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Lab Exercise

Computation and Problem Solving

For this exercise, your task is to create a photo viewer with locator feature. The resulting page should look something like the following:

The requirements are as follows: 1. The image at the top of the page should show a picture of one of your favorite places, with the name of the location directly below it. Under that, a Google Map with a marker pinpointing the location of the place should be displayed, along with its latitude and longitude (use the code from the Google Map demo program, sent previously). 2. When the user clicks the image at the top, the image should change to another one of your favorite places, along with the corresponding name, map marker, latitude, and longitude. 3. You should have a list of at least five favorite places that can be shown and located in the page. Whenever you click the image at the top, the output for the next place is displayed. When you click the image of the last place in your list, the first place should appear again. If you prefer, you can use buttons to go forward and backward. 4. You must use arrays for this assignment. If you have variables place1, place2, , place5, you are not doing things correctly.

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