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I wish I had a Road Map that explains School Law...

Licensure, contract, collective bargaining and tenure


Academic freedom

Teachers are protected under the 1st amendment for academic freedom.


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Limitations of Laws: 1. Laws are purposely general, so they can be applied to a variety of specific situations. 2. Laws were created from problems in the past, and many do not even apply to issues of today. Many times these laws are built for decisions for the future.

Laws & Ethics of Teaching

U.S. Legal System

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The Constitutional Amendments: 1st, 4th, and 14th apply to teaching. -1st: it guarantees freedom of speech. -4th: is it protects from unlawful searches and seizures. -14th: no state should deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Federal Laws: Some laws influence education such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (prohibiting discrimination based on race, color/ origin)

U.S. Legal System

The laws protect intellectual property of authors and protect the work from plagiarism.

Ethics is the discipline that examines values and offers principles that can be used to decide whether acts are right or wrong (Gladding, 2007). As with the laws, codes of ethics are also limited. They provide only general Guidelines for professional behavior.

State & Local Influences States pass laws that regulate teachers qualifications, working conditions and legal rights. States also create departments of education that have responsibilities that determine the length of a school year, and also pass laws that allow local school districts responsible for the day to day functions of the schools.

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