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My Questionnaire Possible questions Age Un-popular topics Preferred layouts for magazine, layout do they find clearer and

and more appealing Establish whether my genre is a mass audience or niche, as my opinion that R&B and Hip-hop is a has Mass audience Clear and more professional look to my questionnaire they take serious Closed questions as I am going to use the results to determine the content and image my magazine has for example If a particular artist is heavily mentioned then I shall attempt to create my own authentic version; so as to be relative as possible like the source Hobbies of target, I use this information for magazine My general objective for my questionnaire is to build a generalisation of a character that would read my Hip-hop magazine, what they like, who they like etc. So as to be able to provide an high quality Hip-hop magazine that provide as many gratification as possible. For example if I find out what my audience would like to read about I will be able to write on a relevant topic which will be personally identification and escape gratification; making my magazine better. I shall analyse the data produced from my questionnaire to build my magazines content. My Sampling Group R&B and Hip-Hop are and have always been a genre generally associated with Urban and Suburban teenagers, however attracts many different audiences from the elderly to young; it is very popular and in my opinion has mass audience so with this in mind my sampling group will be quite general. However I have to be careful not to be to bias, as I am student.

Please circle or write your answer or write it in the space provided.

1. What age group are you?

Under 16


Over 21 No

2. Do have Smartphone/Tablet currently with Twitter or Facebook on it? 3.

4. 5. 6. What prizes would you prefer? Who is you favourite your favourite Hip-Hop artist? What would you prefer the artist to speak about? How often do you purchase magazines?

iPods & MP3s

Personal Issues None Twice a month


Once a week More

7. What body positions do you prefer?

Whole Torsos

Heads and Upper-Torso

8. What do you think stands out the most on a font cover of a magazine? Colours Layout The Image
most suitable for Hip-Hop


Which layout do you think is magazine and the most clear?



10. What Colour Scheme do you prefer?

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