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Literary Festival

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Anu Taranath
Dr. Anu Taranath is a professor in the English Department and the Comparative History of Ideas Program at the University of Washington Seattle. Within her curriculum, she teaches topics on South Asian literature and post-colonial black British writers. Dr. Taranthan earned a Masters and Doctorate from the University of California, San Diego, she is a Fulbright-Hays Scholar, and she received the University of Washington 2010 Distinguished Teaching Award, presented to faculty who show a mastery of their subject matter, intellectual rigor and a passion for teaching. She also leads a study abroad program to India to show students the prevalent issues of social justice and the efforts of NGO activism. Dr. Taranath has spent much of her life traveling back and forth from the UnitedStatesandIndia.Students within her classroom in Seattle and in India are challenged to discuss the global realities to power and privilege. In Peter Kelleys UW-Seattle article written at the time Dr. Taranath received the Distinguished Teaching Award, Dr. Taranath shares her purpose and passion for initiating discussion regarding social justice. I am really interested in using literature as a springboard to help students think about the world,she said, so I use literature from Africa, South Asia and the Caribbeanfrom people of color who immigrated to the U.S. and to Britain. Her lecture, Global Literature: How Learning About 'Over-There' Helps Us Understand 'Over here,'blends the talents and voices from literature found around the world to invite conscientious readership to discuss and understand power, privilege, voice, and agency. The context and social situations in countries, cities, or villages over therecan impress upon us the meaning of our lives, our identification, and the depth to which we look to solve issues and turn to literature to expand possibilities to grow and relate.

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