Cost-Analysis of A Distance Education Program

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Productin costs Cost (OR)/hour

Austodio+Recording place 80
The presenter 100
Photographer 150
Cameras 1500
Editor 500
audio cassettes 1
Instructional Designer 300
content expert 300
unit writers 400
payment paid for the 5
purchase of audio video (cassettes)
actors 600
artist cost 800
Music cost 300
driver 50
telephone expenses 120
Advertisments Desinging 10
script writer 500
Director 1000
Technical Director 750
Audio mixer 300
Audio Director 300
Lighting Director 300
Set designer 450
Makeup person 200
Video Editor 650
video software 300
audio software 300

Delievery costs Cost (OR)/hour

Distributeur 2500
Advertising 240/ 60 sec
copying the cassetes 1000

Support costs Cost (OR)/hour

mailing system 50
Capital Cost / 0.R current cost/0.R
10266 3550

Capital and Current Costs



Capital Cost / current cost/0.R


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