Range and Sequence

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Range and sequence

The closed range of real number r where b r a s s is represented by b a, , the open

range b r a < < is represented by (a,b), the range b r a s s is represented by | ) b a, , and the
range b r a s < is represented by ( | b a, .
Thus 2,4,8, would be assumed to be the sequence of positive powers of 2. Always
state both the lower and the upper bound if the sequence is finite and ensure that the intended
sequence is clear.
An expression such as 6 1 s si should be replaced by i=1,6 if is not clear that i should
be an integer.

Many readers are familiar with only a few of the Greek letters and use of unfamiliar
letters should be minimized, if only because use of any new notation should be minimized. Most
people find it easier to remember that a letter denotes a certain quantity if they know the name of
the letter; if they do not know the name they tend to invent one, but this invention is generally
not as effective a label as a real name. for example, reading the statement sets are denoted by o
might result in the thought sets are denoted by alpha while reading set are denoted by (a
form of rho) might result in the through sets are denoted by squiggle-that-looks, like-a-bit-like-a-
Some mathematical symbol and characters from other alphabets have a superficial
resemblance to more familiar symbol.
Symbol Confused with
c epsilon e
eta n
i iota i

mu u

rho p
u upsilon v
e omega w
v or v
o proportional o alpha
| Empty set phi

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