Spratley Dev Sem A1

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Art Cycle

This design proposal for the Art Race for Headington encourages the use of stages and the street for constructing, painting and performance. A diverse range of activities based on major design principles of integration, versatility and flexibility to help promote healthy learning, problem solving through recreation. Flexible structures can be erected in different locations and combined in various organisations that serve various functionality in the public realm. Single functional use structure and space is avoided. When relocated for the art-race and other events structural elements can serve in many ways, for example, by framing and enhancing the Cowley Road Carnival that has recently been moved - in order to subvert this situation the design helps the street comes to the park. (See Fig: 2 - Carnival food stalls framed by structures that can illuminate the scene at twilight) Emphasis is placed on integrating with emerging outdoor gym movement and existing apparatus in South park. The apparatus (see fig1. Below) can be used for physical and cognitive activities promoting and reinforcing healthy opportunities and lighting the public realm and serve as temporary art galleries(See Fig: 2) with potential to support green structures.

Oliver Spratley Development Seminars MAUD 2010

S o u t h Pa rk Ox f o rd





Local literature used as a narrative for unlocking artistic potential. The Headington shark emerges from C.S Lewiss wardrobe to engage in the Art-race - a reconstruction derby

Integration using local identity and iconography. The 2 clay pipes of Morris Dancing and stone masons chisels and hammers

Artistic cycling and flatland riders can perform symbolising possibilities of local practice

In t e g r at i o n a n d r e -s y n c h r o n i s a t i o n - o u t do o r l ea rn in g ex pl o ra t io n D e m o li t i o n R e c o n s t r u c t i o n - De r b y - t ea m s o f riders ca rry li g ht w e i g ht c o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p o n e n t s a n d m a ke st ru ct u res o n st a g e s a n d i n s t r e e t s

Pu b l ic a rt co n st ruc ted around the c ity leading up to the event and il l u m in a t es t he public realm signifying a imminent event. Mo v ed t o t he pa rk or street



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