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The entrance of the new parliament building in Nay Pyi Taw

As Daw Aung San Suu Kyis National League for Democracy ( NLD ) and the parliaments continued to differ opinions on some wordings of oath-taking by newly elected members of parliament of the NLD, there is still no chance for elected NLD MPs to attend the parliament sessions when it resume holding on April 23 this year, said U Nyan Win, the Chief spokesman of the NLD. In an exclusive interview, U Nyan Win said the NLD has this afternoon sent ofcial letters to the President of the Union, Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw and Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal explaining the reasons behind NLDs objection to the wording namely shall safeguard the State Constitution in taking oath by the newly elected NLD members of parliament. In these four identical letters we sent to the above persons, the NLD has tried its utmost to explain why it could not take oaths swearing that its parliamentarians would safeguard the State Constitution. In these letters we also explained at length why we would rather take oath saying that we would abide by and respect the State Constitution, U Nyan Win explained adding that the NLD has made references to quite a number of relevant laws in these letters. To show that NLD is eager to break the deadlock between it and the parliaments, we also requested in these letters to call us anytime in order that we would be able to have exchange of views, said U Nyan Win. Asked whether there is any chance for the deadlock between the NLD and the parliaments over the wording of oath-taking by newly elected parliament members of the NLD, Nyan Win said: There is not much time left. Therefore I should say for sure that our elected members will not be attending the parliaments when they resume their sessions on April 23.
Political Defiance Committee (PDC) email:

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