-4.0%-17250/-) Illustrative (Rs. / Month at Minimum of Scale)
Basic pay 12000

DA FCA Conveyance Reimbursement (Car)

Shift Allowance Prof. Literature Reimbursement Washing Allowance Bonus / Ex-gratia (variable) Generation Incentive max. (variable) Cash canteen compensation

6500 561 1820

900 175 126 490 2806 587

Cost To The Company Of Executives

At Executive Trainee Level: ( Rs.12000-4.0%-17250/-) Illustrative (Rs. / Month at Minimum of Scale)
Internet connection Children's Education Reimbursement LTC Leave and Holidays PF Gratuity Post-retirement Medical Scheme 167 300 1198 2058 1897 760 4216

Electricity subsidy
Approx.5 lacs per annum


The above components are indicative. Variations may occur depending on actual place of posting, actual allowances admissible etc.

Allowances / Reimbursement / Benefits

Leave Travel Concession to Home Town / Anywhere in India.

Paid Leave : CL-12, HPL 20 EL- 30, along with leave Encashment facility. Closed Holidays 8, Restricted Holidays 06 Study leave up to a period of 3 years after 3 years of service Membership of a Professional body. Very liberal medical facilities without any contributions. Reimbursement of OPD & hospitalization charges. Number of good hospitals, including super specialty hospitals on the Companys panel. Well equipped hospitals at projects with state of the art facilities and equipments.

Allowances / Reimbursement / Benefits


[At low rates of Simple Interest-reducing balance method)


Maximum of 7.5 lacs, after 5 years of service

Conveyance Advance

Car advance Max Rs.1,80,872/- (as per todays price) Motor Cycle Max. Rs. 33,291/- structure)

PC Advance Rs.40,000/Multipurpose Loan - Rs.11,225/- p.a., interest free. Furniture Loan Rs.15,000/-, interest free.

Allowances / Reimbursement / Benefits

Social Security/Insurance Benefits

Coverage under:
Group Personal Accident insurance Group Insurance Housing Building Advance Insurance (with very nominal contributions by self) Pension Fund.


Full fledged, excellently maintained township amidst lush green environment with all facilities like clubs, recreation centers, movie theatres, marketing complexes, parks etc. to ensure a superior quality of life.

Education Of Children

Schools of repute like DPS, Kendriya Vidyalaya, DAV and other convent schools upto Class XII to ensure education standards for children

Growth Opportunities
3 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 -


E1 E2 E2A E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E7A E8 E9

10750 4% - 16750 11225 4% - 17250 12000 4% - 17500 13750 4% - 18700 16000 4% - 20800 17500 4% - 22300 18500 4% - 23900 19000 4% - 24750 19500 4% - 25600 20500 4% - 26500 23750 4% - 28550

Requirement of M. Tech Students and the Specialization

Sl No B Tech Discipline Specialization Nature of work

M Tech


Chemical/ Mechanical

Chemical/ Mechanical

Thermal design, equipment design, Heat Exchanger network, computer aided design tools

Development of Heat exchanger networks, design of new type of heat exchangers (viz. plate & fine type) Development of Control & instrumentation based on model prediction controls in the existing plants to improve their performance, development of C&I for new technologies.


Electronics/ Instrumenta tion/Chemic al

Control& Instrumentatio n

Process control, Process analysis, Advanced control system, Model predictive controls, etc




Fracture mechanics, stress analysis, creep & fatigue

Aging management systems in power plant system




Reaction Engg., Kinetics, design of reactor, mass transfer with RXN, catalyst, nano systems ,etc

Design of reactor system for removal of contaminants, mini SO3 reactors, carbon capture technologies, Conversion of coal into chemicals.

Requirement of M. Tech Students and the Specialization

Sl No Discipline Specialisation Nature of work




Separation sciences , Adsorbent design pressure swing adsorption etc, membrane design Power grid control, Power evacuation system design, optical fiber, etc Bio-chemical Engg. In the field of bio-mass conversion into hydrogen and fuels

Design of gas cleanup system adsorbent, gas separation through membrane, etc


Electrical/E lectronics

Power Systems

Development of advanced power grid control systems



Chemical/Bio -chemical Engg.

Bio-energy technologies




Material science, Physical metallurgy ceramics, high temperature materials, development of nano particle systems. Solar energy systems, design of collectors, photovoltaic cells,etc

High temperature ceramic filters, membrane design, high temperature material design.


Mechanica l/Electrical

Mechanical/E lectrical

Solar energy heaters for collection of low grade energy, PV cells.

Integrated Gasification & Combined Cycle

Strengthening the Power Delivery Infra-Structure

Smart Power Delivery Technologies

Smart Energy Meter Technologies Remote Monitoring Technologies Embedded Fiber Optic Technologies Distribution Network Layout Technologies Intelligent Connecting Device Technologies

High Performance Polymeric Cable Technology

High Temperature Superconductor Technology

Low Cost Underground Transmission Intelligent On-Line Analysis & Control Technologies Secure Power Transmission Technologies

Higher Capability & Reliability of Transmission Grid

Strengthened Copper Plate

Power Delivery

Compressed Air Storage Technologies Pumped Hydro Technologies Hydrogen Based Fuel Cell Technologies

Electricity Storage Technologies

Super conducting Magnetic Energy Storage

Efficient Battery Technologies

The Road Map for Technology Centre

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