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Rethinking the Capstone Experience November 4, 2011 Homework for Our Next Seminar (12/9/11): Sometimes I Get High

/ Sometimes I Get Low / Culmination Is a Winding Road Disclaimer: We would like you to begin thinking about culmination and transition in preparation for our joint meeting with the Capstone Fellows on December 9th. To do so we have devised the following prompts, which are meant to stimulate reflection on culmination and transition. We are not interested in peering into your private diaries; please respond only at the level of detail you are comfortable with. 1. Please create a subpage labeled 12/9/11 Reflections in your ePortfolio workspace. 2. Create a module with the title High School Musical in which you reflect on the following: Think back to when you graduated from high school. How did you feel academically? Describe how you felt having completed four years of coursework. How prepared for college did you feel at the time and why? Describe the impact that your social life (friendships formed or not formed, relationships with teachers, etc.) had on you at graduation. How did your family factor into your experience of graduation? 3. In a separate module entitled The Freshman, reflect on the following: Think about the beginning of your freshman year of college. How did it differ from your senior year of high school? Describe how your high school experiences (academics, friends, family) did or did not carry over into your first year of college? What impact did this transition have on you as you started your undergraduate journey?

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