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GE Energy


4 Day Class - 28 Training Hours
Students will run a mini voltage stability study on sample study systems, performing contingency analysis, P-V, Q-V, V-Q short-term and long-term dynamic simulations using the GE PSLF Program. Several EPCL programs for voltage stability analysis will be used during the class and distributed to the students. Students taking this class should be comfortable with PSLF power flow, stability, and EPCL. Note that this class can be tailored to individual utilities (relevant data added and critical simulations performed by GE prior to the class) and given on-site.

Course Outline:
Section 1: Introduction to Voltage Stability
Power System Stability Classification Voltage Stability Terminology Voltage Stability Time Frames Voltage Stability Analysis Approaches

Section 2: Analytical Methods

Steady-State Methods - Power Flow Analysis - Contingency Analysis - PV, QV, PQ Curves - VQ Curves Quasi Steady-State Analysis Dynamic Methods - Transient Stability Analysis - Long-Term Stability Analysis

Section 3: Transmission System Characteristics

Surge Impedance Loading Active and Reactive Power Transfer Constraints of Power Transfer

PV and PQ Curves

Section 4: Reactive Power Compensation

Load Power Factor Correction Shunt Compensation Series Compensation

Section 5: Steady-State Equipment Characteristics

Power System Load Modeling LTC Transformers and Distribution Voltage Regulators Generator Reactive Capability & Reserves Modeling Realistic Generator Operating Conditions Generator Protection

Section 6: Short-Term Voltage Stability

Power Plant Modeling - Generator Models - Excitation System Models Dynamic Load Modeling - Voltage Dependent Loads - Induction Motors - Composite Load Models Dynamic Voltage Support Models - Synchronous Condensers - Static VAr Systems - STATCOMs

Section 7: Long-Term Voltage Stability

Generator Protection (OEL, UEL, V/Hz) LTC Transformers and Distribution Voltage Regulators Secondary Load Models Thermostatic Loads Mechanically Switched Capacitors

Section 8: Voltage Stability Case Studies

Review of Several Voltage Collapse Case Studies Discussion of Various Mitigation Methods

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