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Good afternoon. Good afternoon. I need to talk with you. Do you have time? Of course. Sit down, please.

What happened? I heard rumors about a staff appraisal, and would be in the coming days. Is really going to happen? Well, that information is true, the company is considering to do a staff appraisal. In my opinion, I dont agree. I think that the staff appraisals are time consuming and provide no clear benefits. But is a proposal that we have to assess by ourselves. Its obvious!, the management wants to exploit us! The employees dont agree whit the decision, the staff appraisal is unfair, the appraisals way is not reliable, we dont have benefits and we dont want to a staff appraisal! I understand your point. You have to discuss this topic whit the Human Resources Manager. I will The staff appraisal will cause problems , and we have to reach an agreement . I will talk to the Human Resources manager and I will tell her your opinion about the staff appraisal. Ok, tranks. Bye. Bye.

Miss Mary, Can you call the Human Resources manager, please? Thanks! Human Resources Manager! Hi! Take a chair and sit down please. Hi. What happened? Just now I was preparing the most important points in the staff appraisals, that I will take the next week. Oh good job!, I finished with this a few minutes ago. I see that the system staff appraisal is working perfectly. Hey, regarding to the appraisal is there any purpose?, because I really think I do this for nothing. For nothing??, this system has been in the company for five years and you never complain about it. In the last meet we discussed the purpose of that staff appraisal, and everyone was agree. But the only clear objective in all this, is the feedback that everyone receives, and is not enough. Is better that we reward to the best employees and increase their salarys, and I tell you this, because many of my employees complained because they think it is a threat and if they do not evaluate, they could be fired . I understand your point now and you are right , we can change the system and place a new objetive, increase the salary of the employees top rated, employees who successfully complete all work goals, so they will be motivated, and they will work better for better salary. Yes, that is my point.. ok, I will say that to the production manager. And Oh! Excuse me! Hi, Oh! Miss Mary, What happened?

Ok, ja! Ok ok ok bye! What happened? Is the production manager, she wants to see me Ok. Bye! Bye! Good afternoon Good afternoon I received your message, Do you want to talk with me? yes, respect to the system staff appraisal, I think that the purpose in the staff appraisal is very poor, receive feedback dont motivate to anyone, the employees receive only complaints! I recently spoke with the Union Delegate and she said that employees are not agree with the staff appraisal. They are afraid of being fired, they feel a threat, because you never get something in return, apart from a report telling them what they need to improve. What coincidence Production Manager, I just talking about the same with the Financial Director, and we agree, I want to say you. We want to put a clear purpose in the staff appraisal. And What would be the purpose? The purpose is that the staff appraisal will reward to employees who have fulfill their jobs goals. And what would be the prize? The prize .. the prize would be an increase in salary. But What happen if all employees achieve their goals? Well, that if that happens, you have to think that the income of the company will be benefits too, so, the salaries should increase.

I really liked the idea, I will communicate to the union delegate. Oh, ok, fine. Good bye Good bye

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