Beginner S2

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Beginner Lesson S2

Mine and Yours

Introduction 2
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Formal Conversation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
Man and ~^lived in the same neighborhood for many years. And they just ran into each other.
Hangul Transcript
(1)^7/ ^! ~^^!
(2)~^ ^!! ^7/!!! !
(3)^7/ I^l7?
(4)~^ I[97. I0!~?
(5)^7/ ! I~! II=\^? I^II?
Pronunciation Tips
~is pronounced [^- gieokae].
(1)ajeossi eo! hyejin-a!
(2)hyejin eo! ajeossi! annyeong!
(3)ajeossi neo eodi ga?
(4)hyejin na jigeum chingu jip-e ga. nae chingu mayumi gieokhae?
(5)ajeossi eung! ni chingu gieokhae! geunde neo bap-eun meogeosseo? ni eomeoni-neun?
(1)Man Hey! Hyejin!
(2)Hyejin Huh? Mister!!! Hello!
(3)Man Are you going somewhere?
(4)Hyejin l'm going to my friends house. Do you remember my friend Mayumi?
(5)Man Yup! l remember your friend! Hey, did you eat? How's your mom?
Formal Conversation
(the dialog between ^7/and ~^in the intimate politeness level - ^7/'s lines
stay 'intimate'.)
(1)^7/ ^! ~^^!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
(2)~^ ^!! ^7/!!! /E!
(3)^7/ I^l7?
(4)~^ 7[97E. Z0!~E?
(5)^7/ ! I~! II=\^? I^II?
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English
I neo
you (intimate)
I ni
your (intimate)
I nae
my (intimate)
I gieokhada
to remember
I geunde
rice, food, meal
^7/ ajeossi
mister, sir (title for middle aged
^II eomeoni
mother (honorific)
Cultural lnsight
Second person pronouns are not commonly used because it is too direct in many situ-
ations. lt is not used unless it is between close friend. Otherwise, titles or titles with
names are used much more commonly.
Example: (1) , ^l7/E? (Kim Teacher, Where are you going?)
(2) /^... (What Section Chief Park said before...)
(3) /'9/E? (Boss, what time are you going home?)
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Intimate Politeness Level -
The intimate politeness level (- banmal) is widely used in everyday Korean, but mostly
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
between close friends who are in the same age group or by an older person talking to a
younger person. The intimate politeness level is also sometimes used by younger people
talking to older people, typically in the case of family members or people who have agreed
to be on closer terms with each other.
The intimate politeness level is a conjugation used at the end of verbs to convey the
amount of politeness the speaker holds towards the listener.
' ln Today's Dialog
(3) I^l7?
(4) I[97.
(4) I0!~?
(5) I~!
(5) II=\^?
=Construction #1
Verb stem + -^/-^/-^
' Verb stem + -^:
- used with verbs that have a either the vowel ~(o) or^(a) in the verb stem's final syllable.
+ Examples +
5(I) + -^ 7= l see. l watch.
/(I) + -^ /(^) /= l buy.
(I) + -^ ^= l catch. l grab.
=Construction #2
Verb stem + -^:
- used with verbs that have any vowel other than the vowels ~(o) or^(a) in the verb
stem's final syllable.
+ Examples +
=(I) + -^ =^= l eat.
(I) + -^ ^= l hate it.
=Construction #3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
Verb stem + -^:
- used with I(hada) verbs
+ Examples +
(I) + -^ ~= l study.
(I) + -^ ~= l work.
There are a number of different contractions and/or deletions for conjugations that have
consecutive vowels. Please refer to the Premium Learning Center for a full chart and ex-
Grammar Point #2 - Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used to attribute ownership of an object to someone. Like any
other pronoun, these replace the nouns. Different possessive pronouns are used according
to the speakers relationship with the listener. Humbling pronouns, neutral pronouns, and in-
timate pronouns, all indicate the relationship between the listener and the speaker.
Pronoun + Possessive Particle = Possessive Pronoun (Contraction)
IP- I(nae - my)
IP- I(ni - your)
7P- Z(je - my - humbling)
Grammar Point #3 - Past Tense (review)
-()/\/\)- is a verbal infix, which is used to convey the past tense.
)- is used for verbs that have ^or ~as the last vowel in the verb stem.
\- is used for verbs that do not have ^or ~as the last vowel in the verb stem.
\- is used for I(hada) verbs.
Many times there are deletions and contractions with consecutive vowels (lf a verb stem
ends in a consonant there are no deletions or contractions). These contraction and deletion
rules follow the ^/^/^conjugation. Please refer to the grammar bank entry on "-^/^/^
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Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
conjugation" to refer to rules for contraction and deletion.
(Contraction and Deletion Rules follow the same rules as the "^/^/^conjugation." Please
refer to entry on "^/^/^conjugation" for contraction and deletion rules.)
[Verb Stem] + [)/\/\] + [Conjugation (politeness level/mood/etc.]
1.()Example: =I- to eat
=- verb stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [lntimate Politeness Level - ^/^/^]
[=] + [\] +[^]
=\^. - Simple Past Tense (lntimate Politeness Level)
(1)Example: =I- to eat
=- verb stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [Standard Politeness Level - ^/^/^+ E]
[=] + [\] +[^E]
=\^E. - Simple Past Tense (Standard Politeness Level)
+ Examples +
(jeo-neun hanguk-eseo simnyeon dongan sarasseoyo.)
l lived in Korea for 10 years.
' ln Today's Dialog
(5)^7/: ...II=\^?...
(5)Mister: ...But did you eat?...
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 141BB1033108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. March 31st 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
El Grande Salsaria
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. April 7th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^7/ ^II(S/?
(2)~^ ^I...
(3)^7/ ? ^/?
(4)~^ ... 0^=.
(5)^7/ ? ^l7^/?
(6)~^ 7^=.
(7)^7/ ^?
(8)~^ I9'5^\^. '5E=\^.
(9)^7/ ^?! '... "}I/^"?
(10)~^ . ^)^?
(11)^7/ (=j..) ^!!! "}I/^!!!!!!"
Pronunciation Tips
'is pronounced [/].
(1)ajeossi eomeoni-neun gwaenchanheusyeo?
(2)hyejin ani...
(3)ajeossi wae? apeusyeo?
(4)hyejin eung... eomma-neun apeo.
(5)ajeossi wae? eodi-ga apeusyeo?
(6)hyejin bae-ga apeo.
(7)ajeossi eotteotke?
(8)hyejin uri dongne-e meksiko sikdang-i isseo. meksiko yori-reul meogeosseo.
(9)ajeossi eo?! hoksi... "el grande salsaria"?
(10)hyejin eung. eotteotke arasseo?
(11)ajeossi a!!! "el grande salsaria!!!"
(1)Man ls your mother alright?
(2)Hyejin No...
(3)Man What? ls she sick?
(4)Hyejin Yea... She's sick.
(5)Man What? What's wrong?
(6)Hyejin Her stomach hurts.
(7)Man What happened?
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 7th 2008
(8)Hyejin There's a Mexican restaurant in our neighborhood. We had Mexican food.
(9)Man Huh? By any chance... "El Grande Salsaria"?
(10)Hyejin Yea. How did you know?
(11)Man (raising a fist) AHH!!! "El Grande Salsaria!!!!!"
Formal Conversation
(~^'s lines in the standard politeness level)
(2)~^ ^IE...
(4)~^ I... 0^VE.
(6)~^ 7^VE.
(8)~^ I9'5^\^E. '5E=\^E.
(10)~^ I. ^)^E?
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
(I gwenchanta
to be ok, to be alright
^I apeuda
to be hurt, to be sick
stomach, belly
^II eomeoni
^ eotteoke
we, us, our
I dongne
'5 meksiko
^ sikdang
E yori
food, cuisine
' hoksi
by any chance,
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Honorific Infix - -(S)'
This makes a standard verb (descriptive or action) [, honorific speech. lt's not used
necessarily only towards people who are in the conversation, but is used very widely in or-
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 7th 2008
der to lift up (honor) the topic of the sentence, a person or group of people.
' Construction:
To make a verb honorific, take the verb stem, and add -'or -(S)'. And this is now the
honorific form of the verb in the dictionary form.
-'Iis used for verbs ending on vowels.
^I(apeuda) - to be hurt
^- verb stem
^+ 'I- verb stem + honorific infix
^'+ conjugation
^'+ II(verb stem + formal politeness level conjugation)
(S)'is used with verb stems ending in consonants.
(I(gwenchanta) - to be ok, to be alright
(- verb stem
(+ S'- verb stem + honorific infix
(S'+ conjugation
(S'+ ^E- verb stem + standard politeness level conjugation)
The actual politeness level used in the speech is for the person you are talking with. A sen-
tence can have either a polite ending or the honorific infix, or can also include both.
' ln Today's Dialog
^I(apeuda - to be sick) - ^'I(apeusida - to be sick - honorific)
(3)^7/: ? ^/?
(3)Man: What? ls she sick?
(5)^7/: ? ^l7^/?
(5)Man: What? What's wrong?
(I(gwaenchanta - to be okay) - (S'I(gwaenchanta - to be okay - honorific)
(1)^7/: ^II(S/?
(1)Man: ls your mother alright?
+ More Examples +
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Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 7th 2008
7I(gada - to go) - 7'I(gasida - to go - honorofic)
' 7E(gayo - Please go.) - 7/E(gaseyo - Please go. - honorific)
5I(boda - to see) - 5'I(bosida - to see - honorific)
' 7E(bwayo - Please look.) - 5/E(boseyo - Please look. - honorific)
In both of the examples above, 7/Eand5/Eare showing politeness (standard politeness level)
and honorific speech at the same time.
5I(oda - to come)
5[II(osimnida) - come + honorific infix + formal politeness level
5/E(osyeoyo) - come + honorific infix + standard politeness level
5/(osyeo) - come + honorific infix + intimate politeness level
Grammar Point #2 - Irregular Sverbs - ^I- conjugation
Verbs that end with the vowel 'S' are conjugated differently than other verbs when the con-
jugation starts with a vowel. Essentially, '' is replaced with the vowel that starts the con-
jugation. When the conjugation starts with a consonant, the verb is conjugated as normal.
The conjugation must start with a vowel. ln addition, the verb must end with the 'S' vowel,
and not with a consonant for this irrgular conjugation to take place (e.g. I(neutda) to be
late - this verb is conjugated as normal).
ln addition, there is an irregular conjugation when the verb that is being conjugated has two
or more syllables and the vowel in the syllable immediately preceding the 'S' syllable is
either '^' or '5.' The preceding syllable affects the conjugation and instead of determining
which conjugation to use according to S(which would be typically be a ^conjugation), the
verb is conjugated as if '^' or '5' was the determining vowel (which would be typically be a
1. ^I(sseuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to write + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjuga-
' ^(sseu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjugation
' + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this conjugation is
used because there is no ^or 5vowel to affect the conjugation)
' 0(sseo) - to write (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
2. TI(kkeuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to turn off + lntimate Simple Present Tense con-
' T(kkeu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjugation
' '+ ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this conjugation is
used because there is no ^or 5vowel to affect the conjugation)
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 7th 2008
' (kkeo) to turn off (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
3. lTI(bappeuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to be busy + lntimate Simple Present Tense
' lT(bappeu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense con-
' l=(bapp) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this con-
jugation is used because ^influences the conjugation)
' l(bappa) - to be busy (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
' ln Today's Dialog
(4) ~^: ... 0^=.
(6) ~^: 7^=.
' Conjugation
^(I) + ^/^/^ ^V
ln both of the sentences above, ~^(hyejin) said "^=" instead of "^V." This is very com-
mon among younger people and especially children.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 146BB2040708 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 7th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Hangul Transcript 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 4
Grammar Points 4
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 151BB3041408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. April 14th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^ ^/5['5!
(2)^ /E... ^]S/E.
(3)^7/ /E!!
(4)^ I?!
(5)~^ ^7/... ^~...
(6)^7/ ^7/P^II7^/E! /E!!!
(7)^ ^l^/E?
(8)~^ 7^/E...
(9)^ ^... I... ~E... ^.. 5/E... (^=iS) /E;^E?
(10)~^ I...
(11)^7/ 7E!!!
(12)^ II. II. 5E... F5(S/E?
(13)^7/ F5?!? F5?!?? I!!! [/E!!
(1)jigwon eoseo osipsio!
(2)jigwon annyeonghaseyo... yeogi anjeuseyo.
(3)ajeossi don juseyo!!
(4)jigwon ne?!
(5)hyejin ajeossi... jinjeonghae...
(6)ajeossi i agassi-eui eomeoni-ga apeusyeoyo! don juseyo!!!
(7)jigwon eodi apeusyeoyo?
(8)hyejin baega apeusyeoyo...
(9)jigwon joesonghaeyo... yeogi.. oseyo... uri salsal-reul deusyeosseoyo?
(19)hyejin ne...
(11)ajeossi jeo-doyo!!!
(12)jigwon joesonghamnida. jeongmal joesonghamnida. geureojiman don-eun an dwaeyo...
tako-neun gwenchanheuseyo?
(13)ajeossi tako?!? tako?!?? ne!!! manhi juseyo.
(1)Staff Welcome!
(2)Waiter Hello. Please sit here.
(3)Man Give me money!!
(4)Waiter Excuse me?
(5)Hyejin Calm down...
(6)Man This girl's mother is sick! Give us money!
(7)Waiter What's wrong with her?
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 151BB3041408 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 14th 2008
(8)Hyejin Her stomach hurts...
(9)Waiter Oh... Alright... l'm sorry... Please... Come here... (Whisper) Did she have our salsa?
(10)Hyejin Yes...
(11)Man Me too!!!
(12)Waiter We're sorry. We're very sorry. We can't give you any money... Are you alright with
(13)Man Tacos?!? Tacos?!?! Please, give me a lot!
Formal Conversation
(the conversation in the formal politeness level)
(1)^ ^/5['5!
(2)^ [I... ^]S['5.
(3)^7/ ['5!!
(4)^ I?!
(5)~^ ^7/... ^['5...
(6)^7/ ^7/P^II7^[II! ['5!!!
(7)^ ^l7^[I?
(8)~^ 7^[II...
(9)^ ^... I... II. ^.. 5['5... (^=iS) 7*/E;I?
(10)~^ I...
(11)^7/ 7=\II!!
(12)^ II. II. II... F5(S[I?
(13)^7/ F5?!? F5?!?? I!!! [['5!!
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
^/5['5 eoseo osipsio
welcome (phrase used
in business
]I antda
to sit
I juda
to give
^I jinjeonghada
to calm down
^7/ agassi
miss (title for young
I joesonghada
to be sorry
5I oda
to come
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 151BB3041408 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 14th 2008
/ salsa
E'I deusida
to eat (honorific)
5 an dwae
cannot, can't do, must
not be
F5 tako
[ mani
many, a lot
Cultural lnsight
^/5['5(eoseoosipsio) is a phrase used in business establishments. lt is used to
welcome someone when a customer enters a store, restaurant, or an office. Typically
customers don't respond to greeting. Saying /E(annyeonghaseyo - hello) can
even be too polite. To acknowledge the person that has greeted the customer, most
people will simply nod their head. However, it is not uncommon to ignore this greeting
as well.
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Affirmative Imperative - -
The affirmative imperative is used to give a command, request or an order directly to
' Construction
The conjugation is identical to the intimate politeness level (^/^/^) and standard polite-
ness level (^/^/^E). These stay in their respective politeness levels.
Intimate Politeness Level
I(gongbuhada) - to study
+ (^/^/^) = ~- study (imperative - intimate politeness level)
Standard Politeness Level
7I(jada) - to sleep
7+ (^/^/^E) = 7E- sleep (imperative - intimate politeness level)
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Lesson Code : 151BB3041408 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 14th 2008
Note: Many times the standard politeness imperative uses the honorific infix '(si) because
it's asking someone telling someone to do something. This is to be polite.
The formal politeness level uses the conjugation: ['5(sipsio)
Verb Stem + (S)['5
5I(oda) - to come
5+ (S)['5
5['5- come (imperative - formal politeness level)
The formal politeness imperative is not used often in casual spoken Korean, or even in
formal situations. lt is generally reserved for people of extreme importance (i.e. Kings,
Queens, Royalty, Presidents, High ranking military officials, etc.).
Note: The written form (S)'5can often be found on signs on the street, giving warning or
directions to the public. The spoken version of this can be found in many historical Korean
dramas as well, however, it's use is only relegated to written Korean in modern Korean.
' ln This Dialog
(2)^: /E... ^]S/E.
(2)Waiter: Hello. Please sit here.
(3)^7/: /E!!
(3)Man: Give me money!!
(5)~^: ^7/... ^~...
(5)Hyejin: Calm down...
(9)^: ... ^.. 5/E...
(9)Waiter: ... Please... Come here...
(13)^7/: F5?!? F5?!?? I!!! [/E!!
(13)Man: Tacos?!? Tacos?!?! Please, give me a lot!
+ More Examples +
1.=^. (ppalli bap meogeo) = Hurry and eat. (intimate)
2.[97/E. (jip-e gaseyo) = Please go home. (standard)
3.0/E. (mul masyeoyo) = Drink water. (standard)
4.jS['5. (mun-eul dadeusipsio) = Please close the door (formal)
5.jS'5. (mul-eul dadeusio) = Please close the door (written)
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 151BB3041408 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 14th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
What Can\'t You Do?
Introduction 2
Hangul Transcript 2
Romanization 2
Translation 3
Formal Conversation 4
Lesson Vocabulary 4
Cultural Insight 5
Hanja Vocabulary 5
Grammar Points 5
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. April 21st 2008
Someone is being interviewed for a job. This conversation takes place in the middle of an interview.
Hangul Transcript
(1) ^\^E? */^[0E.
(2)^ ^\II.
(3) ^?
(4)^ ^\II.
(5) =^?
(6)^ =^\II.
(7) ^?
(8)^ I. ^\II.
(9) ... =^?
(10)^ \II.
(11) ? \^E?
(12)^ (I) I? ^... ? II... ...
(13) ? \^E?
(14)^ I??? (I) ^... I! \II!
(15) (/) ^m!
(1)gwajangnim yeongeo hal su isseoyo? uri hoesa-neun yeongeo mani sseoyo.
yeongeo hal su isseumnida.
ilboneo hal su isseumnida.
(5)gwajangnim junggugeo-neun?
junggugeo-do halsu isseumnida.
(7)gwajangnim purangseueo-neun?
Ne. purangseueo hal su isseumnida.
(9)gwajangnim Eum...seupeineo-neun?
Hal su isseumnida.
(11)gwajangni Nonggu-neun? hal su isseoyo?
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 21st 2008
Ne?... nonggu? nonggu hal su eopsseumnida... hajiman...
Yagu-neun? yagu-neun hal su isseoyo?
Ne????! yagu-neun hal su isseumnida!
Can you speak English? We use a lot of English in this office.
l can speak English.
l can speak Japanese.
l can also speak Chinese.
Yes, l can speak French.
Hmm... Spanish?
Basketball? Can you play?
Excuse me? Uh... Basketball? l can't play basketball... but...
Baseball? Can you play?
Excuse me???? Oh, yes! l can play baseball!
Aww yeah!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 21st 2008
Formal Conversation
('s lines in the Formal Politeness Level)
(1) ^\I?? */^[II.
(2)^ ^\II.
(3) ^\I??
(4)^ ^\II.
(5) =^\I??
(6)^ =^\II.
(7) ^\I??
(8)^ I. ^\II.
(9) ... =^\I??
(10)^ \II.
(11) ? \I?
(12)^ (I) I? ^... ? II... ...
(13) ? \I?
(14)^ I??? (I) ^... I! \II!
(15) (/) ^m!
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
^I sseuda
to use, to write
[ mani
a lot, many
*/ hoesa

we, us, our, my
^ yeongeo
^ ilboneo
=^ junggugeo
^ peurangseueo
=^ seupeineo
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 21st 2008
Cultural lnsight
Just like any other place, Korea has an interview system to get a job or to enter uni-
versity. Most Korean companies have a paper screening, one test, and two interviews.
After the paper screening there is an exam made by the company. lf you pass that
test, you are eligible to undergo the first interview. Usually the first interview is with 5
or 6 members of the company asking general questions about the institution and the
applicant's motive for applying. lf you pass the first interview, there will be a chance to
take the second interview. The second interview is with a higher supervisor. And if you
passed both interview, you are successfully accepted to the institution. Sometimes
there are more than two interviews. Some large enterprises have up to 3-4 interviews
and it differs from year to year.
Hanja Vocabulary
Word Hanja Meaning Compound Examples
language, tongue
^(England + language) = English
=^(Korea + language) = Korean
5=^(mother + country + language) = Mother
ball, round
(basket + ball) = basketball
(field + ball) = baseball
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Expresses Ability, Capability or Possibility - -/j\I
-/j\I(-l/eul su itda) is a grammatical structure used to express ability, capability or
possibility (i.e. whether you can or can't speak English, or you can or can't use a computer).
This structure adds onto the end of both descriptive and action verbs to express the possib-
ility, or capability of that verb. This can be translated as "can," or "able to." The word
"(su)" in this structure means "a way", "a method" or "a possibility", thus making the entire
structure express possibility or ability.
The last verb \I(itda) can be conjugated to express politeness level, tense, mood. Tradi-
tionally, the verb can inflect negation as well, but in this grammatical structure, the negated
form would come from the verb opposite the verb \I(itda) - I(eopta). The construc-
tion -/jI(-l/eul su eoptda) can be translated as "cannot" or "not able to."
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Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 21st 2008
However, when using the the construction /jI(l/eul su eoptda), this carries the
notion that the speaker (or subject of the sentence) was unable to do something because
they did not have the capacity to perform that activity. Using this structure implies that the
subject does not posses the ability to perform that action [i.e. =j^- l can't eat (l
don't have the ability to eat)]. When expressing "can't" because of factors other than inabil-
ity, the impossibility adverb (mot) is used.
' Construction
Verb Stem + -/j\I/I.
/\I, / Iis used for verbs ending on vowels.
Verb Stem + -/j\I/I.
-\I/Iattaches to verbs stems that end in a vowel.
I(hada) - to do
- verb stem
+ \I- verb stem + \I
\I- to be able to do.
I- to not be able to do.
7=^\^E. (jeo-neun hangukeo hal su eopseoyo.)
l can speak Korean. (Standard Politeness Level)
7=^^E. (jeo-neun hangukeo hal su eopseoyo.)
l can't speak Korean. (Standard Politeness Level)
-j\I/Iis used with verb stems ending in consonants.
=I(meokda) - to eat
=- verb stem
=+ jI= verb stem + jI
=jI- to not be able to eat
=j\I- to be able to eat
=jII. (gimchi-reul meogeul su eopseumnida.)
l can't eat Kimchi. (Formal Politeness Level)
=j\II. (gimchi-reul meogeul su isseumnida.)
l can eat Kimchi. (Formal Politeness Level)
' ln This Dialog
I(hada - to do) + /\I+ E= \^E.(l can do)
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(1): ^\^E?
(1)Section Chief: Can you speak English?
I(hada - to do) + / I+ II/=II= II.(l can't do)
(12)^:? II..
(12)YunSeok Lee: Basketball? l can't play basketball..
1. =J^E. (hakgyo gal su eopseoyo.)
l wasn't able to go to school. (l didn't have the ability to.)
2. ^V/, @^E. (son-i apaseo, sseul su eopseoyo.)
l can't write because my hand hurts.
3. =9\II. (yeongguk-e sal su isseumnida.)
l can live in England.
4. ^E. (malhal su eopseoyo.)
l can't tell you.
5. I\^E? (naeil-do ol su isseoyo?)
Can you come again tomorrow?
6. 7=95i\^E? (jeonyeok-e yeonghwa boreo gal su isseoyo?)
Can you go see a movie (with me) tonight?
7. 7jj\^E? (jadongcha jom billil su isseoyo?)
Can l borrow (your) car for a while?
8. 7M\^E? (jeo dowajul su isseoyo?)
Can you help me?
Grammar Point #2 - Formal Politeness Level - II/I?
-=/II(m/seumnida)- The Formal Declarative Sentence Ending. This can be attached
to any verb to form a present tense declarative sentence. This conjugation is in the formal
politeness level.
-=/I(m/seumnikka) - The Formal lnterrogative Sentence Ending. This can be at-
tached to any verb to form a present tense question with that verb. This conjugation is in the
formal politeness level and is used for very formal situations.
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' Construction
For both the declarative and the interrogative the constructions add onto the Verb Stems
-=II/-=I(-mnida/-mnikka) are used for verb stems ending in vowels
Verb Stem + -=II/-=I
=is added onto the verb stem to form a new syllabic block. II/I(nida/nikka) comes
after the new syllabic block.
Verb stem + =II/-=I?
I- ida - to be (copula)
- verb stem
+ =II= II(is - formal declarative)
+ I= I? (is? - formal interrogative)
5I- oda - to come
5- verb stem
5+ =II= II(come - formal declarative)
5+ =I= I? (come? - formal interrogativel)
I- gongbuhada - to study
- verb stem
+ =II= II(study - formal declarative)
+ =I= I? (study? - formal interrogative)
-II/-I(-seumnida/-seumnikka) are used for verb stems ending in consonants
Verb Stem + -II/-I
Verb stem + II/I
]I- antda - to sit
]- verb stem
]+ II= ]II(sit - formal declarative)
]+ I= ]I? (sit? - formal interrogative)
I- japda - to catch
- verb stem
+ II= II(catch - formal declarative)
+ I= I(catch - formal interrogative)
+ More Examples +
1. lII. (jigeum bappeumnida)
(l'm) busy now.
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2. lI? (jigeum bappeumnikka?)
(Are you) busy now?
3. I? (gamnikka?)
Are you leaving?
4. ^l9I? (eodi-e gamnikka?)
Where are you going?
5. */9II. (hoesa-e gamnida.)
l'm going to the company.
6. /F/I? (sara ssi-imnikka?)
Are you Sara?
7. I, /FII. (ne, sara-imnida.)
Yes, l'm Sara.
8. ^lI? (jigeum eodi-imnikka?)
Where are you now?
9. II. (jigeum hwajangsil-imnida.)
l'm in the toilet now.
10. /jII. (jigeum seoul-imnida.)
l'm in Seoul now.
Grammar Point #3 - Irregular SVerbs
Verbs that end with the vowel 'S' are conjugated differently than other verbs when the con-
jugation starts with a vowel. Essentially, '' is replaced with the vowel that starts the con-
jugation. When the conjugation starts with a consonant, the verb is conjugated as normal.
The conjugation must start with a vowel. ln addition, the verb must end with the 'S' vowel,
and not with a consonant for this irrgular conjugation to take place (e.g. I(neutda) to be
late - this verb is conjugated as normal).
ln addition, there is an irregular conjugation when the verb that is being conjugated has two
or more syllables and the vowel in the syllable immediately preceding the 'S' syllable is
either '^' or '5.' The preceding syllable affects the conjugation and instead of determining
which conjugation to use according to S(which would be typically be a ^conjugation), the
verb is conjugated as if '^' or '5' was the determining vowel (which would be typically be a
' Construction
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1. ^I(sseuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to write + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjuga-
^(sseu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjugation
+ ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this conjugation is
used because there is no ^or 5vowel to affect the conjugation)
0(sseo) - to write (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
2. TI(kkeuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to turn off + lntimate Simple Present Tense con-
T(kkeu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjugation
'+ ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this conjugation is
used because there is no ^or 5vowel to affect the conjugation)
(kkeo) to turn off (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
3. lTI(bappeuda) + ^/^/^conjugation - to be busy + lntimate Simple Present Tense
lT(bappeu) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem + lntimate Simple Present Tense conjuga-
l=(bapp) + ^/^/^conjugation - verb stem (with the vowel Sremoved) + ^(this con-
jugation is used because ^influences the conjugation)
l(bappa) - to be busy (lntimate Politeness Level simple present tense conjugation)
' ln This Dialog
(1): ...*/^[0E.
(1)Section Chief: ...uri hoesa-neun yeongeo mani sseoyo
(1)Section Chief: ...We use a lot of English in this office.
+ More Examples +
1. 7@)^E? (jeo-reul bulleosseoyo?) - Did you call?
Verb - I(bureuda) - to call
2. IEj)^? (ne handeupon-eul seosseo?) - Dld you use my cell phone?
Verb ^I(sseuda) - to use
3. l/=Z)^E. (bappaseo sukje-reul mot haesseoyo.) - l was busy, so l
couldn't do my homework.
Verb lTI(bappeuda) - to be busy
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Lesson Code : 156BB4042108 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 21st 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Interview Goodness
Introduction 2
Hangul Transcript 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Grammar Points 3
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Lesson Code : 161BB5042808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. April 28th 2008
Round 2 of the interview with ^(yunseok) and /(sajangnim).
Hangul Transcript
(1)/ [... /E?
(2)^ I?? ^... E? II.
(3)/ */7jE~E. j[\^E?
(4)^ I... [[II. ^, ^, =^II. [FII!
(5)/ (7//) ... ^... F... ^jrE.
(1)Sajangnim geureom...yagu-reul jal haseyo?
ne??a...yaguyo?yagu jal hamnida.
(3)Sajangnim uri heosa yagutim-eun tusuga pilyohaeyo. gong-eul deonjil su isseoyo?
ne...jal deonjimnida. geurigo yeongeo, ilboneo, junggugeo-do jal hamnida. keompyu-
teo-do jal hamnida!
(5)Sajangnim (Thinking to himself)heum...iyunseok....seuta tusu...jal eoeullyeoyo.
(1)Boss Then... Are you good at baseball?
Excuse me?? Oh... Baseball? l'm good at baseball.
(3)Boss Our office baseball team needs a pitcher. Are you good at pitching?
Yes... l'm good at pitching. And l'm also good at English, Japanese, and Chinese.
l'm good with computers too!
(5)Boss (Thinking to himself) Hmm... Yunseon Lee... Star pitcher... it suits you .
lnformal Conversation
(1)/ [... ~?
(2)^ I?? ^... E? II.
(3)/ */7jE~. j[\^?
(4)^ I... [[II. ^, ^, =^II. [FII!
(5)/ (7//) ... ^... F... ^jr.
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Lesson Code : 161BB5042808 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 28th 2008
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms

to need, to be
[I deonjida
to throw
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Well -
(jal) is an adverb that means "well," and it is used to describe one's adequate ability or
capability of an action verb. When used in conjunction with the impossibility adverb
(mot), it describes ones inadequate ability or capability of an action verb.
' Construction
1. is an adverb and comes directly before action verbs.
+ /
well + verb
=^. - l eat well.
2. When used in conjunction with Iverbs that contain nouns, it is placed between the
noun and I.
/+ + /
noun + well + verb
~. - l'm good at basketball.
3.When the negative adverb (mot) is used, the order is:
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Lesson Code : 161BB5042808 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 28th 2008
+ + /
well + can't + verb
~. - l'm not good at basketball.
' ln This Dialog
(1)/: [... /E?
(1)Boss: Then... Are you good at baseball?
(4)^: I... [[II. ^, ^, =^II. [FII!
(4)Yunseok Lee: Yes... l'm good at pitching. And l'm also good at English, Japanese, and
Chinese. l'm good with computers too!
(5)/: (7//) ... ^... F... ^jrE.
(5)Boss: (Thinking to himself) Hmm... Yunseok Lee... Star pitcher... it suits you well.
1. 7j0E.
(jeo-neun geul-eul jal sseoyo.)
l write well.
2. /j~E.
(Minsu ssi-neun undong-eul jal haeyo.)
Minsoo is good at sports.
3. jrE.
(geurim-eul jal geuryeoyo.)
l draw pictures well.
4. 7E~E.
(jeo-neun yori-reul jal haeyo.)
l am good at cooking.
5. 7E~E.
(jeo-neun yori-reul jal mot haeyo.)
l am not good at cooking.
= 7E~E.
(jeo-neun yori-reul mot haeyo.)
' Some phrases is commonly used with
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Lesson Code : 161BB5042808 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 28th 2008
;^? - Did go home well?
)^? - Did you sleep well?
\^? - Have you been well?
5;^. - l'm not sure.
=\II. - Thank you for the nice food.
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Lesson Code : 161BB5042808 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. April 28th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
What Do You Want?
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 3
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 4
Grammar Points 4
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 166BB6050508 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. May 5th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^ , ^=jF?
(2) ^. I7=jF.
(3)^ 7? ^. 7? 77?
(4) ^I. I0F.
(5)^ ? F. 50F?
(6) ^I. 0F. [9F.
(7)^ [9? 7^? ^? , ^hFF?
(8) ^^^^!
Pronunciation Tips
There were many Koreanized English words in this dialog such as ^
(ice-cream), 7(cake), and (juice). They pronounced as aiseukeurim
(ice-cream), keikeu (cake), and juseu (juice).
(1)appa ttal,aiseukeurim meogeullae?
(2)ttal silheo. na keikeu meogeullae.
(3)appa keikeu? joha.ttalgi keikeu? chijeu keikeu?
(4)ttal juseu masillae.
(5)appa juseu geurae. orenjijuseu masillae?
(6)ttal ani. anmasillae. jib-e gallae.
(7)appa jib-e? keikeu silheo? juseu silheo? ttal, appa-hago noraebang gallae?
(8)ttal joha joha joha joha!
(1)Father Daughter, do you want ice-cream?
(2)Daughter No. l want to eat cake.
(3)Father Cake? Alright. Strawberry cake? Cheese cake?
(4)Daughter No. l want juice.
(5)Father Juice? Alright. Do you want orange juice?
(6)Daughter No. l don't want to drink orange juice. l want to go home.
(7)Father Home? You don't want cake? You don't want juice? Do you want to go to noraebang
with daddy?
(8)Daughter Yea, yea, yea, yea!
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Lesson Code : 166BB6050508 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 5th 2008
lnformal Conversation
Formal Conversation
(the daughter using the standard politeness level)
(1)^ , ^=jF?
(2) ^E. I7=jFE.
(3)^ 7? ^. 7? 77?
(4) ^I5. 70FE.
(5)^ ? F. 50F?
(6) ^I5. 0F. [9FE.
(7)^ [9? 7^? ^? , ^hFF?
(8) ^E^E^E^E!
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
^ aiseukeurim
ice cream
=I meokda
to eat
I silta
to dislike
7 keikeu
I jota
to be good
7 chijeu
0'I masida
to drink
F geurae
sure, alright
5 orenji
[ jip
^ appa
dad, daddy
hF noraebang
karaoke (room)
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Lesson Code : 166BB6050508 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 5th 2008
Cultural lnsight
hF(noraebang) - karaoke is different in Korea than it is in non-asian countries. A
private room with a karaoke machine can be rented for friends to go in and sing in the
company of their friends, not strangers.
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Intentional - /jF
This grammatical structure (-/jF) is used to convey one's desired intention for the fu-
ture. lt does not express one's actual intention, but one's desired intention of the future. lt is
often translated as "want to (verb)." This construction is used with action verbs.
This grammatical construction is in the intimate politeness level. The standard politeness
level adds the politeness particle -E(/jFE). This structure is used in colloquial situ-
ations. There is no formal politeness conjugation for this in the same structure, but in formal
situations, -;IIor -(S)[IIis used.
' Construction
Verb Stem + -/jF
-Fis used for verb stems ending vowels
I(juda) - to give
+ -F
F(E) - l want to give (something).
-jFis used for verb stems ending in consonants.
I(japda) - to grab
- verb stem
+ -jF
jF(E) - l want to grab.
' ln This Dialog
(1)^: , ^=jF?
(1)appa: ttal, aiseukeurim meogeullae?
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(1)Father: Daughter, do you want ice-cream?
(2): ^. I7=jF.
(2)ttal: silheo. na keikeu meogeullae.
(2)Daughter: No. l want to eat cake.
(4): ^I. I0F.
(4)ttal: juseu masillae.
(4)Daughter: No. l want juice.
(5)^: ? F. 50F?
(5)appa: juseu geurae. orenjijuseu masillae?
(5)Father: Juice? Alright. Do you want orange juice?
(6): ^I. 0F. [9F.
(6)ttal: ani. anmasillae. jib-e gallae.
(6)Daughter: No. l don't want to drink orange juice. l want to go home.
(7)^: [9? 7^? ^? , ^hFF?
(7)appa: jib-e? keikeu silheo? juseu silheo? ttal, appa-hago noraebang gallae?
(7)Father: Home? You don't want cake? You don't want juice? Do you want to go to norae-
bang with daddy?
+ More Examples +
1.=SSFE. (hanguk-euro gallaeyo.)
l want to go to Korea.
2.I5jF. (na-neun oneul gyeolhon hallae.)
l want to get married today.
3./j~@FE. (saranghaebollaeyo.)
l want to give love a try.
4. ^/IjF. (yeogiseo gidarillae.)
l want to wait here.
5. IjF. (na hoesa geumandullae.)
l want to quit my job.
Grammar Point #2 - And -
-(-hago) is used to link nouns in coordination in a sentence. lt can be translated as
"with," or "and," both of which must be implied from context. -(-hago) links the nouns in
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Lesson Code : 166BB6050508 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 5th 2008
consecutive order. -(-hago) can be used with as many nouns as desired. However, it
must be linked to each noun in coordination, with the exception of the final noun.
When this particle is used with one noun, a non-present noun is assumed to be connected
to the linked noun. ln this case, it is still translated as "with" or "and."
' Construction
Noun + , (Noun + , Noun + , etc.)
' ln This Dialog
(7)^: ..., ^hFF?
(7)appa: ttal, appa-hago noraebang gallae?
(7)Father: ...Do you want to go to noraebang with daddy?
+ More Examples +
(seonsaengnim-hago bap meogeosseoyo.)
l ate with the teacher.
2., F7, , =\^E.
(bap-hago, jjigae-hago, galbi-hago, gimchi meogeosseoyo.)
We ate rice, stew, galbi, and kimchi.
Please note: -(-hago) is suffixed to all the nouns in coordination, with the exception
of the last noun.
3. ==^E.
(gwahak-hao suhak-i johayo.)
l like science and mathematics.
-= -/= -/M
There is more than one way to say "and" to link nouns in Korean and the three above are
the most common expressions.
-and -/are equally colloquial and -/Mis used in more formal situations or in
Ex) Let's go with me.
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= I77. (common, casual)
= I77. (common, casual)
= IM77. (not common)
= 77E. (common, polite)
= 77E. (common, polite)
= 7M7E. (not common)
= 7M7E. (common in writing, polite)
= IM77. (common in literature, casual)
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Lesson Code : 166BB6050508 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 5th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
We Are Going to the Park
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. May 12th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1) ^, ^l7?
(2)^ . !
(3) ? ?
(4)^ ^F?
(5) ? ^E. I,^!
(6)^ . ,^?
(7) ^^^!
(8)^ ... ,^? ,^? [9/7F?
(9) ? IF! I, , ...
Pronunciation Tips
ln spoken Korean, ,(geos-i) is often used as (ge).
(1)ttal appa, eodiga?
(2)appa eung. gongwon!
(3)ttal gongwon? wae?
(4)appa appa-hago dalligi hallae?
(5)ttal dalligi? sireoyo. na dallineun geo sireo!
(6)appa hahaha. dallineun geos-i sireo?
(7)ttal sireo. sireo sireo!
(8)appa Umm...dallineun geos-i joha? gongbuhaneun geos-i joha? jib-eseo honja gongbu
(9)ttal eung? nado dalligi hallae! nae undonghwa, undonghwa, undonghwa...
(1)Daughter Daddy, where are you going?
(2)Father The Park!
(3)Daughter The Park? Why?
(4)Father Do you want to go for a run with daddy?
(5)Daughter A run? No. l don't like running.
(6)Father Hahaha. You don't like running?
(7)Daughter No. No. No!
(8)Father Hmm... Do you like running? Or do you like studying? Do you want to study at home
by yourself?
(9)Daughter Huh? l want to run too! My sneakers, sneakers, sneakers...
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
Formal Conversation
(the daughter's lines in the standard politeness level)
(1) ^, ^l7/E?
(2)^ . !
(3) E? E?
(4)^ ^F?
(5) E? ^E. 7,^E!
(6)^ . ,^?
(7) ^E^E^E!
(8)^ ... ,^? ,^? [9/7F?
(9) I? 7FE! I, , ...
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
a run, a race
I dallida
to run
together, with

I silta
to dislike, to not want
I jota
to be good, to like
[ jip
7 honja
alone, by oneself
I gongbuhada
to study
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 -Verb Nominalization -
Most Korean action verbs can be nominalized by taking the verb stem and attaching -(gi)
at the end. This nominalization is very important to remember since it is used with many
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
other grammatical structures. With the new construction, the verb can be used as a noun.
These verbal nouns indicate activity, quality, quantity, extent, or state of being. When nom-
inalized, these nominalized verbs can be translated as "(verb)ing, to (verb),
Another way of nominalizing a verb is to attaching -,(neun geot) at the end (please see
Grammar Point #2 for the difference between these two methods of nominalization).
' Construction
Verb Stem + -
7I(gada) - to go
7- verb stem
7+ -
7(gagi) - going (/- noun).
I5j=J7^. (na oneul hagyo gagi siheo.)
l don't want to go to school today.
' ln This Dialog
(4)^: ^F?
(4)appa: appa-hago dalligi hallae?
(4)Father: Do you want to go for a run with daddy?
(5): ? ^E. I,^!
(5)ttal: dalligi? sireoyo. na dallineun geo sireo!
(5)Daughter: A run? No. l don't like running.
(9): ? IF! I, , ...
(9)ttal: eung? nado dalligi hallae! nae undonghwa, undonghwa, undonghwa...
(9)Daughter: Huh? l want to run too! My sneakers, sneakers, sneakers...
+ More Examples +
1.='(meokgi sihap)
Eating competition.
2.=^E. (meokgi johayo)
lt's good to eat.
3.!~. II7^. (mianhae. na naeil suyeonghagi-ga silheo)
Sorry. l don't want to swim tomorrow.
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
4.iy^E. (syopinghag himdeuleoyo.)
lt's tiring to shop.
5.]9^E. (geotgi-neun mom-e johayo.)
Walking is good for your body.
6.Z+!=9E. (je chwimi-neun eumak deutgi-yeyo.)
My hobby is listening to the music.
ln Korean, the infinitive form of verbs cannot be used as nouns. These verbs must be nom-
inalized with a verb nominalizer (such as -- gi).
When these nominalized verbs are used as subjects, they take the subject marking particle
-7(-ga). When they are used as objects, they use the object marking particle -(-reul).
Grammar Point #2 -Verb Nominalization - ,
Another and a more general way of nominalizing a verb is to use the grammatical construc-
tion -,(-neun geot). This structure is used to to nominalize action verbs and indicates
'the act of (verb)ing.' lt stresses the fact or manner of "(verb)ing." lt can be translated as
Often times, ,(geot) is changed to 7(geo) to make pronunciation easier, and for speech
to flow more easily. 7(geo) is used in spoken Korean.
Although 7(geo) would naturally be followed by the subject marking particle -7(ga), 7
(geo) is changed to (ge), assuming that there is the other subject marking particle -(i)
following right behind it.
,= 7=
When 7(geo) is used in conjunction with the object marking particle, -(reul), it becomes
7(geo-reul). But this is often contracted to (geol) in speech.
,j= 7=
' Construction
7I(gada) - to go
7- verb stem
7+ -,
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
7,(ganeun geot)- going (/- noun)
=J7,^! (hagyo ga-neun geos-i silheo!)
l don't like going to school!
' ln This Dialog
(5): ? ^E. I,^!
(5)ttal: dalligi? sireoyo. na dallineun geo sireo!
(5)Daughter: A run? No. l don't like running.
(6)^: . ,^?
(6)appa: Hahaha. dallineun geos-i sireo?
(6)Father: Hahaha. You don't like running?
(8)^: ... ,^? ,^? [9/7F?
(8)appa: Umm...dallineun geos-i joha? gongbuhaneun geos-i joha? jib-eseo honja gongbu
(8)Father: Hmm... Do you like running? Or do you like studying? Do you want to study at
home by yourself?
+ More Examples +
1.57^,j^~. (moja sseu-neun geos-eul johahae.)
l like wearing hats.
2.,^? (chingu haneun geos-i eottae?)
What about being friends?
3.,y^E. (ilhaneun geos-i himdeureoyo.)
Working is tiring.
4.55,9E. (bi omyeon yeonghwa-reul boneun goes-i seupg-
lt is my habit to watch a movie if it rains.
5.0779{,j^/E. (eomma-neun namjachingu-ga
bam-e jeonhwahaneun geos-eul an johahaseyo.)
My mom hates my boyfriend calling me at night.
' The difference between -and -,
-(-gi) and -,(-neun geot) are both used to nominalize verbs in Korean. Although
these two ways of nominalizing are interchangeable and in most contexts, one suits better
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
than the other in some contexts.
=Generally, -,(-neun geot) can be used almost for every context where -(-gi) is
used, with the exception of -I/^[I/I(-gi jota/eoreopda/pyeonrihada) and
etc. (good/difficult/convenient for doing something).
/(9) I. ()
(i doseogwan-eun gongbuhagi(e) jota.)
= This library is good for studying.
/,(9) I. (X)
(i doseogwan-eun gongbuhaneun geot(e) jota.)
=-,(-neun geot) can be used for the context which can be translated in English as
"(someone) doing (something)" or "the fact that (someone) does (something)", whereas -
(-gi) cannot.
l saw him running.
- 7,j)^E. ()
(geu-ga dallineun geos-eul bwasseoyo.)
- 7)^E. (X)
(geu-ga dalligi-reul bwasseoyo.)
l hate him calling me at night.
- 79{,^E. ()
(geu-ga bam-e jeonhwahaneun geos-i sireoyo.)
- 79{^E. (X)
(geu-ga bam-e jeonhwahagi sireoyo.)
^^~E. ()
(appa-neun dalligi-reul johahaeyo.)
= My father likes running.
^,j^~E. ()
(appa-neun dallineun geos-eul johahaeyo.)
= My father likes running.
0^7^~E. (X)
(eomma-neun appa-ga dalligi-reul johahaeyo.)
0^7,j^~E. ()
(eomma-neun appa-ga dallineun geos-eul joahaeyo.)
= My mom likes my faher running.(My mom likes it when my father runs.)
=Often times, -and -,can be used in the same context at the same time like in the
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
dialog for this lesson, and -usually represents an immediate or current action whereas -
,means the general act of doing something.
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Lesson Code : 171BB7051208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 12th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Wow, It's Cold
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Grammar Points 4
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 176BB8051908 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. May 19th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1) ^... ^?
(2)^ (/) (^. ^! ^! ^.
(3) (r7/) ^F? ['^7!
(4)^ (/) ^... F! ^... ^... Ir!
(5) (j^=i) ^M!
(6)^ (,S) ^... ^... ^...
([r/jFF^. 7P=j,}yI.)
(7) ^... y^?
(8)^ ^y^...
(9) ^, IZ!\^!! (r7i)
(10)^ ^... y^...
Pronunciation Tips
Z!\I(jaemiitda) is often pronounced and (even written) as Z;I(jaemitda).
This is because the syllable that follows !(mi) is \(it). Vowels tend to become
contracted whenever possible, as is the case in this example.
(1)ttal appa...chupji anha?
(2)appa gwaenchanha. chupji anha! chupji anha! chupji anha.
(3)ttal appa! ppalli wa!
(4)appa eo....geurae! eo...eo...gidaryeo!
(5)ttal appa ppalli wa!
(6)appa chupji anha...chupji anha...chupji anha...
(7)ttal appa himdeulji anha?
(8)appa appa-neun himdeulji anha...
(9)ttal appa, dalligi neomu jaemiisseo!!
(10)appa a...himderleo...
(1)Daughter Daddy... aren't you cold?
(2)Dad (trembling with cold) l'm okay. l'm not cold. l'm not cold! l'm not cold!
(3)Daughter Really? Then let's start running!
(4)Dad (still trembliing) Uh... OK! Huh? Hey! Wait!
(5)Daughter (voice going farther away) Daddy! Come here! Quick!
(6)Dad (to himself) l'm not cold... l'm not cold... l'm not cold...
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Lesson Code : 176BB8051908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 19th 2008
(The father catches up with the daughter, but he looks like he's about to die.)
(7)Daughter Daddy... aren't you tired?
(8)Dad l'm not tired....
(9)Daughter Daddy, Running's fun! (runs away)
(10)Dad Ahh... l'm tired.
Formal Conversation
(The daughter's lines in the standard politeness level)
(1) ^... ^E?
(2)^ (/) (^E. ^! ^! ^.
(3) (r7/) ^! ME!
(4)^ (/) ^... FE! ^... ^... IrE!
(5) (j^=i) ^ME!
(6)^ (,S) ^... ^... ^...
([r/jFF^. 7P=j,}yI.)
(7) ^... y^E?
(8)^ ^y^E...
(9) ^, IZ!\^E!! (r7i)
(10)^ ^... y^E...
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
I chupta
to be cold
^F jinjja

'^I sijakhada
to start, to begin
II gidarida
to wait
5I oda
to come
yI himdeulda
to be difficult, to be
=Z sukje
Z!\I jaemiitda
to be fun, to be
Z ije
from now on, now
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 176BB8051908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 19th 2008
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Negative Sentence Ending - I
-I(-ji anta) is a negative sentence ending, used for negating a sentence. lt is con-
sidered the standard in which to negate a sentence. lt is often used in written Korean (i.e.
books, novels, manuals, newspapers) as well as in spoken Korean. This construction can
be translated as "no" or "not."
This structure is attached to the end of verbs (both descriptive and action) to negate these
verbs. I(anta) can be conjugated to reflect politeness level, tense, mood, and etc.
' Construction
Verb Stem + I
0'I(masida) - to drink
0'(masi) - verb stem
0'+ -I
0'I(masiji anta) - not drink
7j0'II. (jeo-neun sul-eul masiji anhseumnida)
l don't drink alcohol. (formal politeness level)
' ln This Dialog
(1): ^... ^?
(1)ttal: appa...chupji anha?
(1)Daughter: Daddy... aren't you cold?
(2)^: (/) (^. ^! ^! ^.
(2)appa: gwaenchanha. chupji anha! chupji anha! chupji anha.
(2)Dad: (trembling with cold) l'm okay. l'm not cold. l'm not cold! l'm not cold!
(6)^: (,S) ^... ^... ^...
(6)Appa: chupji anha...chupji anha...chupji anha...
(6)Dad: (to himself) l'm not cold... l'm not cold... l'm not cold...
(7) : ^... y^?
(7) Ttal: appa...himdeulji anha?
(7) Daughter: Daddy... aren't you tired?
(8)^: ^y^...
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(8)appa: appa-neun himdeulji anha...
(8)Dad: l'm not tired....
+ More Examples +
(1) I=^! (na-neun oeropji anha!)
l am not lonely!
(2) 5j^F^? (oneul jinjja deopji anha?)
lsn't it really hot today?
(3) 7=J9IIII. (jeo-neun hakgyo-e daniji anhseumnida.)
l don't go to school.
(4) ^E. (geureochi anhayo.)
That's not true.
(5) I7=)^. (nae-ga meokji anhasseo.)
l didn't eat it.
(6) ^Z)^? (eoje geureoke malhaji anhasseo?)
Didn't you say so yesterday?
(7) ^jF)^E. (amudo nollaji anhasseoyo.)
Nobody was surprised.
(8) ^^5^E. (yeogi-neun amudo oji anhayo.)
Nobody comes here.
Another way a sentence can be negated is by using the negative adverb (an). The differ-
ence between the two is that (an) is considered more colloquial, and I(ji anta) is
considered the standard way to negate a sentence. I(ji anta) would be the negation
most likely found in novels, textbooks, and newspapers, however, it is still used commonly
in colloquial situations. (an) would most likely be heard during a conversation and would
typically not be found in formal written documents.
' Examples:
(1) 7^E. (gaji anhayo.) = 7E. (an gayo.)
(2) =^E. (meokji anhayo.) = =^E. (an meogeoyo.)
(3) 5^E. (boiji anhayo.) = 5^E. (an boyeoyo.)
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Lesson Code : 176BB8051908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 19th 2008
Grammar Point #2 - Irregular =Verb Conjugations - '=' @(*/
With irregular '=' (b) verbs, the verb stem ends with '=.' lf this is followed by a construction
which starts with a vowel, then the =is changed to 5(o) or (u) (most of the time, =is
changed to ). The conjugation then affects 5or . When the verb stem ends with the
vowel '^' or '~', it is followed by 5, and when verb stem ends with any vowel other than
'^' and '~', it is followed by .
' Construction
The last consonant of the verb stem (which is =) is changed to either or 5. The conjug-
ation then affects 5or .
I(deopda) - to be hot
(deop) - verb stem
I(deou) - irregular verb stem
I+ (verb conjugation that starts with a vowel).
' ln This Dialog
(The irregular conjugation is not shown in this conversation because the construction that
adds onto the verb stem starts with a consonant)
(1): ^... ^?
(1)ttal: appa...chubpji anha?
(1)Daughter: Daddy... aren't you cold?
+ I
(chup + jianta)
verb stem + conjugation starting with a consonant
Please look below to see an example of the irregular conjugation with this verb
+ More Examples +
1. I- (chupda) - to be cold
(chu) - verb stem ends with the vowel ''
=- (b) - changes to
=+ conjugation
+ (^) - (chuu + eo) - irregular verb stem + simple present tense conjugation (intimate
politeness level)
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2.I- (jupda) - to pick up
- (jup) - verb stem ends with the vowel ''
=- (b) - changes to
=+ conjugation
+ ^(juu + eo) - irregular verb stem + simple present tense conjugation (intimate po-
liteness level)
3.I- (dopda) - to help
- (dop) - verb stem ends with the vowel '~'
=- (b) - changes to 5
5+ ^(doo + a) - irregular verb stem + simple present tense conjugation (intimate polite-
ness level)
More examples of words conjugated in the intimate politeness level.
4. I=D+.
5. I=^+.
6. I=!+.
7. I=+.
The following verbs are exceptions and don't follow the rule above. Therefore these are
conjugated like other regular verbs.
1. I(ipda) - to wear
2. I(japda) - to catch, to hold
3. ]I(ssipda) - to chew
4. I(jopda) - to be narrow
5. I(neolpda) - to be wide
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Lesson Code : 176BB8051908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 19th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
This or That
Introduction 2
Hangul Transcript 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 4
Grammar Points 4
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 181BB9052608 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. May 26th 2008
(!79/) - At a "meeting" (Minsu) and ^(Sujin) have really hit it off and are in deep
conversation with each other.
Hangul Transcript
(1) ^/, ^/9+/E?
(2)^ 9E? ... 9... ,j... ^I... =/Ij~E.
(3) 5... =/I... ^j/E?
(4)^ (/) ... E7I... j~E.
(5) j? j^/E?
(6)^ (I/) I?! j... I...
(7) ^, iHEIE9j97FE?
(8)^ I?? ^I... ...
(1)minsu sujin ssi, sujin ssi-neun jumal-e mwo haseyo?
(2)sujin jumal-eyo? eum... jumal-eneun... natjam-eul... ani... dokseo-na undong-eul haeyo.
(3)minsu o... dokseo-na undong... eotteon undong-eul haseyo?
(4)sujin (danghwanghamyeonseo) eum... yoga-na golpeu-reul haeyo.
(5)minsu golpeu? golpeu johahaseyo?
(6)sujin (deo danghwanghamyeonseo) ne?! golpeu... ne...
(7)minsu a, geureomyeon toyoil-ina iryoil-e golpeujang-e gachi gasillaeyo?
(8)sujin ne?? ani... geuge...
(1)Minsu Sujin. What do you do on weekends?
(2)Sujin On weekends? Hmm... On weekends l just nap... uh, l mean... l read books or work
(3)Minju Wow... you read or work out... what kind of exercise do you do?
(4)Sujin (Embarrassed) Well... l do yoga or play golf.
(5)Minsu Golf? You like golf?
(6)Sujin (Even more embarrassed) Huh? Golf.yeah.
(7)Minsu Oh, then shall we go to the golf course together this Saturday or Sunday?
(8)Sujin What? Oh.the thing is.
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lnformal Conversation
(the dialog in the intimate politeness level)
(1) ^^, I9+~?
(2)^ 9? ... 9... ,j... ^I... =/Ij~.
(3) 5... =/I... ^j~?
(4)^ (/) ... E7I... j~.
(5) j? j^~?
(6)^ (I/) ?! j... ...
(7) ^, [HEIE9j9F?
(8)^ ?? ^I... ...
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
, natjam
=/ dokseo
^ eotteon
what kind of

E7 yoga
j golpeu
i geureomyeon
then, in that case
[, I
)E wolyoil
j golpeujang
golf course
=E mokyoil
E suyoil
E hwayoil
E geumyoil
HE toyoil
E ilyoil
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Lesson Code : 181BB9052608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 26th 2008
Cultural lnsight
!(miting) is a Koreanized English word (meeting). lt is used to refer to a group
blind date. Typically a friend will meet someone, and will ask that person to bring
friends to an agreed place and time. Both parties will typically bring the same number
of people for each party so that everyone can have a matching pair.
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Or - -()I
-()I[-(i)na] is a particle, which attaches to nouns. lt has a number of usages that can
change the translation. ln the context of this conversation, -()Iwas used for usage 1.
1. lt is a particle which separates two nouns to express different options. lt is used as "or."
(e.x. EI)E- Sunday, or Monday)
2. When it is used with only one noun, '-()I' usually means "just" or "and don't even think
about others (or other things)."
(e.x. =ZI~! - Just do your homework.)
3. When used in conjunction with time phrases, the time given is an approximation. ()I,
in this situation, is often translated as "about" or "approximately."
(e.x. '{I^E? - About how many hours did it take?)
4. lt can be used to express one's missed expectations. ln this situation it is used when it is
much more than one expects. When used in this manner it gives off the nuance "much
more than l expected."
(3'{I^E. - That movie lasted 3 hours, much more than l expected.)
' Construction
-()I[-(i)na] is a particle and is attached to the end of nouns. For all the following con-
structions, -I(-ina) is used with nouns ending in consonants, and -I(-na) is used with
words ending in vowels.
Usage 1
/+ -()I+ /
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myeongsa + -(i)na + myeongsa
noun + or + noun
D=^I^~E. (maeil hangukeo-na yeongeo-reul gongbuhaeyo.)
l study Korean or English everyday.
Usage 2
/+ -()I+ /
myeongsa + -(i)na + myeongnyeonghyeon dongsa
noun + or + imperative verb
II[=^. (neo-na manhi meogeo.)
You go ahead and eat a lot of it. Don't force me to eat it.
Usage 3
'{+ -()I
sigan pyohyeon+ -(i)na
time phrase + about
'{I^E? (myeot sigan-ina geollyeosseoyo?)
About how many hours did it take?
Usage 4
+ -()I
pyohyeon + -(i)na
phrase + (more than l expected)
3'{I^E. (geu yeonghwa-neun se sigan-ina geollyeosseoyo.)
That movie lasted 3 hours (much more than l expected).
' ln This Dialog
(4)^: (/) ... E7I... j~E.
(4)Sujin: eum...yogana...golpeu-reul haeyo.
(4)Sujin: (Embarrassed) Well... l do yoga or play golf.
(7): ^, iHEIE9j97FE?
(7)Minsu: a, geureomyeon toyoil-ina ilyoil-e golpeujang-e gati gasilraeyo?
(7)Minsu: Oh, then shall we go to the golf course together this Saturday or Sunday?
+ More Examples +
1. 7TI0'iFE?
(keopi-na masireo galraeyo?)
Do you want to just go drink some coffee (if you don't have any better idea)?
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Lesson Code : 181BB9052608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 26th 2008
2. ^I[^E.
(chaek-ina japji-reul manni ilgeoyo.)
l read books or magazines a lot.
(yurob-ina apeurika-e gago ipeoyo.)
l want to go to Europe or Africa.
4.=/710I~E? !)^E?
(i tisyeocheu-ga sipmanwon-ina haeyo? michyeosseoyo?)
This T-shirt costs 100,000 won? Are you crazy?
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 181BB9052608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. May 26th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
What's That?
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 2
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 186BB10060208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. June 2nd 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^ I?! ^I... ... 1'F==\^E.
(2) 1'F? [Z==\S/E?
(3)^ ==? ^.. ... ^I... ^... 11'9E... 9E.
(4) I... ^/7... ^F... }y9{7\^E.
Pronunciation Tips
The indefinite noun {7(mwonga) is often pronounced the same as the interrogat-
ive word +(mwo), which means "what." This was the case in this lessons dialog.
(1)sujin ne? ani... geuge... han si-buteo yaksog-i isseoyo.
(2)minsu han si-buteo? geureom eonje-kkaji yaksog-i isseuseyo?
(3)sujin yaksok? a... geuge... ani... eo... yeolhansi-kkaji-yeyo. harujongil-ieyo.
(4)minsu geunde... sujin ssi-ga akka-buteo... eolgul-e mwonga mudeosseoyo.
(1)Sujin What?! l mean... That is... l have an appointment from 1 o'clock.
(2)Minsu From 1 o'clock? Then until when is your appointment?
(3)Sujin Appointment? Uh... That's... Well... Uh... Until 11 o'clock... lt's all day.
(4)Minsu But... Sujin... From just froma little bit ago... You have something on your face.
lnformal Conversation
(1)^ ?! ^I... ... 1'F==\^.
(2) 1'F? [Z==\^?
(3)^ ==? ^.. ... ^I... ^... 11'... .
(4) I... ^7... ^F... }y9{7\^.
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
F buteo
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 186BB10060208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 2nd 2008
== yaksok
promise, appointment,
all day

}y eolgul
{7 mwonga
I mutda
to stick, to smear, to
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - From/Until - F/
-F(-buteo) is a particle which marks a point in time or a certain location in which a cer-
tain action starts. lt can be translated as "from," "since," or "starting from."
Conversely, -(kkaji) is a particle which marks a point in time or a certain location in
which a certain action ends. lt can be translated as "until," or "up to."
Generally speaking, these two particles are used to mark the length or duration of an action.
' Construction
Time word / Location word + /F
Time word + F
^Z(eoje) - yesterday
^Z+ F= ^ZF(eojebuteo) - Since yesterday
^ZFT)^. (eojebuteo pigonhaesseo.)
l was tired since yesterday.
Location word + F
=J(hakgyo) - school
=J+ F= =JF(hakgyobuteo) - starting from school
=JF[\^. (hakgyo-buteo jip-kkaji georeosseo.)
l walked from school to home.
Time word +
6'(yeol si) - 6 o'clock
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6'+ = 6'(yeol si-kkaji) - until 6 o'clock
6'\j7. (chingu-rang yeol si-kkaji isseul geoya.)
l'm going to be with my friend until 6 o'clock.
Location word +
'(sijang) - market
'+ = '(sijang-kkaji) - up to the market
'IrI. (sijang-kkaji daeryeoda julge.)
l'll drive you up to (until) the market.
' ln This Dialog
(1)^: I?! ^I... ... 1'F==\^E.
(1)sujin: ne? ani... geuge... han si-buteo yaksog-i isseoyo.
(1)Sujin: What?! l mean... That is... l have an appointment from 1 o'clock.
(2): 1'F? [Z==\S/E?
(2)minsu: han si-buteo? geureom eonje-kkaji yaksog-i isseuseyo?
(2)Minsu: From 1 o'clock? Then until when is your appointment?
(3)^: ==? ^.. ... ^I... ^... 11'9E... 9E.
(3)sujin: yaksok? a... geuge... ani... eo... yeolhansi-kkaji-yeyo. harujongil-ieyo.
(3)Sujin: Appointment? Uh... That's... Well... Uh... Until 11 o'clock... lt's all day.
(4): I... ^/7... ^F... }y9{7\^E.
(4)minsu: geunde... sujin ssi-ga akka-buteo... eolgul-e mwonga mudeosseoyo.
(4)Minsu: But... Sujin... From just froma little bit ago... You had something on your face.
+ More Examples +
(du si-buteo ilhaesseo.)
l worked since 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
(jip-buteo hoesa-kkaji georeogasseoyo.)
l walked from home to the office.
(yeogi-buteo nyuyok-kkaji meoreoyo.)
lt's far from here to New York.
4.I12'==\^/, ^E.
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Lesson Code : 186BB10060208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 2nd 2008
(naeil yeoldusi-kkaji yaksog-i isseunikkan, mannal su eopseoyo.)
Because l have plans till 12 o'clock tomorrow, l can't meet you.
(yeogi-kkaji wasseo?)
You came all the way here?
-(-kkaji) can also mean in certain situations, "even." ln this case, (kkaji) is linked
to nouns.
y\^? (chingu-kkaji mannasseo?)
You even met his friends?
/)^? (uyu-kkaji sa wasseo?)
You even bought milk?
Grammar Point #2 - Something - {7
The question word +(mwo) can be used as an indefinite pronoun (something) by adding
on a simple conjugation. This can be used as a noun that is undefined.
' Construction
++ 17
{7(mwonga) - something
(mwonga sasseo?)
Did you buy something?
' ln This Dialog
(4): ... }y9{7\^E.
(4)minsu: ... eolgul-e mwonga mudeosseoyo.
(4)Minsu: ... You have something on your face.
+ More Examples +
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Lesson Code : 186BB10060208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 2nd 2008
(yeogi mwonga isseotji?)
There was something here, right?
(chingu-ga mwonga jwosseo.)
My friend gave me something.
(mwonga isanghae.)
Something's wrong.
(mwonga algo isseo?)
Do you know something?
(akka mwonga tteoreojyeosseo.)
Something fell earlier.
1.The indefinite noun {7(mwonga) is often pronounced the same as the interrogative, +
(mwo). This was the case in this lesson's dialog.
2.The conjugation can be applied to different interrogative words, but there is an exception. suggests these indefinite nouns be memorized as is.
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Lesson Code : 186BB10060208 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 2nd 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Your Hands
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 191BB11060908 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. June 9th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^ ^I, ^I... I7j... ^T~.
(2)5F ^^. I}y9+\^.
(3)^ ^!
(4)5F ^! I7j.
(5) 5... 5F/. 5F/P7j9E.
(6)5F I?
(7) 5... 5F/... 5F/P9E.
Pronunciation Tips
T~(changpihae) is often pronounced as T~(chaengpihae) in conversational
(1)sujin eomeo, eomeo... nae geoul... a changpihae.
(2)bora sujina. ni eolgul-e mwo mudeosseo.
(3)sujin ara!
(4)bora yeogi! nae geoul.
(5)minsu o... bora ssi. bora ssi-ui geoul-eun yeoppeoyo.
(6)bora ne?
(7)minsu o... bora ssi... bora ssi-ui son-do yeppeoyo.
(1)Sujin Oh my, Oh my... My Mirror. Oh l'm so embarrassed.
(2)Bora Sujin. You have something on your face.
(3)Sujin l know!
(4)Bora Here! My mirror.
(5)Minsu Oh... Bora. Your mirror is pretty.
(6)Bora Excuse me?
(7)Minsu Oh... Bora. Your hands are pretty too.
lnformal Conversation
(the dialog in the intimate politeness level)
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Lesson Code : 191BB11060908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 9th 2008
(1)^ ^I, ^I... I7j... ^T~.
(2)5F ^^. I}y9+\^.
(3)^ ^!
(4)5F ^! I7j.
(5) 5... 5F. I7j9.
(6)5F +?
(7) 5... 5F. I9.
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
^I eomeo
oh my, oh dear
7j geoul
TI changpihada
to be embarrassed
\I mudeotda
to have been covered,
to have been stuck
Z je
my (humbling)
I ne
my (intimate)
I ni
your (intimate)
Cultural lnsight
Second-person pronouns (you) are used only with those on familiar terms. Rather than
saying "you," Korean speakers often choose to use the person's name to address the
person. This was the case in this conversation. 5F(bora) who is friends with ^
(sujin) uses the second person possessive pronoun I(ni). (minsu) who has just
met these two for the first time is using their names to address them.
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used to attribute ownership of an object to someone. Like any
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Lesson Code : 191BB11060908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 9th 2008
other pronoun, these replace the nouns. Different possessive pronouns are used according
to the speakers relationship with the listener. Humbling pronouns, neutral pronouns, and in-
timate pronouns, all indicate the relationship between the listener and the speaker.
' Construction
Possessive Pronouns are in reality a contraction of pronouns and the possessive particle
Z= 7P(jeo-ui) - 7+ P- first person humbling pronoun + possessive particle
- Z(je) is used to humble oneself in the presence of someone the speaker respects.
I= IP(na-ui) - I+ P- informal first person pronoun + possessive particle
- I(nae) is used in informal contexts where the speaker feels that Z(je) is too polite and
inappropriate for the relationship with the listener. lt is used in informal contexts, and when
the speaker does not feel the need to show the highest respect to the listener.
I= IP(neo-ui) - I+ P- informal second person pronoun + possessive particle
- I(ni) is used in informal contexts when the speaker feels very comfortable with the listen-
er, and the power relationship is, at the least, equal. lt is commonly used when the speaker
has the upper hand in the relationship.
7*= 7*+ P- 7*(P) - humbling first person plural noun + (possessive particle)
- The possessive particle for this possessive pronoun is actually dropped (as it is in many
cases.) This possessive particle is used in formal situations, for example, when the speaker
does not know the listener well, or when the listener holds much of the power in the rela-
= + P- (P) - intimate first person plural pronoun + (possessive particle)
- The possessive particle for this possessive pronoun is actually dropped (as it is in many
cases.) This possessive particle is used in informal situations, when the speaker feels that
7*(jeohui) is too polite.
' ln This Dialog
(1)^: ^I, ^I... I7j...
(1)sujin: eomeo, eomeo... nae geoul...
(1)Sujin: Oh my, Oh my... My Mirror.
(2)5F: ^^. I}y9+\^.
(2)bora: sujina. ni eolgul-e mwo mudeosseo.
(2)Bora: Sujin. You have something on your face.
(4)5F: ^! I7j.
(4)bora: yeogi! nae geoul.
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(4)Bora: Here! My mirror.
+ More Examples +
1. Z739^E. (je chingu-ga hoju-e sarayo.)
My friend lives in Australia.
2. I. (ige nae cha-ya.)
This is my car.
3. Ij. (ni yeonpil jwo.)
Give me your pencil.
4. [^. (uri jib-eun neolbeo.)
My home is big. (neutral/intimate)
5. 7*[^E. (jeohui jib-eun jobayo.)
My home is small. (polite)
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Lesson Code : 191BB11060908 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 9th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
With or Without You
Introduction 2
Hangul Transcript 2
Pronunciation Tips 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 3
Formal Conversation 3
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Cultural Insight 4
Grammar Points 4
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. June 16th 2008
^[9y^)II. )909[jII.
(Hyeonseok has come home late. Because he is late, he is using polite language with his mother.)
Hangul Transcript
(1)0 ^! \^!
(2)^ II.
(3)0 I\\^?!
(4)^ ~, , *, \\^E.
(5)0 ^l;^?!
(6)^ =J, , =, T/;^E.
(7)0 I^^!
Pronunciation Tips
(hago) is often pronounced as (hagu) in conversational Korean.
(1)eomma johyeonseok! neujeosseo!
(2)hyeonseok joesonghamnida.
(3)eomma neo nugu-rang gachi isseosseo?!
(4)hyeonseok jihye-rang, sueob-irang, suhui-rang, jieob-irang gachi isseosseoyo.
(5)eomma eodi gasseo?!
(6)hyeonseok hakgyo-hago, yeonghwagwan-hago, jungguk-hago, pissibang gasseoyo.
(7)eomma ya i nyeoseog-a!
(1)Mom Hyeonseok Jo! You're late!
(2)Hyeonseok l'm sorry.
(3)Mom Who were you with?
(4)Hyeonseok l was with Hyejin, Sueop, Suhui, and Jiyeop.
(5)Mom Where did you go?
(6)Hyeonseok We went to school, the movie theater, China, and PC Bang.
(7)Mom Hey you little rascal!
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
lnformal Conversation
^(hyeonseok)'s lines in the intimate politeness level
(1)0 ^! \^!
(2)^ !~.
(3)0 I\\^?!
(4)^ ~, , *, \\^.
(5)0 ^l;^?!
(6)^ =J, , =, T/;^.
(7)0 I^^!
Formal Conversation
^(hyeonseok)'s lines in the formal politeness level
(1)0 ^! \^!
(2)^ II.
(3)0 I\\^?!
(4)^ ~, , *, \\II.
(5)0 ^l;^?!
(6)^ =J, , =, T/;II.
(7)0 I^^!
Lesson Vocabulary
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
I neutda
to be late
I joesonghada
to be sorry
I neo

movie theater, cinema
= jungguk
T/ pissibang
PC room
hey, you
I^ nyeoseok
rascal, chum, bud
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
Cultural lnsight
When people are being scolded by family members, or by someone they are on ex-
tremely close terms with, many times, they will be addressed by their full name (as
was the case in today's situation). lt is a bit on the feminine side to call someone in
this manner. lt is an attempt to bring attention to the person.
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - And, With -
-(-hago) is used to link nouns in coordination in a sentence. lt can be translated as
"with," or "and," both of which must be implied from context. -(-hago) links the nouns in
consecutive order. -(-hago) can be used with as many nouns as desired. However, it
must be linked to each noun in coordination.
When this particle is used with one noun, a non-present noun is assumed to be connected
to the linked noun. ln this case, it is still translated as "with" or "and."
This particle is interchangeable with -()[(-i)rang], and is considered conversational
' Construction
noun + -(-hago)
' ln This Dialog
(6)^: =J, , =, T/;^E. (hakgyo-hago, yeonghwagwan-
hago, jungguk-hago, pissibang gasseoyo)
(6)Hyeonseok: We went to school, the movie theater, China, and PC Bang.
+ More Examples +
1. =\^E.
(seonsaengnim-hago bap meogeosseoyo.)
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
l ate with the teacher.
2. , F7, , =\^E.
(bap-hago, jjigae-hago, galbi-hago, gimchi meogeosseoyo.)
We ate rice, stew, galbi, and kimchi.
3. =^/{^/{/E.
(hangugeo sajeon-hago ilboneo sajeon juseyo.)
Please give me a Korean dictionary and a Japanese dictionary.
4. 77E!
(jeo-hago gachi gayo!)
Let's go with me.
5. 5i7E.
(chingu-hago yeonghwa boreo gayo.)
l'm going to the movies with my friend.
Please note: -(-hago) is suffixed to all the nouns in the sequence.
Grammar Point #2 - And, With - ()
-()[-(i)rang] is used to link nouns in coordination in a sentence. lt can be translated as
"with," or "and," both of which must be implied from context. -()links the nouns in con-
secutive order. -()can be used with as many nouns as desired. However, it must be
linked to each noun in coordination.
When this particle is used with one noun, a non-present noun is assumed to be connected
to the linked noun. ln this case, it is still translated as "with" or "and."
This particle is interchangeable with -(-hago), and is considered conversational
' Construction
-attaches to nouns that end in vowels.
-attaches to nouns that end in consonants.
' ln This Dialog
(3)0: I\\^?! (neo nugu-rang gachi isseosseo?!)
(3)Mom: Who were you with?
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
(4)^: ~, , *, \\^E.(jihye-rang, sueob-irang, suhui-
rang, jieob-irang gachi isseosseoyo)
(4)Hyeonseok: l was with Hyejin, Sueop, Suhui, and Jiyeop.
+ More Examples +
(seonsaengnim-irang bap meogeosseoyo.)
l ate with the teacher.
2., F7, , =\^E.
(bap-irang, jjigae-rang, galbi-rang, gimchi meogeosseoyo.)
We ate rice, stew, galbi, and kimchi.
Please note: -()is suffixed to all the nouns in the sequence.
3.0, ^, ^, II^)^E.
(eomma-rang, appa-rang, harabeoji-rang, nuna-rang, da gati yeohaenghaesseoyo.)
We all went on a trip with my mom, dad, grandfather, and my sister.
Grammar Point #3 - And, With - M/
-M/(-wa/gwa) is used to link nouns in coordination in a sentence. lt can be translated as
"with," or "and," both of which must be implied from context. -M/(-wa/gwa) links the
nouns in consecutive order. -M/(-wa/gwa) can be used with as many nouns as desired.
However, it must be linked to each noun in coordination.
When this particle is used with one noun, a non-present noun is assumed to be connected
to the linked noun. ln this case, it is still translated as "with" or "and."
This particle is interchangeable with -(-hago), and -()[-(i)rang], and is considered
formal Korean. -M/(-wa/gwa) is not used as often as -(-hago), and -()[-(i)rang]
in conversational Korean, but can be found more often in written Korean.
' Construction
-M(wa) is used to link nouns ending in consonants.
-(gwa) is used to link nouns ending in vowels.
+ More Examples +
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
1. ==III.
(hanguk-gwa jungguk-eun dareumnida.)
Korea and China are different.
2. , *M, I[)^E.
(jiyeon-wa, seunghui-gwa, jihun-wa da dalmasseoyo.)
Jiyeon, Seunghui, and Jihyun all look alike.
3. 7M^V9^E.
(suyeon-i-neun jeo-wa gateun apateu-e sarayo.)
Suyeon lives in the same apartment as l.
4. MFE.
(yeonghwa-wa hyeonsil-eun dallayo.)
Movies and the reality are different.
Grammar Point #4 - Past Tense - )/\/\
-()/\/\)- is a verbal infix, which is used to convey the past tense.
)- is used for verbs that have ^or ~as the last vowel in the verb stem.
\- is used for verbs that do not have ^or ~as the last vowel in the verb stem.
\- is used for I(hada) verbs.
Many times there are deletions and contractions with repeating vowels (lf a verb stem ends
in a consonant there are no deletions or contractions). These contraction and deletion rules
follow the ^/^/^conjugation. Please refer to the grammar bank entry on "-^/^/^con-
jugation" to refer to rules for contraction and deletion.
' ln This Dialog
(1)0: ^! \^!(johyeonseok! neujeosseo!)
Hyeonseok Jo! You're late!
(3)0: I\\^?! (neo nugu-rang gati isseosseo?!)
(3)Mom: Who were you with?
(4)^: ~, , *, \\^E.(jihye-rang, sueob-irang, suhui-
rang, jieob-irang gati isseosseoyo)
(4)Hyeonseok: l was with Hyejin, Sueop, Suhui, and Jiyeop.
' Construction
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
(Contraction and Deletion Rules follow the same rules as the "^/^/^conjugation." Please
refer to entry on "^/^/^conjugation" for contraction and deletion rules.)
[Verb Stem] + [)/\/\] + [Conjugation (politeness level/mood/etc.]
1.()Example: =I- to eat
=- verb stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [lntimate Politeness Level - ^/^/^]
[=] + [\] +[^]
=\^. - Simple Past Tense (lntimate Politeness Level)
(1)Example: =I- to eat
=- verb stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [Standard Politeness Level - ^/^/^+ E]
[=] + [\] +[^E]
=\^E. - Simple Past Tense (Standard Politeness Level)
(J)Example: =I- to eat
=- verb stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [Formal Politeness Level - II]
[=] + [\] +[II]
=\II. - Simple Past Tense (Formal Politeness Level)
2.()Example: I- to learn
- Verb Stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [lntimate Politeness Level - ^/^/^]
[] + [\] + [^]
)^. - Simple Past Tense (lntimate Politeness Level)
(1)Example: I- to learn
- Verb Stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [Standard Politeness Level - ^/^/^+ E]
[] + [\] + [^E]
)^E. - Simple Past Tense (Standard Politeness Level)
(J)Example: I- to learn
- Verb Stem
[Verb Stem] + [\] + [Formal Politeness Level - II]
[] + [\] + [II]
)II. - Simple Past Tense (Formal Politeness Level)
+ More Examples +
1. ^Z+)\I?(eoje mwo haesseosseumnikka?)
What did you do yesterday?
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
2. 779\II. (jeo jeobeonju-r saengil-ieosseumnida.)
lt was my birthday last week.
3. 79J/7\\II. (jeobeondal-e gyotongsago-ga isseosseumnida.)
There was a car accident last month.
4. 5j/7I)^E. (oneul-eun nalssi-ga deowosseoyo.)
Today the weather was hot.
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Lesson Code : 196BB12061608 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 16th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Save Me From My Mom (Part2)
Hangul Transcript 2
Romanization 2
Translation 2
InIormal Conversation 2
Lesson Vocabulary 3
Grammar Points 3
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 206BB14063008 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. June 30th 2008
Hangul Transcript
(1)^ 0... 7i), F), =Z), )^E. jr{@FE.
(2)0 5! y, 0F, ^F, I^[y^!
(3)^ 0... 7y, T~E... jr{@FE. FE.
(4)0 ^!!!!!!
(5)^ I...
(1)hyeonseok eomma... jeo bang cheongsohaetgo, sukjehaetgo, gongbuhaesseoyo. tellebijyeon
(2)eomma an dwae! bap mandeulgo, eomma ppallae hago, appa ppallae hago, naeil achim
bap-do mandeureo!
(3)hyeonseok eomma... jeo himdeulgo, pigonhaeyo... tellebijyeon an bollaeyo. jallaeyo.
(4)eomma johyeonseok!!!!!!!
(5)hyeonseok ne...
(1)Hyeonseok Mom... l cleaned my room, did the laundry, did my homework, and studied. l want to
watch television.
(2)Mom No! Make dinner, do my laundry, do your father's laundry, and make tomorrow's
(3)Hyeonseok Mom... l'm tired and exhausted. l don't want to watch television. l want to sleep.
(4)Mom Hyeonseok Jo!
(5)Hyeonseok Alright...
lnformal Conversation
(^'s lines in the intimate politeness level)
(1)^ 0... 7i), F), =Z), )^. jr{@F.
(2)0 5! y, 0F, ^F, I^[y^!
(3)^ 0... 7y, T~... jr{@F. F.
(4)0 ^!!!!!!
(5)^ ...
Lesson Vocabulary
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 206BB14063008 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 30th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
iI cheongsohada
to clean
FI ppallaehada
to do laundry
=ZI sukjehada
to do homework
yI mandeulda
to make
^[ achimbap
^[^/, ^
yI himdeulda
to be tired, enegery
TI pigonhada
to be tired
)I, yI
Crannar Poinis
Grammar Point #1 - ...and - ...
(go) is used to connect verbs together. lt generally translated as 'and' in English, and it
works like the English conjunction "and." lt is also used for connecting two or more clauses
together in a single sentence.
When used in a sequence of verbs, the last verb in the sequence does not carry (go).
' Construction
Present Tense / Future Tense
Verb Stem +
(Verb Stem 1), (Verb Stem 2), (Verb 3).
1. iI(syopinghada) - to shop
(verb stem = i)
2. =I(bap meokda) - to eat food
verb stem = =
3. 7T0'I(keopi masida) - to drink coffee
(i+ ), + (=+ ), + (7T0'I)
= i, =, 7T0'I. (syopinghago bap meokgo keopi masida)
= To shop and eat and drink coffee.
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Lesson Code : 206BB14063008 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 30th 2008
Clause 1 + , Clause 2 (Clause 3, Clause 4, etc.)
*in this construction (go) is attached to the verb stem in the Clause
Past Tense
Verb Stem + )/\/\+
(Verb Stem 1) + )/\/\+ , (Verb Stem 2) + )/\/\+ , (Verb 3)
I(gongbuhada) - to study
7I(gada) - to go
=^), [9;^E.
(hangugeo gongbu haetgo, jib-e gasseoyo.)
l studied Korean and when home.
' ln This Dialog
(1)^: 0... 7i), F), =Z), )^E. jr{@FE.
(eomma... jeo bang cheongsohaetgo, sukjehaetgo, gongbuhaesseoyo. tellebijyeon bol-
(1)Hyeonseok: Mom... l cleaned my room, did the laundry, did my homework, and studied. l
want to watch television.
(2)0: 5! y, 0F, ^F, I^[y^!(an dwae!
bap mandeulgo, eomma ppallae hago, appa ppallae hago, naeil achim bap-do mandeureo!)
(2)Mom: No! Make dinner, do my laundry, do your father's laundry, and make tomorrow's
(3)^: 0... 7y, T~E... jr{@FE. FE. ( eomma... jeo him-
deulgo, pigonhaeyo... tellebijyeon an bollaeyo. jallaeyo.)
(3)Hyeonseok: Mom... l'm tired and exhausted. l don't want to watch television. l want to
1. The last verb in the sequence does not carry .
2. Even when -is not preceded by )/\/\, if the whole sentence is in the past tense
(determined by the last verb of the sentence), -can refer to the past, as it's shown in the
Examples Number 3 and 4 below.
+ More Examples +
1. =j7ZI. (meok-go nol-go janeunge jeil pyeonhada)
Eating, hanging out and sleeping is the best.
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Lesson Code : 206BB14063008 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 30th 2008
2. =5III. (gati bap meok-go yeonghwa boneunge
A date is eating and watching a movie together.
3. =J9/)^E. (hakgyo-eseo sueop deu-go gongbuhago
l went to class and studied at school and came back.
4. =, /+, j)^E. (bap meokgo, shawohago, jam-eul jasseoyo.)
l ate, took a shower and went to bed.
5. ^Zyj\, j0;^E. (eoje-neun chingudeul-eul mannatgo, sul-eul
l met friends and drank yesterday.
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Lesson Code : 206BB14063008 Copyright - All Rights Reserverd. June 30th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Good Ior Nothing Boss (Part 1)
Formal Korean
Formal Romanization
Formal English
Grammar Points
Cultural lnsight
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 211BB15070708 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 7th 2008
Formal Korean
(1)/ /E/. lT/E?
(2)I/ /E. ^I5. lE. E?
(3)/ ^... ^I9E. [[~E.
(4)I/ 7E. ll5/=0/E.
(5)/ ^... 7... 7=S/~E.
(6)I/ ?
(7)('9) !
Formal Romanization
(1) Seongsam
annyeonghaseyo sajangnim. jigeum bappeuseyo?
(2) Daehyeon
annyeonghaseoyo. anio. an bappayo. waeyo?
(3) Seongsam
a...aniyeyo. geunyang simsimhaeyo.
(4) Daehyeon
jeodoyo. jigeum dibuidi bomyeonseo maekju-reul masyeoyo.
(5) Seongsam
a...jeo-neun...gwaja meok-eumyeonseo ilhaeyo.
(6) Seongsam
(7)(together) puhahahahahahah!
Formal English
(1)Mr. Seong-
Hello, Mr. Daehyeon. Are you busy now?
(2)Mr. Dae-
Hello. No. l am not busy. Why?
(3)Mr. Seong-
Oh...No. Nothing. l am just bored.
(4)Mr. Dae-
Me too. l am watching DVD while l am drinking beer.
(5)Mr. Seong-
Oh...l am... working while l'm eating junk food.
(6)Mr. Seong-
(7)(together) Hahahahahahahaha!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 211BB15070708 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 7th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
[[I simsimhada to be bored I, I
lTI bappeuda to be busy
/ sajangnim boss, the head of the
7 gwaja junk food
= maekju beer
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - While -ing - -(S)/
-(S)/((eu)myeonseo) indicates a simultaneous action performed by one person. This
can be translated as 'while." Attaches directly to verb stems. tense, negation and politeness
level are expressed in the final clause. Can only be used with two simultaneous actions, not
consecutive actions.
' Construction
Verb stems ending in a vowel or the consonant + -/
Ex) 5I(boda - to see, to watch)
' 5(I) + -/= 5/(while watching)
Ex) yI(dolda - to turn, to spin)
' y(I) + -/= y/(while turning)
Verb stems ending in a consonant other than + -S/
Ex) =I(meokda - to eat)
' =(I) + -S/= =S/(while eating)
Verbs I(to listen), ]I(to walk), I(to load), I(to ask) change the ending of the
verb stems and are combined with -S/to become yS/, S/, S/and
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 211BB15070708 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 7th 2008
=irregular verbs like I(to pick up) and I(to bake) change the ending of the verb
stems and are combined with -/to become /and /.
' ln This Dialog
(4)I/: 7E. ll5/=0/E. (jeodoyo. jigeum dibuidi bomy-
eonseo maekju-reul masyeoyo.)
(4)Mr. Daehyeon: Me too. l am watching DVD while l am drinking beer.
(5)/: ^... 7... 7=S/~E.(a...jeo-neun...gwaja meok-eumyeonseo
(5)Mr. Seongsam: Oh...l am...working while l'm eating junk food.
+ More Examples +
1. hFyS/rE. (norae deuleumyeonseo geurim geuryeyo)
l am drawing a picture while l am listening to the music.
2. =S/=7E. (bap meokeu myeonseo tibi bwayo)
l am watching TV while l am eating.
3. I/^=^E.(gidarimyeonseo aiseukeurim meokeoyo)
l am eating ice dream while waiting.
4. 7/^IIE. (jamyeongseo georeodanyeoyo.)
l walk around while sleeping.
5. ^S/IjE. (chaek ilgeumyeonseo gidarilgeyo.)
l'll be waiting while reading a book.
Cultural Insight
Koreans are world renowned for their work ethic. Koreans average 2,390 working hours per
week ( Family members that bring home income typically spend only a few
hours a week at work (typically the men). These working hours can also lead to S/
(gwarosa), which is a phenomena recognized in Korea. This phenomena is when one
works themselves to death.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 211BB15070708 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 7th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Good Ior Nothing Boss (Part 2)
Formal Korean
Pronunciation Tips
Formal Romanization
Formal English
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
Formal Korean
(1)/ //E. lE?
(2)I/ 9, lT^E.
(3)/ [M97/, j}E?
(4)I/ ^I=97/, =0E?
(5)/ ... =97/, =@E?
(6)I/ . I/, @j~E!
Pronunciation Tips
[=] is pronounced [=/ maek jju] and [=] is pronounced [=/ chuk kku]. And jis some-
times pronounced as [j/ gol peu], but often times it's pronounced as [)/ kkol peu].
Formal Romanization
sajangnim annyeonghaseyo. an bappayo?
ye, bappeuji anhayo.
geureom hawai-e gaseo golpeu-reul chilkkayo?
animyeon dogil-e gaseo, maekju-reul masilkkayo?
heum... yeongguk-e gaseo, chukgu-reul bolkkayo?
hahahaha. geunyang uri mannaseo, bulkkotnori haeyo!
Formal English
Hello. Are you busy?
Nope. l'm not busy.
Then do you want to go to Hawaii and play golf?
Or how about we go to Germany and drink beer?
Hmm... Shall we go to England and watch soccer?
Hahaha. Let's just meet and light fireworks.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
M hawai Hawaii
j golpeu golf
= dokil Germany
= maekju beer
= yeongguk England
= chukgu soccer
II mannada to meet
@j bulkkonnoli fireworks
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - ... and ... - -^/^/^+/...
This grammatical pattern is used to connect one action to another. The first clause gives
reason or logical basis for what happens in the second clause. This is similar to -, but -
^/^/^+/express a more logical bond between the two action or the order in which the
two actions happen.
' Construction
-^/(-aseo) - used with verbs that have a either the vowel ~(o) or^(a) in the verb
stem\'s final syllable.
- 7I(gada) - to go
- 7(ga) - verb stem
- 5I(oda) - to come
- 5(o) - verb stem
note: -^(-a) in -^/(-aseo) is often fused into verb stem if the verb stem doesn't end in a
' 7(I) + -^/= 7/
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
' 5(I) + -^/= M/
-^/(-eoseo) - used with verbs that have any vowel other than the vowels ~(o) or^(a) in
the verb stem\'s final syllable.
- I(neutda) - to be late
- (neut) - verb stem
- I(keuda) - to be big
- (keu) - verb stem
note: -^(-eo) in -^/(-eoseo) is often fused into verb stem if the verb stem doesn\'t end in
a consonant.
' (I) + -^/= ^/
' (I) + -^/= 7/
3. -^/(-yeoseo) is used with I(hada) verbs.
note: -^(-yeo) in -^/(-yeoseo) is fused into (ha) - the verb stem of I(hada). This
results in ~(hae).
' ln This Dialog
(3)/: [M97/, j}E? (geureom hawai-e gaseo golpeu-reul
(3)Seongsam CEO: Then do you want to go to Hawaii and play golf?
(4)I/: ^I=97/, =0E? (animyeon dogil-e gaseo, maekju-re-
ul masilkkayo)
(4)Daehyun CEO: Or how about we go to Germany and drink beer?
(5)/: ... =97/, =@E? (heum... yeongguk-e gaseo, chukgu-reul
(5)Seongsam CEO: Hmm... Shall we go to England and watch soccer?
(6)I/: . I/, @j~E! (hahahaha. geunyang uri man-
naseo, bulkkotnori haeyo)
(6)Daehyun CEO: Hahaha. Let's just meet and light fireworks.
+ More Examples +
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
1. 7P/7^//yjM79E. (jeo-neun uisa-ga dwaeseo saram-deuleul
dowajul geoyeyo)
l'll become a doctor and help out people.
2. =97/F7=^E. (hanguk-e gaseo gimchijjigae-reul meogeoyo)
Let's go to Korea and eat Kimchijjigae.
3. [97/=^E. (jip-e gaseo bap meogeoyo)
Let's go home and eat food.
4. ^I/=J77. (ppalli ireonaseo hakgyo gaja)
Let's get up quickly and go to school.
5. 97/j;^E. (sinchon-e gaseo os-eul sasseoyo)
l went to Sinchon and bought some clothes.
Grammar Point #2 - Volitional - (j)E?
The volitional form is used to express intention on the part of the speaker or to invite
someone to do something. Specifically it is used when asking someone if one would like to
do something with the speaker, or with a group that includes the speaker. This can be
translated in English as "Shall we...?"
ln addition to inviting someone, it is also used to ask for one's opinion, view, or appraisal
about a certain fact. ln this specific usage it can be translated as "Will it be (verb)"
' Construction
-/jE? - (-l/eulkkayo) - Standard Politeness Level
-/j? - (-l/eulkka) - lntimate Politeness Level
(a) -E? (-lkkayo?) is used with verbs that end in vowels.
5I(boda) - to see, to watch
5- verb stem
5+ E? (bo + lkkayo)
@E? (bolkkayo?) - Shall we watch? (Standard Politeness Level)
@? (bolkka?) - Shall we watch? (lntimate Politeness Level
(b) -jE? (-eulkkayo?) is used with verbs that end in consonants.
Z!\I(jaemiitda) - to be fun, to be interesting
Z!\(jaemiit) - verb stem
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
Z!\+ -jE(jaemiit) + (-eulkkayo?)
Z!\jE? (jaemiisseulkkayo?) - Will it be fun? (What do you think?) - Standard Polite-
ness Level
Z!\j? (jaemiisseulkka?) - Will it be fun? (What do you think?) - lntimate Politeness
' ln This Dialog
(3)/: [M97/, j}E? (geureom hawai-e gaseo golpeu-reul
(3)Seongsam CEO: Then do you want to go to Hawaii and play golf?
(4)I/: ^I=97/, =0E? (animyeon dogil-e gaseo, maekju-re-
ul masilkkayo)
(4)Daehyun CEO: Or how about we go to Germany and drink beer?
(5)/: ... =97/, =@E? (heum... yeongguk-e gaseo, chukgu-reul
(5)Seongsam CEO: Hmm... Shall we go to England and watch soccer?
+ More Examples +
1. @E? (uri yeonghwa bolkkayo)
Shall we watch a movie?
2. 7==jE? (gachi jeonyeok meok-eulkkayo)
Shall we eat dinner together?
3. jiE? (nolleo galkkayo)
Shall we hang out?
4. IE? (naeil jamkkan mannalkkayo)
Do you want to meet for a little while tomorrow?
5. ,^l9jE? (igeos-eun eodi-e noeulkkayo)
Where do you want me to put this?
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 216BB16071408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 14th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Lost Student (Part 1)
Formal Korean
Pronunciation Tips
Formal Romanization
Formal English
Grammar Points
Cultural lnsight
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 221BB17072108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 21st 2008
Formal Korean
(1) ^, 5j=J)^?
(2) 5j7)9;^E.
(3) F? i^Z=J)^?
(4) ^Z9;^E.
(5) +..iI==JM.
(6) I.
Pronunciation Tips
[=J] is usually pronounced as [=J(hak kkyo)].
Formal Romanization
Yugeun-a, oneul wae hakgyo an wasseo ?
(2)Yugeun oneul bi-ga watgi ttaemune mot gasseoyo.
geurae ? geureomyeon oejeo-neun wae hakgyo an wosseo?
(4)Yugeun eojeo-neun chupgi ttaemune mot gasseoyo.
hyu..geureomyeon naeil-eun kkok hakgyo wa!
(6)Yugeun ne...
Formal English
(1)Teacher Yugeun, why didn't you come to school today?
(2)Yugeun lt was raining today so l couldn't go.
(3)Teacher Yea? Then, why didn't you come yesterday?
(4)Yugeun lt was cold yesterday, so l couldn't go.
(5)Teacher Ok...Then. You better come tomorrow!
(6)Yugeun Alright...
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 221BB17072108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 21st 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
=J hakgyo school
bi rain
5j oneul today
^Z eoje yesterday
I naeil tomorrow
= kkok certainly, for sure
I chupta to be cold
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Because - -9
-9(-gi ttaemune) means 'because' and is used to show the reason for an action or
a state. Originally, 9in Korean means 'because of', so by adding -at the end of the
[verb stem] or the [verb stem + past infix], you literally nominalize the verb and say "be-
cause of Verb(-ing)".
There are several ways to express reasons in Korean.
1. Verb stem + (past infix if necessary) + -^/^/^+ /
2. Verb stem + (past infix if necessary) + -(S)I
3. Verb stem + (past infix if necessary) + -(S)ES
4. Verb stem + (past infix if necessary) + -9
9generally expresses a stronger justification of the consequence than -^/^/^/,
and is equally as strong as -(S)I. So if you say '-9' or '9', you are (in most
cases) indicating that what has happened, is happening or will happen as a consequence
has all the right reasons to happen.
' Construction
Verb stem + (past infix if necessary) + -9
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 221BB17072108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 21st 2008
Noun + 9
The syntax order in Korean is often different from that in English, so -9can also be
translated as 'therefore' or 'so', depending on which part of the entire sentence you translate
' ln This Dialog
(2): 5j7)9;^E.(oneul bi-ga watgi ttaemune mot gasseoyo)
(2)Yugeun: lt was raining today so l couldn't go.
(4): ^Z9;^E.(eojeo-neun chupgi ttaemune mot gasseoyo)
(4)Yugeun: lt was cold yesterday, so l couldn't go.
+ More Examples +
1. m9^E.(bissagi ttaemune sal su opseoyo.)
Becasuse it is expensive, l can't buy it.
2. Ij97^E. (neomu meolgi ttaemune gagi silheoyo.)
Because it is too far, l don't want to go.
3. 5j759{rE. (oneul-eun bi-ga ogi ttaemune usan-i jal
lt's raining today so the umbrellas are selling well.
4. 9IT~! (yageun ttaemune neomu pigonhae!)
l'm so tired because of working extra hours!
5. I! (neo ttaemuniya.)
lt's all because of you!
6. 9i/E? (mueot ttaemune geureoseyo?)
Why are you doing that? (You are doing it because of what?)
7. 9\^E. (geureoki ttaemune geumandueosseoyo.)
That's why l quit.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 221BB17072108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 21st 2008
Cultural Insight
ln Korea, when you attend middle school or high school, 100% attendance rate is taken for
granted by many students and parents. This can be because it is considered to be a virtue
or because the students never really get to think of being absent for school as a possibility -
except for when they are really sick. So at the end of the middle school / high school years,
when you graduate, you get a certificate called '7}' for not being absent at all for the
whole 3 years.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 221BB17072108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 21st 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Lost Student (Part 2)
Formal Korean
Pronunciation Tips
Formal Romanization
Formal English
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 226BB18072808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 28th 2008
Formal Korean
(1) ({) ... 5j^/=J7E.
(2) 5! F5j==JM!
(3) 5jT~/jFE.
(4) ^... 5j^. =M!
(5) ^! I!
Pronunciation Tips
[^] is pronounced as [[=].
Formal Romanization
(1)Yugeun seonsaengnim... oneul-eun mom-i an johaseo hakgyo mot gayo.
an dwae! geuraedo oneul-eun kkok hakgyo wa!
(3)Yugeun oenul-eun jeongmal pigonhaeseo swillaeyo.
Yugeun.... oneul joleopsik-iya. kkok wa!
(5)Yugeun a! ne!
Formal English
(1)Yugeun (on the phone) Teacher... l am sick so l can't go to school today.
(2)Teacher No! You have to come today!
(3)Yugeun l am really tired today so l am going to rest.
(4)Teacher Yugeun.... Today is graduation day. Come to school!
(5)Yugeun Oh! Ok!
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
F geuraedo but still
^ joreopsik graduation ceremony
TI pigonhada to be tired
+I swida to rest
mom body
5 andwae you can't
= kkok make sure, certainly,
you should
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 226BB18072808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 28th 2008
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Because - -^/^/^/
-^/^/^/is similar to -9, expressing a reason for an action or a state. -9
is slightly more formal and less colloquial, and -^/^/^/is more colloquial therefore more
commonly used in everyday conversations. Unlike -9, to which you can add the
past infix -\/)/\-, you cannot add the past infix to -^/^/^/and the tense should be ex-
pressed through the other parts of the sentence.
' Construction
1. -^/(-eoseo) - used with verbs that have a either the vowel ~(o) or^(a) in the verb
stem's final syllable.
7I(gada) - to go
7(ga) - verb stem
7+ ^/ 7/(gaseo)
5I(oda) - to come
5(o) - verb stem
5+ ^/ M/(waseo)
note: -^(-a) in -^/(-aseo) is often fused into verb stem if the verb stem doesn't end in a
2. -^/(-aseo) - used with verbs that have any vowel other than the vowels ~(o) or^(a)
in the verb stem's final syllable.
I(neutda) - to be late
(neut) - verb stem
+ ^/ ^/
I(keuda) - to be big
(keu) - verb stem
+ ^/ 7/
note: -^(-eo) in -^/(-eoseo) is often fused into verb stem if the verb stem doesn't end in
a consonant.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 226BB18072808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 28th 2008
3. -^/(-yeoseo) is used with I(hada) verbs.
note: -^(-yeo) in -^/(-yeoseo) is fused into (ha) - the verb stem of I(hada). This
results in ~(hae).
4. Verb stems that end in -change to -and gets attached to the previous syllable and
are followed by -F/
5I(to not know) 5(I) + F/ F/(because l don't know)
- {3F/=j~E. (l can't contact him because l don't know his phone
I(to choose) (I) j+ F/ jF/(because l choose)
- I,jjF/, 777\^E. (My boyfriend is upset because l chose
something too expensive.)
' ln This Dialog
(1): 5j^/=J7E.
(1)Yugeun: oneul-eun mom-i an johaseo hakgyo mot gayo.
(1)Yugeun: l am sick so l can't go to school today.
(3): 5jT~/jFE.
(3)Yugeun: oenul-eun jeongmal pigonhaeseo swillaeyo.
(3)Yugeun: l am really tired today so l am going to rest.
For situations in which you make suggestions as to what to do and say -7or -='I, you
use -(S)I, and can't use -^/^/^/.
Ex) 5j+/, [9\7( x )
- 5jI, [9\7( o )
For situations in which you connect two separate actions in logical order and say "l did XX
because l did YY" you can use both -9and -^/^/^/, but when you are apologiz-
ing for a past action, you can't say -9, but must use -^/^/^/+ II/
Ex) )SI!~. ( x )
- M/!~.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 226BB18072808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. July 28th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Lost Student (Part 3)
Formal Korean
Pronunciation Tips
Formal Romanization
Formal English
lnformal Korean
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 231BB19080408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 4th 2008
Formal Korean
(1) ! /E. I^^E?
(2) I7)SI^!
(3) ^.
(4) F^I, /^"7.
(5) I.
(6) 7. Z^}\SI, [97!
(7) .I.
Pronunciation Tips
[^] is pronounced as [[=].
Formal Romanization
(1)Yugeun seonsaengnim! annyeonghaseyo. geunde wae amudo eopseoyo?
ni-ga neutge wasseunikka amudo eopji!
(3)Yugeun a....
geuraedo joreopsik-inikka, seonsaengnim-irang sajin jjikja.
(5)Yugeun ne.
ja. ije joreopsik kkeutnasseunikka, jib-e ga!
(7)Yugeun ne...
Formal English
(1)Yugeun Hello, Why is no one here?
(2)Teacher There is no one here because you came late.
(3)Yugeun Oh....
(4)Teacher But still, it is graduation day, so let's take a picture.
(5)Yugeun Ok.
(6)Teacher Well, the graduation ceremony is over, so go home now!
(7)Yugeun Ok...
lnformal Korean
(the dialog in the standard politeness level)
(1) ! /E. I^^E?
(2) =)SI^!
(3) ^.
(4) F^I, /^".
(5) I.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 231BB19080408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 4th 2008
(6) 7. Z^}\SI, [97/E!
(7) .I.
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
^ joreopsik graduation day
I neutda to be late
}II kkeutnada to be over
[ jip home, house
^ amudo nobody, anyone
/^ sajin picture, photo
"I jjikda to take (photo)
Z ije now
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Because, Since - -(S)I
-(S)Iis used when expressing a reason, along with -9(gi ttaemune) and -/
(seo). While the other two are usually used to express reasons related to the past tense, -
(S)Iis usually used to express a future decision or a command, or when used about a
past action, to talk about something that was rightfully supposed to be that way.
' Construction
verb stem ending in a vowel + -I
verb stem ending in a consonant + -SI
^I(ilgi-reul sseuda) - to write a diary
^(verb stem ending in a vowel) + I= ^I
^I(ilgi-reul sseunikka) - because l write a diary
\I(itda) - to have money
\(verb stem ending in a consonant) + SI= \SI
\SI(don-i isseunikka) - because l have money
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Lesson Code : 231BB19080408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 4th 2008
' ln This Dialog
(2): I7)SI^! (niga neutge wasseunikka amudo eopji)
(2)Teacher: There is no one here because you came late.
(4): F^I, /^"7(Geuraedo joreopsikinikka, seon-
sangnim-irang sajin jjikja)
(4)Teacher: But still, it is a graduation day, so let's take a picture.
(6): 7. Z^}\SI, [97! (ja. ije joreopsik kkeutnasseunikka, jib-e ga)
(6)Teacher: Well, the graduation ceremony is over, so go home now!
+ More Examples +
1. 5jII9^{/E. (oneul-eun deounikka eeokeon teuseyo)
Today is hot, please turn on the air conditioner.
2. 5I77. (bi onikka gaji malja)
lt's raining so let's not go.
3. Z!SII57. (i yeongwha jaemi eopseunikka dareun yeonghwa
Let's watch a different movie, this movie is boring.
4. 7^Z=\SI5jI7=^. (haembeogeo-neun eoje meogeos-
seunikka, oneul-eun dareun geo meogeo.)
You ate hamburger yesterday, so eat something different today.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 231BB19080408 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 4th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Family Matters (Part 1)
Formal Korean
Pronunciation Tips
Formal Romanization
Formal English
lnformal Korean
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 236BB20081108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 11th 2008
Formal Korean
(1)5 /^^+r?
(2)/^ r.
(3)5 7=jF?
(4)/^ 7I9=Sr.
(5)5 [... IF?
(6)/^ ... (i/) 0!! 57E!
Pronunciation Tips
[-r] is often pronounced as [-r]. For example, r(haryeogo) often becomes
Formal Romanization
(1) oppa sejin-a jigeum mwo haryeogo?
(2) sejin jigeum gongbu haryeogo.
(3) oppa gwaja meokeullae?
(4) sejin gwaja-neun najung-e meokeuryeogo.
(5) oppa geureom... na-rang geim hallae?
(6) sejin ... (sori chimyeonseo) eomma!! oppa-ga goeropyeoyo!
Formal English
(1)Older brother Sejin, what are you going to do now?
(2)Sejin l'm going to study.
(3)Older brother You want some snacks?
(4)Sejin l'm going to eat snack later.
(5)Older brother Then... you want to play a game with me?
(6)Sejin (yelling) Mom! He's bothering me!
lnformal Korean
(the dialog in the standard politeness level. 5's politeness level stays the same.)
(1) 5 /^^+r?
(2) /^ rE.
(3) 5 7=jF?
(4) /^ 7I9=SrE.
(5) 5 [... IF?
(6) /^ ... (i/) 0!! 57E!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 236BB20081108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 11th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
7 gwaja junk food =
geim game
I goeropida to annoy, to bug, to
I najung later
5 oppa brother
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - lntentional - -(S)rI
-(S)rI(-ryeogo hada) is an intentional sentence ending used with action verbs and
the verb of existence, \I(itda). This express the subjects intention or determination of the
subjects actions. lt can be used with all persons (first person, second persons, and third
persons), whereas other intentional sentence endings are limited.
This grammatical structure can be translated as "intend to (verb)," "going to (verb)," "plan to
Mood, tense, negation, and politeness levels are expressed in the latter part of the gram-
matical structure, I(hada).
' Construction
Verb Stem + -(S)rI
[Conjugation differs slightly[ according to the verb stem.]
1.Verb Stem that ends in a vowel + rI
+I(swida) - to rest
+(swi) - verb stem
++ rI
+rI- to intend to rest.
7+r~E. (l intend to rest./l'm going to rest./l plan to rest.)
2.Verb Stem that ends in a consonant + SrI
I(batda) - to receive
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Lesson Code : 236BB20081108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 11th 2008
(bat) - verb stem
+ SrI
SrI- to intend to receive
Z7SrII. (l intend to receive it.)
Many times this grammatical structure is shorted. The following are a few different colloquial
variations of this grammatical structure:
Original Construction:
7I(jada) - to sleep
7(verb stem)
7+ rI
7rI. - to intend to sleep.
7r~. - (to intend)
Abbreviate/Shortened Variations:
Iis removed from the construction - as Iis removed from this construction, there is
no way to inflect politeness level - generally speaking, to end a sentence in this manner
makes it is closer to the intimate politeness level.
7I(jada) - to sleep
7(verb stem)
7+ r
7r. - l intend to sleep.
The construction itself has been changed, in addition to Ibeing removed. This is closest
to the intimate politeness level.
7I(jada) - to sleep
7(verb stem)
7+ F
F. - l intend to sleep.
' ln This Dialog
(1)5: /^^+r?
(1) oppa: sejin-a jigeum mwo haryeogo?
(1)Older brother: Sejin, what are you going to do now?
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Lesson Code : 236BB20081108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 11th 2008
(2)/^: r.
(2) sejin: jigeum gongbu haryeogo.
(2)Sejin: l'm going to study.
(4)/^: 7I9=Sr.
(4) sejin: gwaja-neun najung-e meokeuryeogo.
(4)Sejin: l'm going to eat snack later.
+ More Examples +
(chinju jib-eseo yeonghwa boryeogo hae.)
l'm going to watch a movie at a friend's house.
(naeil gyosunim-eul mannaryeogo hamnida.)
Tomorrow, l'm going to meet my professor.
(hangukeo-reul gongbu haryeogo hae.)
l plan on studying Korean.
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Lesson Code : 236BB20081108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 11th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Family Matters (Part 2)
Formal Korean
Formal Romanization
Formal English
lnformal Korean
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 241BB21081808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 18th 2008
Formal Korean
(1)5 /^^5[F.
(2)/^ 5! I7F.
(3)5 [57=j.
(4)/^ 5! I7=jF.
(5)5 [5TV @.
(6)/^ 5! I7@F.
(7)5 ...(i/) 0/^7E!
Formal Romanization
(1)oppa sejin-a oppa keompyuteo halge.
(2)sejin andwae! nae-ga hallae.
(3)oppa geureom oppa i gwaja meogeulge.
(4)sejin andwae! nae-ga meogeullae.
(5)oppa geureom oppa TV bolge.
(6)sejin andwae! nae-ga bollae.
(7)oppa ...(sorichimyeonseo) eomma sejini-ga goeropyeoyo!
Formal English
(1)Older brother Sejin, l'm going to use the computer ok?
(2)Sejin No! l want to use the computer.
(3)Older brother Then, l'm going to eat this ok?
(4)Sejin No! l want to eat that.
(5)Older brother Then, l am going to watch TV ok?
(6)Sejin No! l want to watch TV.
(7)Older brother (yelling) Mom, Sejin is bothering me!
lnformal Korean
(1)5 /^/, 7[FE.
(2)/^ 5E! Z7FE.
(3)5 [77=jE.
(4)/^ 5E! Z7=jFE.
(5)5 [7TV @E.
(6)/^ 5E! Z7@FE.
(7)5 ...(i/) 0/^/7E!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 241BB21081808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 18th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
[F keompyuteo computer PC(T/)
7 gwaja snacks =, {^
I goeropida to annoy, to bug, to
5 an dwae No. l can't. You
5I boda to see/watch
=I meokta to eat
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - lntentional - -/j
-/j(eulge) is the grammar structure that shows intentions. lt is used to indicate a per-
son's intention or plan, but usually as a response to someone's remarks or as a reaction to
something that happened. lt is a sentence-final ending construction used with action verbs
and the verb of existence \I(itda). Since it is used to express the speaker's intentions, it
cannot be used in a question.
' Construction
Verb stems ending in a vowel + -
- 5I(boda - to see)
- 5(I) + - @(l will see it)
Verb stems ending in a consonant (other than )+ -j
- I(japda - to catch)
- (I) + -j j(l will catch it)
Verb stems ending in+ -
- jI(nolda - to play)
- j(I) + - j(l will play)
' ln This Dialog
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Lesson Code : 241BB21081808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 18th 2008
(1)5: /^^5[F.
(1)oppa: sejin-a oppa keompyuteo halge.
(1)Older brother: Sejin, l'm going to use the computer ok?
(3)5: [57=j.
(3)oppa: geureom oppa i gwaja meogeulge.
(3)Older brother: Then, l'm going to eat this ok?
(5)5: [5TV @.
(5)oppa: geureom oppa TV bolge.
(5)Older brother: Then, l am going to watch TV ok?
Even when you're directly asked about your intentions or plans, if what you're intending to
do has not been affected or decided by what the other person has just said, you cannot use
-/jbecause this is more of a reactive statement or decision when it's in the middle of a
conversation. ln this case -/j,Iis more natural (-/j79E, -/j7). But you
CAN use -/jwhen you are starting a conversation and just giving the person an idea
of what you're going to do. (I! = l'm leaving!)
+ More Examples +
1. I7. ! [7I] (na meonjeo galge. annyeong!)
- l'm leaving first. Bye!
2. 77. I9. [7I] (meonjeo ga. najung-e galge.)
- You go first. l'll be there later.
3. I~. [I/I] (naeil malhae julge.)
- l will tell you tomorrow.
4. 7[9IIE. [II5I] (jeo yureop-e danyeoolgeyo.)
- l'm going to go to Europe.
5. Z7MEjE. [MEI] (je-ga dowadeurilgeyo.)
- Let me help you.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 241BB21081808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 18th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
Family Matters (Part 3)
Formal Korean
Formal Romanization
Formal English
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 246BB22082508 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 25th 2008
Formal Korean
(1)0 ! /^! 7mj7?
(2)/^ 577!
(3)0 7}7?
(4) ^I/^7I7!
(5)0 I*y^I57!
(6)/^, ^!!!
Formal Romanization
(1)eomma jangdohyeon! jangsejin! jakku ssaul geoya?
(2)sejin oppa-ga jakku goeropyeo!
(3)eomma jakku dongsaeng goeropil geoya?
(4)dohyeon ani sejini-ga na-reul jakku goeropyeo!
(5)neohuideul hyeonseokine bonael geoya!
Formal English
(1)Mom Jang Dohyeon! Jang Sejin! Are you two going to keep fighting?
(2)Sejin He keeps bugging me!
(3)Mom Are you going to keep bugging your sister?
(4)Dohyeon No, Sejin keeps bugging me!
(5)Mom l am gonna send you two to Hyeonseok's place!
(6)Sejin, Do-
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
mI ssauda to fight
dongsaeng younger sibling
5II bonaeda to send
7 jakku frequently, repeatedly,
I*y neohuideul you(plural)
I silta no l don't want to
I[ nejib one's house, place
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Lesson Code : 246BB22082508 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 25th 2008
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Future Tense - -(j) ,I
This grammar point is used to express a future action or an intention. This is stronger than
the other intentionals, -(j)(E) and -rI, since -(j)(E) has the partial nu-
ance of asking for permission or agreement, and -rIis an expression of a plan or an
intention without being absolutely resolute about it. And different from -(j)(E) which
can't be made into a question, this grammar pattern can be used to make a question.
The latter part, ,Ican be changed to 7, 79E, and ,IIin the present tense,
depending on the politeness levels.
' Construction
Verb stems ending in a vowel + -,I
[7I] (gada) - to go
= 7(I) + ,I= ,I(will go)
= 7(intimate)
= 79E(standard)
= ,IIor [II(formal)
[5I] (boda) - to see
= 5(I) + ,I= @,I(will see)
= @7(intimate)
= @79E(standard)
= @,IIor @[II(formal)
Verb stems ending in a consonant + -j,I
[I] (japda) - to catch
= (I) + j,I= j,I(will cach)
= j7(intimate)
= j79E(standard)
= j,IIor j[II(formal)
Verb stems ending with -+ ,I
[I] (salda) - to live
= (I) + ,I= ,I(will live)
= 7(intimate)
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Lesson Code : 246BB22082508 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 25th 2008
= 79E(standard)
= ,IIor [II(formal)
' ln This Dialog
(1)0: 7mj7?
(1)eomma: jakku ssaul geoya?
(1)Mom: Are you two going to keep fighting?
(3)0: 7}7?
(3)eomma: jakku dongsaeng goeropil geoya?
(3)Mom: Are you going to keep bugging your sister?
(5)0: I*y^I57!
(5)neohuideul hyeonseokine bonael geoya!
(5)Mom: l am gonna send you two to Hyeonseok's place!
+ More Examples +
1. [97! [7I]
- (jib-e gal geoya!)
- l'm going to go home!
2. +=j7? [=I]
- (mwo meogeul geoyo?)
- What are you going to eat?
3. Ij7! [jI]
- (neo-rang an nol geoya!)
- l'm not going to play with you!
4. II@7. [5I]
- (nado naeil yeonghwa bol geoya.)
- l'm going to watch a movie tomorrow, too.
5. I~? I7! [I]
- (neo-man gyeolhonhae? nado gyeolhonhal geoya!)
- You think only you can get married? l'm going to get married too!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 246BB22082508 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. August 25th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Odd Couple
Korean Hangul
lnformal Korean
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 251BB23090108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 1st 2008
Korean Hangul
(1)F ({) ^^+\^?
(2)^ \^.
(3)F j+\^?
(4)^ j=\^.
(5)F [I=jF.
(6)^ 5! I\^!
(1)yura jinyong-a jigeum mwo hago isseo?
(2)jinyong jigeum yugeun-i-rang isseo.
(3)yura duri mwo hago isseo?
(4)jinyong duri bap meokgo isseo.
(5)yura geureom na-do gachi meogeullae.
(6)jinyong andwae! neo-neun geunyang gongbuhago isseo!
(1)Yura (on the phone) Jinyong, What are you doing now?
(2)Jinyong l am with Yugeun now.
(3)Yura What are you two doing?
(4)Jinyong We are eating together.
(5)Yura Then, l want to eat with you guys.
(6)Jinyong No! You just keep studying!
lnformal Korean
(the dialog in the standard politeness level)
(1)F ({) ^/+\^E?
(2)^ /\^E.
(3)F j+\^E?
(4)^ j=\^E.
(5)F [7=jFE.
(6)^ 5E! F/\^E!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 251BB23090108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 1st 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
Jigeum now Z
j duri the two of you, two
people together
j/, //
bab meal, rice ^/
I nado me too
gati with
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Present Progressive - -\I
-\I(go itda) is the present progressive and shows an action that is continual. lt is used
with action verbs, and tense and politeness level are expressed in the final verb \I(itda),
which means 'to be'. You can also use this grammar pattern to tell someone to be doing
' Construction
Action Verb Stem + \I(go itda)
1. =I- meokda - to eat
=- verb stem
=\I- to be eating
2.==I- mogyokhada - to bathe
==- verb stem
==\I- to be bathing
' ln This Dialog
(1)F: +\^?
(1)yura: jigeum mwo hago isseo?
(1)Yura: What are you doing now?
(3)F: j+\^?
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Lesson Code : 251BB23090108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 1st 2008
(3)yura: duri mwo hago isseo?
(3)Yura: What are you two doing?
(4)^: j=\^.
(4)jinyong: duri bap meokgo isseo.
(4)Jinyong: We are eating together.
(6)^: 5! I\^!
(6)jinyong: andwae! neo-neun geunyang gongbuhago isseo!
(6)Jinyong: No! You just keep studying!
+ More Examples +
1. 7\^E? [7I] (jigeum jago isseoyo?)
- Are you sleeping now?
2. 77/+\^? [I] (honja geogiseo mwo hago isseo?)
- What are you doing there alone?
3. hF\^E? [I] (museun norae deutgo isseoyo?)
- What song are you listening to?
4. =7\^E. [7I] (doduk-i domanggago isseoyo.)
- The thief is running away.
5. I/j97\^. [7I] (na jigeum seoul-e gago isseo.)
- l am going to Seoul now.
-I(neun jung-ida) can also be used to show the present progressive, and -\I
tends to have a more general usage.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 251BB23090108 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 1st 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Odd Couple (Part 2)
Korean Hangul
lnformal Korean
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 256BB24090808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 8th 2008
Korean Hangul
(1)F ^^I/!
(2)^ ^.
(3)F [... =ZM.
(4)^ '{^.
(5)F iI[9IrI.
(6)^ ^.
(7)F ... ^!
(1)yura jinyong-a na bap sa jwo!
(2)jinyong don eopseo.
(3)yura geureom... sukje dowa jwo.
(4)jinyong sigan eopseo.
(5)yura geureomyeon sa jib-e deryeoda jwo.
(6)jinyong silheo.
(7)yura heuk... heeojyeo jwo!
(1)Yura Jinyong, buy me food!
(2)Jinyong l have no money.
(3)Yura Then, help me with my homework.
(4)Jinyong l have no time.
(5)Yura Then, take me home.
(6)Jinyong No
(7)Yura (crying) Break up with me!
lnformal Korean
(the dialog in the standard politeness level)
(1)F ^/7//E!
(2)^ ^E.
(3)F [... =ZM/E.
(4)^ '{^E.
(5)F i7[9IrI/E.
(6)^ ^E.
(7)F ... ^/E!
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 256BB24090808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 8th 2008
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
don money
MI dowajuda to help
'{ sigan time
IrII deryeoda juda to drop off (someone),
to take (someone) to
(some place)
^I heeojida to break up, to part
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Requestive - -I
The verb Ican be used as the requestive when it's used in an imperative sentence or in
a question. The requestive is used to make a request to someone. lt is used to request an
action from someone and is used in conjunction with action verbs. The action requested is
always a request on behalf of, or for the sake of a person (the speaker, a 3rd party, etc.) or
an entity (a group, a school, etc.). The request made must be made on behalf of another
This phrase can be literally translated as "please do (verb) for (me)." The final verb I
(juda), which literally means "to give," can be conjugated according to tense, politeness
level and negation.
The final verb I(juda) can be replaced with its humbling version, EI(deurida) in this
grammatical construction. To use the humbling version, simply replace Iwith EI
and use the same grammatical pattern.
When the action itself is 'I(to give)', however, you use Ionly once.
Ex> I(x) - I(o)
' Construction
(Action verb stem) + ^/^/^I5I(boda) - to see, to watch, to look
5(bo) - verb stem 5+ ^I. (bo + a juda) 7I. (bwa juda). 7. (bwa jwo). -
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 256BB24090808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 8th 2008
Watch for me. (lmperative / lntimate Politeness Level)
9y7. (aedeul jom bwa jwo.) Please watch the kids (for me).
' ln This Dialog
(1)F: ^^I/!
(1)yura: jinyong-a na bap sa jwo!
(1)Yura: Jinyong, buy me food!
(3)F: [... =ZM.
(3)yura: geureom... sukje dowa jwo.
(3)Yura: Then, help me with my homework.
(5)F: iI[9IrI.
(5)yura: geureomyeon sa jib-e deryeoda jwo.
(5)Yura: Then, take me home.
(7)F: ... ^!
(7)yura: heuk... heeojyeo jwo!
(7)Yura: (crying) Break up with me!
+ More Examples +
1. 0! ~!
(eomma! bap hae jwo!)
Mom! Make me some food!
2. 7i7~/E.
(joheun namja sogaehae juseyo.)
Please introduce me a good man.
3. I{~.
(naeil jeonhwahae jwo.)
Call me tomorrow.
4. II/EjE.
(halmeoni saengil seonmul sa deurilgeyo.)
l'll buy you a birthday present, grandma.
5. IE... ^FE?
(joesonghandeyo... mun jom yeoreo jusillaeyo?)
l'm sorry but... would you please open the door?
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Lesson Code : 256BB24090808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 8th 2008
When this construction is used in the question along with the grammatical pattern "-
/j(E) [-l/eulkka(yo)], the speaker is asking if he/she should perform that specific ac-
tion on behalf of the other person. When used as a question, it can translated as "Should l
(verb) for you?" "Shall l (verb) for you?"
For example:
1. +?
(jiwo julkka?)
Shall l erase it (for you)?
2. I7?
(naga julkka?)
Do you want me go outside (so that you can do things in private)?
** Note
lt is also possible to say "+?" and "I7" to mean the same thing as the sentences
above, and is quite common, but it's more correct and clearer to say "+?" and "I7
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 256BB24090808 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 8th 2008
Beginner Lesson S2
The Grand Finale
Korean Hangul
Alternative Transcript
Grammar Points
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 262BB25092208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 22nd 2008
Korean Hangul
(1)9Q I5j^7}~.
(2) ^ZI~/^?
(3) ^I'^{9j=^/V?
(4)9Q ^I... +?
(5) '=Z=[97^I?
(6) ^I/=JII/y^?
(7)9Q ... {7=\^... +?
(8) {^^M! ^^SI7=!
(9) 9+... ][I=Si77!
(10)9Q ^! \I! I5jKoreanclass1019y^7/5[,=\^!
(1)Yeseul na oneul eodinga isanghae.
(2)Jiseon eoje neomu murihaeseo mom-i an joa?
(3)Janghun animyeon sueop sijak hagi jeon-e bab-eul an meokeoseo baegopa?
(4)Yeseul ani... mwoji?
(5)Jiseon hoksi sukje kkameokgo jib-e notko on geo aniya?
(6)Janghun animyeon ilhamyeonseo hakgyo danyeoseo himdeureo?
(7)Yeseul heum... mwonga kkameokgo isseo... mwoji?
(8)Jiseon geureon geon jom jeogeo nwa! an jeogeo noeunikka jakku kkameokji!
(9)Janghun ehyu... geunyang jeomsim-ina meogeureo gaja!
(10)Yeseul a! saenggaknatda! na oneul Koreanclass101-e deureogaseo komenteu namgineun
geot kkameogeosseo!
(1)Yeseul l feel strange today.
(2)Jiseon Are you not feeling good from overworking yesterday?
(3)Janghun Or are you hungry because you didn't eat anything before class?
(4)Yeseul No...What is it?
(5)Jiseon Maybe you forgot your homework and left it at home. No?
(6)Janghun Or maybe you're tired because you're working while going to school?
(7)Yeseul Hmm....l'm forgetting something...What is it?
(8)Jiseon You should write down things like that! You keep forgetting because you don't have
it written down.
(9)Janghun Let's just go eat some lunch!
(10)Yeseul Ah! l remember! l forgot to visit Koreaclass101 and write a comment!
Alternative Transcript
(1)9Q 75j^7}~E.
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Lesson Code : 262BB25092208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 22nd 2008
(2) ^ZI~/^E?
(3) ^I'^{9j=^/VE?
(4)9Q ^IE... +?
(5) '=Z=[97^I9E?
(6) ^I/=JII/y^E?
(7)9Q ... {7=\^E... +?
(8) {^^ME! ^^SI7=!
(9) 9+... ][I=Si7E!
(10)9Q ^! \I! 75jKoreanclass1019y^7/5[,=\^E!
Hangul Romanization English Synonyms
I murihada to overstrain, to
^7 eodinga somewhere
}I isanghada strange, weird
sueop class
=I kkameokda to forget ^I
' hoksi perhaps, possibly
III danida to attend 7I
{7 mwonga something 7
^^I jeogeo nota to write something
I namgida to leave
y^7I deuleogada to enter
geunyang just, just because, no
Grammar Points
Grammar Point #1 - Because - -(S)I
-(S)I(nikka) is a conjunction which is used to combine two clauses together. This
cause indicates that the first clause is the reason the second clause happened or occurred.
-(S)I(nikka) can be translated as "because," "since," or "so."
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Lesson Code : 262BB25092208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 22nd 2008
-(S)Iis used when expressing a reason, along with -9(gi ttaemune) and -/
(seo). While the other two are usually used to express reasons related to the past tense, -
(S)Iis usually used to express a future decision or a command, or when used about a
past action, to talk about something that was rightfully supposed to be that way.
' Construction
SIis attached to the end of clauses that end in consonants.
(Clause 1)SI(Clause 2)
D,j=SI, y7.
(maeun geos-eul mot meogeunikka, gimbap mandeulja)
They can't eat spicy food, so let's make gimbap.
Iis attached to the end of clauses that end in vowels.
(Clause 1)I(Clause 2).
(jigeum bi onikka usan gajeoga)
lt's raining now so take your umbrella with you.
' ln This Dialog
(8): ^^SI7=!
(8)Jiseon: an jeogeo noeunikka jakku kkameokji!
(8)Jiseon: You keep forgetting because you don't have it written down.
+ More Examples +
1. j0'I.
- (maennal sur-eul masinikka don-i eopji)
- You have no money because you drink everyday.
2. 7,jI7.
- (geojitmal-eul hanikka chingu-ga eopji)
- You have friends because you tell lies.
Grammar Point #2 - Before - -{9
This grammatical pattern is used to set a time line and expresses an actions before another
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action. This pattern emphasizes the last action in the construction. The first action is used
as to give a time reference. This construction can be translated as "before (verb1), (verb2)."
This pattern is used to connect two verbs. The politeness level, tense, negation and mood
are expressed through the second verb.
' Construction
[Verb 1 - verb stem] + {9+ [Verb 2]
Before [Verb 1], [Verb 2]
Verb 1 - 7I(jada) - to sleep
7(ja) - verb stem
Verb 2 - =I(meokda) - to eat
7+ {9+ =I
7{9=I. (jagi jeon-e meokda) - Before sleeping, eat.
7{9=\^. l ate before sleeping.
7{9=\^. l couldn't eat before sleeping.
' ln This Dialog
(3): ^I'^{9j=^/V?
(3)Janghun: animyeon sueop sijak hagi jeon-e bab-eul an meokeoseo baegopa?
(3)Janghun: Or are you hungry because you didn't eat anything before class?
+ More Examples +
1. ={9,^.
- (bap meoggi jeon-e son ssiseo)
- Wash your hands before you eat.
2. 77{9^j^E.
- (jeo-neun jagi jeon-e chaek-eul ilgeoyo)
- l read before l go to sleep.
Grammar Point #3 - And - -
(go) is used to connect verbs together. lt generally translated as 'and' in English, and it
works like the English conjunction "and." lt also used for connecting two or more clauses to-
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gether in a single sentence.
When used in for a sequence of verbs the last verb in the sequence does not carry (go).
' Construction
Verb Stem +
(Verb Stem 1), (Verb Stem 2), (Verb 3).
1. iI(syopinghada) - to shop
verb stem = i
2. =I(bap meokda) - to eat food
verb stem = =
3. 7T0'I(keopi masida) - to drink coffee
(i+ ), + (=+ ), + (7T0'I)
= i, =, 7T0'I. (syopinghago bap meokgo keopi masida)
To shop and eat and drink coffee.
Clause 1 + , Clause 2 (Clause 3, Clause 4, etc.)
*in this construction (go) is attached to the verb stem in the Clause
I(gongbuhada) - to study
7I(gada) - to go
=^), [9;^E.
(hangugeo gongbuhaetgo, jib-e gasseoyo.)
l studied Korean and when home.
' ln This Dialog
(5): '=Z=[97^I?
(5)Jiseon: hoksi sukje kkameokgo jib-e notko on geo aniya?
(5)Jiseon: Maybe you forgot your homework and left it at home. No?
+ More Examples +
1. yj=, hF9;^E.
- (chingudeul-gaho bab-eul meogko, noraebanb-e gasseoyo)
- l ate with my friends and went to a karaoke.
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2. 5, j/, 7=j79E.
- (yeonghwa-reul bogo, os-eul sago, haembeogeo-reul meogeul geo-yeyo)
- l'm going to watch a movie, buy some clothes and eat a hamburger.
Grammar Point #4 - While -ing - -(S)/
-(S)/[-(eu)myeonseo] is used to express two simultaneous actions taking place. This
can be translated as 'while.' lt can also link two clauses, which are taking action at the same
This construction is only used with actions verbs. Tense, negation and politeness level are
expressed in the final verb or clause. This construction can only be used with two simultan-
eous actions, not consecutive or subsequent actions.
' Construction
Action 1 (Verb stem) + -(S)/Action 2
Verb stems ending in consonants use -S/
=I(meokda) - to eat
=(meok) - verb stem
=+ -S/
(meogeumyeonseo yeonghwa-reul bwayo.)
While eating, l watch a movie.
Verb stems ending on vowels use -/
7I(jada) - to sleep
7(ja) - verb stem
7+ -/
(jamyeonseo malhaeyo.)
While l sleep, l talk.)
' ln This Dialog
(6): ^I/=JII/y^?
(6)Janghun: animyeon ilhamyeonseo hakgyo danyeoseo himdeureo?
(6)Janghun: Or maybe you're tired because you're working while going to school?
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+ More Examples +
1. 7=yS/~E.
- (jeo-neun eumak deureumyeonseo gongbuhaeyo)
- l study while listening to the music.
2. =S/TV 50.
- (bap meogeumyeonseo TV boji ma)
- Don't watch TV while you're eating.
Lcarn Korcan wiiI FFEE Podcasis
Lesson Code : 262BB25092208 Copyright - All Rights Reserved. September 22nd 2008

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