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Date Past tense (went, woke up, decided, eaten) Events Thoughts and feelings Times (when things

ings happened) Started in the morning, ended at night Food

Include these features:

Think about what may have / has happened recently. Set up camp and tents, Food and cleaning, argument or friendships, work we have done (maps, hieroglyphics), George Twigg illness, Discovered tomb,

Date Past tense (went, woke up, decided, eaten) Events Thoughts and feelings Times (when things happened) Started in the morning, ended at night Food

Include these features:

Think about what may have / has happened recently. Set up camp and tents, Food and cleaning, argument or friendships, work we have done (maps, hieroglyphics), George Twigg illness, Discovered tomb,

Date Past tense (went, woke up, decided, eaten) Events Thoughts and feelings Times (when things happened) Started in the morning, ended at night Food

Include these features:

Think about what may have / has happened recently. Set up camp and tents, Food and cleaning, argument or friendships, work we have done (maps, hieroglyphics), George Twigg illness, Discovered tomb,

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