Cfip Meeting Agenda

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CFIP Meeting Agenda September 26, 2011

Items to be Discussed Notes

CELEBRATIONS Grade 3 Celebrate something that you have tried out in your classroom based on our collaborative work together.
**5 minutes

Math Practices: Math Workshop What is our team rationale for moving in this direction?? Math Workshop Share any experiences, thoughts, or reflections. Unpack: Components
The Mini Lesson: 10 minutes The Rotations: 15 minutes each (Work With
Teacher, Independent Practice, Math Games)

The Reflection: 5 minutes

Spend time developing a lesson around our current unit with each of the components. For Next CFIP Implement over the next two weeks be prepared to share implications on learning. What we could use from our Administrative and SAS Team? Look at our first unit indicators and develop one piece that we could use during the independent rotation. We would really love for this to be problem solving based. Important Information
Next CFIP is October 10 SC Interdisciplinary Plans: Should be posted on U Drive for Sept 26-Oct 7 Comments and Concerns Notes

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