Reflective Lesson Plan IV

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Claflin University School of Education - - - EDUC 450 Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Ms. Aubriaunna Bodrick PART I: PLANNING Title of Lesson Day and Night (2 Days)
Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson?

Date: March 16, 2012

Source Subject Area (s) Grade Level Curriculum Standards

SC State Curriculum Standards/Support Documents Science 4th Grade Standard 4-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties, movements, and locations of objects in the solar system. Indicator 4-3.5: Explain how the rotation of Earth results in day and night.
What will students experience during the lesson? What is the content to be taught?

Description and Background Information

During this lesson, students will (experience): ENGAGE in a read aloud, whole group instruction, a miniexperiment using a globe and flashlight, an interactive audio book with questions about the reading, a kinesthetic activity that helps students understand the difference between revolution and rotation. EXPLORE why day and night occur through the mini-experiment using the globe and flashlight. They will also explore through the teacher-made PowerPoint and interactive audio book. EXPLAIN their newly obtained knowledge in a W.I.N.K (What I Now Know) journal entry and on an assessment given day two. EVALUATE their learning experience by answering open-ended questions using evidence and previously accepted explanations. EXPAND their knowledge through the completion of an anticipation guide on day and night. Content to be Taught Next Page

Earth rotates (spins) on its axis and completes one rotation in 24 hours. Earth rotates from west to east, therefore, the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west. Because of this rotation, only the side of Earth facing the Sun is lit and therefore experiences day; the side of Earth not facing the Sun experiences night.

What will I need to teach this lesson? What do students need to participate?


To teach this lesson, I will need: Starboard, Laptop, & Internet Connection Teacher-Made PowerPoint Presentation Read-Aloud- The Legend of the Cedar Tree To participate in this lesson, students will need: Science Journals and Pencil Globe and Flashlight Large Exercise Ball (Sun) Day and Night Activity Sheets
What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson?

Lesson Objectives

At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to explain how the rotation of Earth results in day and night. They will also be able to recall the difference between a revolution and a rotation, thus able to explain the difference between what causes the seasons and the days and nights.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material?

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

Students will work in small groups so they may master the objectives. Different types of instructional strategies will be used so students will have different opportunities to grasp the material.
How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? (Joshua)

Student will teach the students and explain to students why day and night occur. He will also explain to his peers why we see the sun in so many different places during the day. Student will go on to write his own fictional story about why day and night occurs, just as students wrote Greek myths about why the seasons occur.
How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?

There are no students who are presently learning English.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


To find out what students already know, students will complete a KWL chart after the reading of the read-aloud, The Legend of the Cedar Tree. This KWL chart will be done together as a group, but each student must take notes in their science journal.

What will I do to make a connection between students and this lesson?


Students will create two art masterpieces- one of a daytime scene and the other, a nighttime scene. Students will be given art sketch paper and color pencils. I will say to students, Become an artist! These are your canvases! I will also tell students to provide as much detail as the can about what is seen during the day verses what is seen at night.
What will I say to explain the importance of learning this lesson?

Statement of Purpose

The importance of learning this lesson is to make you [students] aware of the reasons for why we have day and night. It is important that you know that the sun does not move during the day, thus the reason for day and night; but that it is because Earth rotates on its axis.
What will I do to show students what is expected?

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

To show students what is expected, I will: Read-Aloud of Native American Story - The Legend of the Cedar Tree. After reading, I will ask students: Do you think the events in this story could have possibly transpired? When they respond no, ask: Why not? What really causes day and night? Teacher-Made PowerPoint- Where do Day and Night Come From- tell students what notes to take down in science journal. (Explanation Phase)
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?

Guided Practice

Students will engage in a mini-experiment. Using a flashlight and a globe, students will use the flashlight to simulate light from the Sun in order to see how that light shines on particular parts of the Earth. (lights must be off) Students will engage in a kinesthetic model of how Earth revolves and rotates outside. One student will pretend to be the Sun (hold the large exercise ball), while the other students pretend to be Earth. The students pretending to be Earth will first demonstrate a revolution around the sun. After that, students will pretend to rotate on their tilted axis. Students and I will engage in an interactive reading lesson via Students will interact with the Starboard as they read about what happens as the Earth turns.

Checking for Understanding

What will I ask to know if students understand so far? What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far?

Day and Night Activity Sheet- labeling an illustration of the Earth in relation to the Sun (attached)

What will students do to internalize the knowledge?

Independent Practice

The Day and Night activity sheet will serve as independent practice. Students will also W.I.N.K in their science journals- one paragraph about What I Now Know after the days lesson. On day two, students will engage in an assessment that covers the cause of the seasons as well as day and night.

What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?

Assessment (attach to lesson plan)

Students will take an assessment on day two of this two day lesson. This assessment will cover the cause of the seasons as well as day and night. Other material about the Suns effect on Earth will also be present on the test so that students are constantly seeing/reviewing the material even after it has been taught.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?


Review of Focus Question: What effect does the rotation of Earth on its axis have on Earth in relation to the Sun?
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance?

Extension Activities

As a homework assignment, ALL students can write their own fictional stories about why day and night occurs, just as they wrote Greek myths about why the seasons occur. At their home, students can teach/show their parents why we have day and night by doing the mini-experiment on their own. All they will need is a flashlight and a globe. If they do not have a globe at home, a ball will be just fine. If students have internet access, students can visit websites that provide information on why the seasons, day and night occur. To improve student performance, I could speak to the schools librarian or the wonderful persons at the county library about books that can help reinforce my lesson.

How is technology meaningful to this lesson?


Technology will be utilized throughout the implementation of this lesson. The Starboard, Laptop, and internet will used.
How could this lesson connect other content area across the curriculum?

Connection Across the Curriculum

Already a science lesson, here are some other ways this lesson connected to (or could connect to) other content areas: English Language Arts- Read Aloud of Native American Stories about Day and Night and Interactive Read Aloud via

Math- Addition/Multiplication- If it is 24 hours in a day, how many hours are there in a week? Or a year? Social Studies- Native American Stories (Brief Overview/Review of Native Americans & the Navajo tribe) The Arts- Drawing, Creating of Earth Models with Styrofoam and Paint Physical Education- Kinesthetic Models of Earths revolution around the Sun vs. Earths rotation on its axis Health Education- Daytime Meals vs. Nighttime MealsHow to eat healthy during the day and what should the meals look like?


Describe the strengths of my instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the strengths of student engagement.


Some of the strengths of my lesson include: Students were very engaged throughout the duration of the lesson, but more so excited about not having to sit in their seats for majority of the class time. ALL students wanted to participate/take part in the learning experience. I could tell they were intrigued. At the end of the lesson, when I asked the focus question again for review, all students were able to tell me that it is because of the Earths rotation on its axis that we have day and night. They were able to grasp all of the concepts taught in this lesson because of the instructional strategies used to convey such concepts.
Describe the weaknesses of my instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.


Some of the weaknesses of my lesson include: Classroom management during this lesson was intensified due to all of the activity that was going on both inside the classroom and out. When students were working inside, there was lots of commotion- many students wanted to come to the floor so they could see better and some students were playing around the room and holding personal conversations while they were supposed to be working in groups. When we went outside, some students wanted to play instead of complete the task at hand. Having to stop and address them as frequently as I did could have hindered others, as well as the students themselves, from learning the content. Even though I explained my expectations for behavior during the activity, I should have been clearer.

What specifically can I do to improve?

Suggestions for Improvement

I can do the following things to improve: Continue to use fun activities that get students up and moving- whether its a song or a chant OR a visual demonstration/simulation. Students really like activities in which they can be directly involved. Work on better classroom management strategies that can be used during hands-on/experiential learning experiences.
Revised 1-2012

Check for Understanding: Informal Assessment (After lesson)

WORD BANK North Pole South Pole day sun equator night

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