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April 22, 2012 True Vine Baptist Church Sermon Notes Text: Luke 19:1-10 Title: The Need

to Open Up Zaccheus - pure - Chief among the publicans - Rich - Little of stature He climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus 1. To be above others 2. To win God's favor for exerting extra effort 3. Shows man's way for reaching God Ephesians 2:8-9 I. He opened his heart v.6 Received Hearts closed by pride, world lust, etc. Jer. 17:9 Matt 6:21 Phil.4:7 Rev.3: 20 Jesus wants to be in your heart II. He opened his house v.7 Jesus is just a guest God is not welcome to many homes. Results: divorce, unfaithful partners, disobedient children, complicated relationships Psalm 127:1 EXCEPT the Lord builds a house, they that labor, laboreth I vain Winston Churchill

There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened and maintained. Albert Taylor 1% of child's time is spent in Sunday school. 7% in public school and 92% influence of the home" III. He opened his wallet - v.8 "Half of my goods" in giving: 1. You can experience joy - Phil.4:4, 1519 2. You can see God's promise unfold Malachi 3:10-11 3. You can acquire God's bountiful blessings - Luke 6:38 IV. He open his eyes to the needs of others - v.8 "To the poor" Usually eyes were blinded by covetousness or love for money People need Gods love and help - Matt 9:36-38 Closing your eyes to the needs of others simply imply that you don't really care.

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