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Mobile Data Collection Tool


Current Status Our Objectives Form Sample Solution Snapshots Enhancements

Paper Based Survey

Current Status

Our Objective

Objectives Automation of Kenya National AIDS Spending Assessment survey tools Pillar 1 - National AIDS & STI Control Program (NASCOP) MOH 731 Pillar 2 - Sectoral HIV & AIDS Mainstreaming Activity Reporting Tool Pillar 3 - Community Based Program Activity Reporting (COBPAR) Anticipated Outcomes Fast and efficient data collection process Data validation and prompt report generation Linkage to a National M&E database and Resource tracking system Automatic escalation reports on non compliant organizations Key Advantages Work offline capability Data ownership and security Deploy application to a range of devices (mobile, PDA,

Database and Synchronization Architecture

Proposed Solution

Solution Flowchart

Scenario: Data is remotely captured on a PC, Laptop or Mobile Device

Data is verified by the responsible validation officer Changes are done in collaboration with the source of data User feedback mechanism

Sectoral Mainstreaming Database Reports can be viewed according to the information management policy

More Details

Enhancements Scalability of the system: Ability to create and push new forms templates to mobile devices SMS alerts to data collection officers User reports to be queried via mobile devices Integration of HIV expenditure tracking with data gathering systems Frequently Asked Questions Mobile Phone Windows Mobile Phone Cost Approximately KES 10k (Donor Funded) Solution deployment Getting into piloting phase Scope Data collection tool and user reporting

Solution Demos


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