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A Case Study on Swissairs Alliances


Introduction & Growth

Only 22 % equity owned by Swiss

Founded in 1931 to serve mainly

central European Locations

1949- It became National Career 1970- Started Operation to other

locations( South Africa, South America and Asia)

1990- Among Top 20 Airlines

Products and Prices

Started with only European Countries Product Line

- Coach , Economy , Business and First Class

Attracted only to Business Travelers Premium Pricing Guaranteed Quality Different type of unique services on

board to attract customers


Cost Structure
Higher Wages and Operating Cost More Employee centric Primary cost- Aircrafts Secondary cost includes salary and

Heavily Invested in CRS(Computer

Reservation Systems namedTraviswisss, Apollo, Galileo)


International Airline Industry and Govt. Regulations

IATA- 157 Members in 1989 25 % Flew Internationally Growing at the rate of around 10 % Deregulation in 1990 Aviation Service Agreement (ASA)-

Appropriate Fares
Right to Cabotage to protect

domestic airlines
4/22/12 Leverage in Government Negotiations

Production Inputs and Distributions

Major portion Labour , Fuel ,

Purchased local Repair Capacity Role of Travel Agents Development of Different CRS Co- Hosting Global Expansions Hub and Spoke route system- Using

Airports as central hubs


Competitors Analysis
Air France Deustche Luftansa British Airways KLM Royal Dutch Interline Cooperation 1992 Fears- EC Cabotage


Swissairs Alliances
Checklist of 85 Strength and

Global Alliance

- Delta Airlines - Singapore International Airlines

Trilateral Venture The European Quality Alliances



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