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Meeting Terminology

Terminology Teleconference Meaning Meetings with simultaneous telephone line connections allowing a group of people to hear and speak to each other)

Videoconferences The same as teleconferences only that participants can also see each other. Videoconferences can be held in real-time on our personal computers via the Internet Chairperson Treasurer Agenda The person responsible for seeing that a meting is conducted in an orderly fashion and according to the rules of meeting procedures The person responsible for reporting the financial business of an organisation A plan for the stages of a meeting a listing of topics to be discussed, which include apologies, acceptance of the minutes of the previous minutes, business arising, correspondence, general business, standing items. Minutes Motion An official record of what took place at a meeting A proposal which is officially put before a meeting and which goes through several stages before it is accepted or defeated. It should be carefully worded and recorded in the minutes. The person who suggests the proposal moves the motion. A person who supports the motion seconds the motion. Meeting participants then discuss the motion in relation to why it should or should not be supported. The motion is then voted on and either carried or lost. Amendment to the motion Quorum Resolution Proxy Casting Vote Secretary Right of Reply If someone suggests a change to the original motion, an amendment must be moved and this must be seconded, discussed and voted upon before the original motion is considered. The minimum number of people who must be in attendance before a meeting is official The name given to a motion once it has been agreed to by a meeting A member who is unable to attend a meeting may nominate someone else (a proxy) to attend, and/or vote in their place The chairperson may be given a second or deciding vote when votes are equally divided for and against the motion The person who assists the chairperson in gathering information for the meeting, organizes meeting arrangements and takes the minutes After the discussion and before the group votes on a motion, the original proposer is often given the right of reply to say a few final words about the motion

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