Questionnaires Final

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Quality Research Questionnaire Sample:

Name: ____________________
Age: ____________________
Gender: ____________________
Job title: ____________________
Q1. Describe what does brand mean to you?

Q2. Name some brands that you remember their logo or slogan.

Q3. What is the image of a brand you are using?


Q4. How can you connect emotionally with the brand product you use?

Q5. Name a brand that talks about love.


Q6. What the letter M brings to your mind?


Q7. Do you remember specific colors that differentiate a brand from others in the same league?

Q8. Describe the reason behind the name of the brand. Describe 2 brand names you use.
Q9. What is the logo and tagline of one of the brands you described in the previous question?
Can you imagine the reason behind them?
Q10. If you were a brand which one you would like to be from the existing ones and why?

Q11. What does your name say about yourself? Describe it?

Q12. If you were asked to create a logo for yourself how it would be?

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