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Colostomy Irrigation

What is colostomy irrigation?

A colostomy is defined as an opening in the colon. When a part of your large intestine is removed or is disconnected, the new opening (colostomy) must be made in the colon for waste to leave the body. Colostomy irrigation is a way to regulate bowel movements by emptying the colon at a scheduled time. The process involves instilling water into the colon through the stoma, which stimulates the colon to empty. By repeating this process regularly once a day or once every second day the colon can be trained to empty with minimal to no spillage of stool in between irrigations. Colostomy irrigation also can help the patient avoid constipation. Colostomy irrigation is a personal decision. If you are a candidate, your doctor or a nurse who is specially trained to help people with colostomies will discuss this option with you.

Who is a candidate for colostomy irrigation?

Patients with permanent colostomies made in the descending or sigmoid portion of the colon and who had regular bowel function before having a colostomy are good candidates for irrigation. This is because their stools tend to be more formed. Colostomy irrigation may not be a successful method of regulation for persons with a history of irritable bowel or irregular bowel action. Irrigation may be cumbersome for persons with certain physical limitations, such as arthritis, visual impairment, paralysis, or palsy. Some persons find the procedure too time consuming or unpleasant. In these cases, using a reliable pouching system is an acceptable method of colostomy care.

When is irrigation done?

Colostomy irrigation may be done once a day or once every other day depending on your preference and ability to regulate your bowel movements. It generally takes about six to eight weeks for the bowel to become regulated with irrigation. It is important to establish a routine and irrigate at the same time each day.

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