Anh Van

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Correct these negotiating expressions

Calming down 1. 2. 3. 4. I understand that youre saying. What I can see your point of views. view Why dont we become back to that letter? come You dont have to sorry about worry

Creating solutions 5. 6. 7. 8. A compromise shall be to b to How around if about Lets look at this other way. another Another possible is.. possibility

Closing a negotiation 9. 10. 11. 12. Lets see what weve get. got Can I go on what weve agree? over I think that overs everything. covers Wes got a deal. We have

B. Work in pairs. A : customer ; B : supplier

A : So youre offering a price of 950 per thousand bricks and , as I told you, Im only willing to pay 820. B : Yes, there seems to be quite a gap here. I understand what youre saying and A compromise shall be 855. A : Ok. I agree with you. And what about the discount? B: Now, we have a specific discount for the customers who accept longer delivery time. If you accept over 3 months, we will discount for your order 15%. A : It sounds interesting but I cant wait for a long time. Another possibility is 6 weeks and 25% discount. B : Yes, uhmmm Lets me see .. that should be fine. What currency will you pay?

A : I want pay in euros. B : I can see your point of view but I cant solve a lot of euros. How about if half the payment in euros and half in dollars. A : well, your welcome. So .. I will order thousand bricks with the price of 855. And you will discount 25%. The longest delivery times is 6 weeks. B : Ok . And your payment is half in euros, half in dollars. A: I think that covers everything. B : I hope were going cooperate in the future.

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