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Unit 1: Hows the Weather Today?

n n n Aim Level Language Focus Time Teaching Aids Name: Tonny Kuo Instructor: Joyce Chou Dept. of English Instruction, NHCUE By the end of the course, students would be able to use the sentence patter Hows the weather? to know the weather condition. 6th Graders (from Longman Super Teens, Book 8) Sentence Pattern: Hows the weather? Vocabulary: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, sunglass, umbrella, jacket 40 minutes Song Poster, flash cards, worksheet, sentence strip

worksheet Preparation Procedures Step 1: Warm-up (5 mins) 1. Draw a TV shape on the board to attract students attention. (TVNewsweather report) 2. Ask Ss what they will see in a weather report. Step 2: Teaching the sentence pattern and vocabulary (20 mins) 1. Put the sentence strip on the board, and use the flash cards to introduce new words. (a) Use flash cards and sentence strip to complete the sentence.

(b) Taiwan weather practice.


(c) World weather practice. (d) Ss and teacher interaction. (e) What do you need on sunny/rainy/windy day? flashcards

Taiwan/world Poster


Pair work: information gap activity with worksheet (a) Lisas going abroad next week, and she needs to know the weather in New York. Can you help her to find the weather condition? (b) Check understanding. (c) If Lisa doesnt like rainy day, what day is the best day to go to New York? (Tuesday) (d) Weather reporter: pick up four Ss to the front, and invite them to be weather reporter.


Step 3: Wrap-up (15 mins) 1. Sing the song: Hows the weather, Mr. Lin? (a) Put the poster onto the board. (b) Read line by line. (c) Invite Ss to sing together with flash cards.

Put flash cards here.

2. Word puzzle with worksheet (a) Cite an example. (b) Practice. (c) Compare answer with partner. (d) Check the answer.

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